Weight Gaming Survey 2023

Hi, Mark here
Since I saw other people here doing theme-based surveys, I decided to submit mine as well, which I based on those previous ones (especially on @/Yamhead’s one), trying taking the best from it, re-adapting it, and humbly taking the reins of a project which I hope to propose again every year starting from now.
The main purpose of this survey is to collect data regarding the fanbase that populates this weight gain-themed-games community, their preferences regarding fetishes and game design choices, and that hopes to prove useful and help Game Developers to better know and understand their target audience and which is/are the current trend(s)… as well as, quoting Yamhead, “maybe some fun discussions as well:wink:
Last but not least, here’s the link to it, hoping you’ll enjoy it:

The results will be available, as usual, on the final page of the survey once completed, as well as reachable via this link: Results
The survey will be closed on December 31st, 2023 (followed by the new 2024 Survey starting right off on January 1st).


This took me like half an hour and I’m mad at myself I didn’t quit after like 10minutes. Seriously. This survey is a bit of a crime against nature.


yeah I finish food in one sitting, not surveys this long… Seems like there haven’t really been wasted questions yet at least. Also… use of “herm” is… idk. Weird? Not good.


I’m gonna say that while I also agree that this is too long, the fact there are very few optional parts of the survey makes it take even more time, so either the whole survey needs to be significantly trimmed and a couple more option questions replace old ones or its about the same length and far more optional are available, other than that es pretty gud.

why is this survey so long

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JOISY BOYS RISE UP. We out here for real



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Way too much detail. Much of these personal details could be left out and optional


I feel like most of these personal questions are irrelevant and should just be limited to sexual prefference and language skills. Everything else is too much.

Also, most later questions could be summarised as just a scale of 1 to 5, instead of a grid.
Then there are questions asking for rating 1 to 5, only to follow it with effectivly the same but only as a list.

Please sanitize the survery and reduce the time needed to complete it, if you want to gather any meaningfull data at all.


Two questions;
First - I honestly don’t think the gender politics part is necessary
Second - The fuck is finsexual? Is that the new tern for being sexually attracted to fish?


Thanks for the feedback guys, I’m taking notes of all your critiques and requests, which I’ll be implementing in the next year’s survey.

As for the survey to be terribly long to complete, I’m aware of that (and I’m sorry) and will change, as I said, with the next year’s one, but for now this one won’t undergo any major change, if it isn’t something a vast majority of you interviewees will make stand out very, very clear as problematic.

As for the gender/sexualities fields, in that case I have to admit I tried to be as inclusive as possible, but the fact that it may be “too much” for a survey regarding fetish games is definitely something that didn’t convince me either when taking inspiration from other people’s previous surveys here, and it’ll be my solicitude to modify those fields (i.e. making them optional) if a lot of you will make that stand out :+1:t2:

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Aside from the length problem (and it is a problem), I’d heavily advise changing the first line of questioning. Asking for your biological sex, even if it’s just for statistics regarding our audience group, pries more than it should and comes up as a bit rude. I know there’s an option to avoid answering, but it is a fact that really doesn’t impact anything and makes it awkward right off the bat. Asking for gender should be enough.

And speaking of gender identity… there’s really no need to specify “male (cisgender)” and “female (cisgender)”, just male and female. It would be already weird if they were two transgender counterparts, but there is just a single box called “transgender”, and that’s not a gender identity in itself to many (most) trans people. It really caught my attention because you added a ton of rarer identities, which is great, but botched it regarding the identities most trans people identify as.

I’m grateful that this survey is being made. I love this community and honestly, I’m eager to know the results myself. But I’m sure I’m not the only person that has felt (or will feel) a bit unsettled by that first page of questions. Please, see that it’s corrected.


If you make a minor change to the survey, will it clear all of the submitted survey data? I love surveys, and the long length of the questioning does not deter me, but I would like to do the survey only once and have my data saved and aggregated with the majority of respondents.

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god I want to make love to the Finnish


On this subject, there has been something that’s bothering me with certain things.

If someone is transgender, wouldn’t they rather be called by the gender they want to be(as in, a guy that’s trans would be she/her), it feels like adding all these extra terms just make it feel like it’s just for attention seeking.


If almost everything was optional, it would excuse the length. If a section I didn’t care about appeared I could skip it, instead of being forced to choose answers I barely cared about and tainting the pool of answers for that section with mediocre opinions.


I did the survey! Some questions felt unnecessary but its all ok ig.


Wow, i was not expecting it to take that long, spent like 40 minutes answering and I didn’t even do some of the optional ones


TBH I’m not gonna take the time to fill the whole thing out, it’s overly long and asks for more personal info than I’m personally willing to give away.

But I thought you might like to know that if you’re intent on asking about biological sex for some reason, the term “herm” is very outdated and sometimes considered offensive, the proper modern terminology is “intersex”.


I’m a sucker for surveys so consider it done, but it’s true that most of the questions should have been optional. More pople would be willing to fill it out then.