‘You, Trisha, have been invited out to dinner by your long time social rival and Can’t-Be-Air-Quoted-Enough-“Friend” Jasmine. Despite some misgivings you agree to meet up, not really aware that the get together is destined to set both of your lives onto very different tracks.’
Hello, fellow Oddities.
It’s me, the “MS-DOS quality ‘hover over the moving circles to chose your action’ game” guy. I decided to teach myself a little Ren’py and how to run a Stable Diffusion image generator, and accidentally made a game.
It generally takes a bit over an hour to play through from scratch, but has seven different endings depending on your choices. Call it ~4 hours estimated playtime for the completionists out there. Lightly in the ‘life simulator’/‘visual novel’ genre. It has weight gain as a primary element, but I’m not sure I’d call it a fetish game - while there’s sometimes skin shown, it doesn’t fully cross the line into eroticism anywhere IMHO.
I owe a massive amount of inspirational credit to The Weighting Game, Fill Me Up, A Piece of Cake, Whole Hog, Tramp, and Anonymoose’s works (particularly Overstuffed). You can 99% learn to code Ren’py just by playing (and trying to dissect) those offerings, and for my money they’re some of the best stuff out there in this general genre. Any screw ups or failures are my own, but any successes I had with this game are largely from standing on the shoulders of these giants.
The game is free and feature complete. My Itch page has a paid version, too, but the only difference is that it has some optional cheat-mode stuff added in. I’m open to reports on bugs or typos that I didn’t manage to catch during my playtesting, and to finding out if it works alright on a Macintosh (I don’t have one to test the build on).
What’s next? Fix any major bugs that get pointed out, and keep hacking away at my attempt to make an incremental clicker in Ren’py. (That’s going nicely - the proof of concept is fairly stable as of now / mid January '25 - but like all programming efforts, it’s rapidly becoming obvious that I bit off more than I can comfortably chew.)
0.9.1 - Adjusted the adjudication mechanism for how Trisha’s form develops over time, which might resolve a ‘soft reset’ issue some folks have been having. Fixed a pair of minor typos and one facial expression transistion that didn’t work quite right. Added some minor hinting for when a player’s choices are going to change Trisha’s destiny from the path it’s currently on.
0.9.2 - Fixed (fingers crossed) a bit of code where it would sometimes fail to assign a ‘path’ for the second ‘week’, causing the game to rerun the first week over.
0.9.3 - Some in-house testing stuff. Not publicly released.
0.9.4 - An eighth ending was added, addressing some common requests, as was an optional scavenger hunt style puzzle/riddle that, if solved, gives Trisha a way to acquire a bit of a boost.