Vale City

You can edit the json files to make the game more easy if you want to. For anyone wondering, I have never encountered any problems with the game’s anti cheat mechanic by doing anything listed here.

  • Pull up the folder you have the game saved in, in my case, /Vale-City - 3.30 Windows/

  • Go to the www folder, then the data folder to find the jsons you’ll want to edit.

  • You might want to make a back up of the json files you edit in case you accidentally break something.

Let’s use the Item json as an example as it lists consumeables and compare two items, so open it up in notepad. Normally when you edit items, you’re going to want to Control+F to search out the names.

“name”:“Watermelon”,“note”:"<No New Game+ Carry Over>\n<Sort Priority: 18>\n<Percent Price Variable: 580>",“occasion”:3,“price”:500,“repeats”:1,“scope”:0,“speed”:0,“successRate”:100,“tpGain”:0},

name":“Coffee”,“note”:"<Percent Price Variable: 420>\n<Sort Priority: 26>",“occasion”:2,“price”:80,“repeats”:1,“scope”:0,“speed”:0,“successRate”:100,“tpGain”:0},

As you can see, the watermelon has <No New Game+ Carry Over>, which as it clearly implies, means that the item does not carry over into new game plus. However when you look at the coffee, it by default carries over to new game plus. If we remove that portion of the watermelon’s item script, we can allow it to carry over into new game plus.

“name”:“Watermelon”,“note”:"\n<Sort Priority: 18>\n<Percent Price Variable: 580>",“occasion”:3,“price”:0,“repeats”:1,“scope”:0,“speed”:0,“successRate”:100,“tpGain”:0},

As you can see, this simple change allows an item to be transferable to new game plus. By default the game will have a newgameplus+ graphic to indicate an item carries over for coffee’s instance. Items you change like this, ala the watermelon in this example won’t have that graphic via this simple change but worry not, it will still carry over to a new game.

You may have also noticed that I also changed the watermelon’s price to 0 which quite frankly also does what it implies, makes the watermelon cost 0 gold from stores.

Doing these two changes allow you to make all the consumeable foods, and other items free which eliminates money from the equation. The main change being that you can purchase infinite free pills from fetish Corp which is really great for subsequent playthroughs as being in a form allows you to ignore your fullness stat and you can just eat constantly and drink hunger increasers.

You can also edit the choco bits and chocolate trade in to lessen the grind for that side quest as well.

I’m aware that you can also edit the armors json and I tried to allow the ultimate bikinis to transfer over as well so that questline wouldn’t need to be repeated but I haven’t had much luck.

In the case of mushrooms above, I’m not sure how to make them reduce your fullness by more than 5 each time, so I just went the pill route.

I made these changes when I last played back in around May so my instructions may be a bit off. If you don’t want to chance it, you can just download my already edited item json and you can simply copy paste it in and replace the default with the changes I’ve mentioned in this comment.

Item json-