WG Mud

I posted in another thread about this, but I thought maybe my project should have its own thread. I’ve got a working early version of a weight / stuffing MUD. I’d love to have a creative person as a partner and someone who can contribute feedback.

Sample gameplay (not actual gameplay) is included below. I would be happy to explain the tech stack, URLs, and general design considerations.


[i][font=courier]Welcome to Lantern!
By what name do you wish to be known?


Did I get that right, Loramore?


New character.
Enter a password for your character.

Re-enter your password.

What is your gender? (M/F)


Welcome to Lantern!
0) Exit and Disconnect

  1. Enter the Game
  2. Help me!
    Make a choice:


The Foyer of the Grand Hotel
You are in the foyer of the Hotel. How you got here, nobody knows. How
you leave is equally a mystery.
[ Obvious Exits: N, E, W ]
A chandelier hangs overhead.
A fountain bubbles merrily in the center of the room.


You are carrying:

take fountain

The fountain: You can’t take that!


The Dining Room of the Grand Hotel
[ Obvious Exits: W ]
A table full of food stretches before you.
Davkas is here.

look at Davkas

Davkas is a tall man with a bit of stubble on his face. He’s got some extra pounds
around his midsection.

say Hi

You say, ‘Hi’
Davkas says ‘Hi Loramore.’

You curtsey gracefully.
Davkas bows deeply.

say What are you doing today?
You say, ‘What are you doing today?’
Davkas says, ‘Just hanging out, eating.’

look at table
The table contains:
[100] Hamburgers
[15] Tacos
[203] Cheeseburgers
[51] Chocolate Shakes

take shake from table
You take a shake from the table.

drink shake
You drink a chocolate shake.
Davkas drinks a chocolate shake.

take 10 hamburgers from table
You take 10 hamburgers from the table.
Davkas takes 3 tacos from the table.

eat hamburgers
You eat a hamburger.
Davkas eats 3 tacos… a button pops off his pants as his belly swells outward!

feed davkas hamburger
You force-feed Davkas a hamburger. His belly bulges out!

You laugh.
Davkas chuckles.

emote pats Davkas’s belly.
Loramore pats Davkas’s belly.
Dakvas burps loudly.

You are carrying:
[8] a hamburger

drop 2 hamburger
You drop 2 hamburgers.

give hamburger to Davkas
You give a hamburger to Davkas.

go west
You leave west.

The Foyer of the Grand Hotel
You are in the foyer of the Hotel. How you got here, nobody knows. How
you leave is equally a mystery.
[ Obvious Exits: N, E, W ]
A chandelier hangs overhead.
A fountain bubbles merrily in the center of the room.


The Casino
[ Obvious Exits: S ]
The pitboss is here, running the games.
The dealer is here, ready to take your wager.
An ATM is here on the wall.
A waitress is here, selling cocktails.

buy cocktail
You buy a cocktail.

drink cocktail
You drink a cocktail. You feel a little bit drunk.

bet 100
The dealer says, ‘You don’t have enough money!’

You have 50 dollars with you and 2000 dollars in the bank.

withdraw 50
You withdraw 50 dollars.

bet 100
You wager 100. Your hand is 11. The dealer shows a 9.

hit stick > wager 100
You already bet. Hit or Stick?

hit stick > hit
You get a 9. You have 20. The dealer has 19. You win 100 dollars.

go south
The Foyer of the Grand Hotel
You are in the foyer of the Hotel. How you got here, nobody knows. How
you leave is equally a mystery.
[ Obvious Exits: N, E, W ]
A chandelier hangs overhead.
A fountain bubbles merrily in the center of the room.

The Nurse’s Station
This is the place to come when an ailment strikes you.
[ Obvious Exits: E ]
Davkas is here.
A bottle of Tums has been left behind.

say What’s wrong?
You say, ‘What’s wrong?’
Davkas points to his belly.
Davkas says, ‘Belly ache.’

You roll on the floor, laughing.

You are Loramore. You are 25 years old.
You have been playing for 1 hours.
You have 200 dollars with you and 1900 dollars in the bank.
You are 5 feet 4 inches tall and weigh 162 pounds.
You have a BMI of 24, which means you are slightly overweight.
You are not hungry or thirsty. You are slightly drunk.

Things for sale here:
[ Infinite ] A bottle of slimfast

Yes, buy… but buy WHAT?

buy bottle
You buy a bottle of slimfast.

drink slimfast
You drink the bottle of slimfast… you feel thinner!

You are Loramore. You are 25 years old.
You have been playing for 2 hours.
You have 200 dollars with you and 1900 dollars in the bank.
You are 5 feet 4 inches tall and weigh 152 pounds.
You have a BMI of 17, which means you are thin.
You are not hungry or thirsty. You are slightly drunk.

