Weighting Game 0.8 testers

id love to if youre still looking!

Id be down to test it out

I would be absolutely honored to test run this newest build.

I would happy to be a tester

Id love to be a tester

Sure, would be honored to take a look at it, Does the process involve generating code to resolve bugs or finding the bugs in need of resolving in the first place? I’m a Computer Engineering major so I have more experience with C++ rather than Python but I would gladly try to help out to the greatest extent possible.

Wow this got absolutely flooded. Would love to help out testing if possible if I’m not way too late to the party. I used to post in the bug threads on the old Patreon.

I’m hereby applying, not that it seems like there’s a lack of applicants :wink: I’ve never seen a thread with this many returners or new accounts. Quite impressive.


This may be the single most popular topic on the site XD

I’d be Remiss if I didn’t offer to help with testing, but with everyone who has replied I am confident you have enough. Thank you for continuing to work on the game!

It might be cheating but I’d also like to give another vote for Krodmadoon. If anyone deserves a chance to see the newest version its gotta be them!




Sure, I’m up for testing. The timing is ideal as my evenings have been cleared out for this week.

Been a while since I last booted up The Weighting Game… *blows dust out of the memory card*

I think the entire website has offered to help at this point but I may as well throw my hat in the ring. I’ve made a couple of games, although nothing near the Weighting Game’s level. I have a lot of spare time too.

I… I also want to help with testing…

Since I’ve got experience as a beta tester for other games, I’d most certainly be happy to help test out this one too

Hey there! I have experience with Beta Testing for some smaller games on here and bigger games elsewhere (mostly through having been a backer/early access player, haven’t been paid for it lol). I don’t have a ton of experience with Renpy, but I do have a knack for breaking games which is, I’ve been told, a good quality for a QA tester to have.
I also have experience in editing, writing, and this specific sort of WG kink fic content. I did, admittedly, just make this account, but I’ve lurked the forum for a long time and was on your ko-fi before it kicked the bucket. Would be thrilled to help test this out!

looks like u have enough testers but I’ll throw my hat in

I would like to be able to test and help as best as possible

Would love to enter as well got the discord account and pc. Been a huge fan of da game so i would like to apply too
Discord user name
Got a pc win 10
So feel free to reach out bois

Hey there! made an account so I could maybe have a chance to be a tester. Been a fan since 0.4 !

I would like to join the test!