You have the following achievements:
Casino Winner: Win a game in the casino
Casual Drinker: Have an adult beverage
Crash Dieter: Drink a Slim-Fast Shake

The following players are online:
Loramore - The Nurse’s Station
Dakvas - The Nurse’s Station
Warrax (AFK) - The Upstairs Lounge
Alinys - The Bakery

The Nurse’s Station
This is the place to come when an ailment strikes you.
[ Obvious Exits: E ]
Davkas is here.
A bottle of Tums has been left behind.

take Tums
You take a bottle of Tums.

You are wearing:
A Dallas Cowboys Hat
An ‘I Love Thanksgiving’ Sweatshirt
A pair of jeans

Ok, friend… come back soon!


How does one reach this hidden land of WG Mud? Seems like a semi-online game crossed with a text adventure…how do we get there?

Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes!

I was literally just telling a friend that I wish there were some sort of social WG game, like a MUD or something, and came here to see what was up with that MUCK, even though the MUCK doesn’t seem like a game so much as f-list via a MUD client.

I’m not sure that I’m a “creative,” person, per se, like I don’t write or post stories anywhere or anything, but I did get my college degree in writing, and I do roleplay. If it helped get things moving, maybe I could help with editing or fleshing out placeholder text until you get someone a bit more qualified?

Hit me up via PM or something if that sounds okay, I guess. Otherwise, godspeed, I can’t wait to see a live version of this.

If you feel the need, I can create your own board for the project. Just let me know.

Take my money and let me play it!!!1!!1!!!111!! :wink:

This looks like a really well made game, can’t wait to play it

What features exist to stop someone from going on a force-feed rampage while I’m trying to roleplay? Or to stop interactions with a theoretical "guy I don’t like’ in general?

(we must negotiate our kinks even in videogames… Remember; consent is sexy!)

Or is it?

I spent time today getting in-game bulletin boards working and readable.

As far as your concern she about rampages, I’m open to suggestions. I thought maybe a consent option to allow some commands. I have planned a “block” or “ignore” feature to prevent harassment.

I will post the development URL soon. You won’t have to download anything to play but you’ll need a browser that supports web sockets, so not mobile… Chrome and Firefox is what’s I’ve been using.

"Block and/or “ignore” works well for ignoring certain people on a rampage. Additonally, you’ll probably want some kind of ‘safeword’ players can toggle, so that feeders-for-life can ignore any feed attempt anyone makes on them. Cause there’s always gonna be that one person who wants to make fat, and never get fat.

Additionally, if you ever implement something like feeding machines or similar that traps players for long periods of time, you’ll want ‘safeword’ to pop them out of said machine if their tormentors suddenly disconnect.

Yes. Even if it is consensual non-consent. A player can consent to something that their character doesn’t, for example. But we need a way to say no to things, and have the MUD respect that.

I tried playing several so-called MUD games. At least these two games had a concepts of food, body weight, and stomach capacity: Avalon, Aardwolf.

In Avalon it is possible to eat foods. If you r not hungry it says “u dont feel particulary hungry but gluttony is a harsh master so u start eating” and also it describes eating process in great detail. Sadly it appears that food does not have any effect on character weight in Avalon until u reach certain level. And reaching this certain level proved too difficult & boring for me.

In Aardwolf MUD game it is somewhat necessary to eat. Being fed improves health regen. There is “fullness” stat as well. And also if I remember correctly they have thirst stat and its necessary to keep character hydrated. While Avalon is SO HARDCORE I almost could not play it at all, Aardwolf is somewhat playable. Though I stopped playing it because they have some sort of bug which prevents me from receiving the list of locations. I had fun feeding my character with foods until its 100% full but I had not observed its weight change. Either the weight is not changeable at all or maybe I overlooked something.

I know other MUD games have food, fullness and weight implemented to some extent. I wonder if u gathered inspiration from such gaems.

The URL is:

Use a browser that supports web sockets or you’re gonna have a bad time.

It’s a dev site so the app will be unstable. It may be up one second then down the next.

All are welcome to visit.

Should we use an Internet-esque name for our character or a IRL-ish name? For standards?

Names should single-word first names. Something short is probably easier so it’s less typing for others. Names with adjectives is not a good idea. “BigFatJo” would. E bad because your character might be short and skinny (at least when you start).

The game is up but the servers will shut down at some point when theres no activity or there’s a crash bug. For now, any and all feedback is welcome.

Hmm, I guess then there was no activity or it crashed, because its down right now.

Well this project is kill

There are a crash bug in the game for datetime tracking. I’ll fix it tomorrow. Another priority is to find a permanent host. I need to add a vending machine or something to dispense food. I have a few more obvious bugs to fix. I think there’s a lot of creative aspects that are incomplete but that’s going to be the fun part to build.


I got some bugs out today. I also added a vending machine that dispenses donuts. The in-game board is working again so I will try to post here and there about progress. NPCs have been started but work remains to be done.

Err, how do you use the vending machine?

Generally, you get instructions about how to use a special object by looking at it, so “look at vending” or “look vending” would get a description. “Vending list” will list the items for sale. That vending machine will sell 2 kinds of donuts. Typing “vending buy donut” should dispense a donut for $1.

So the pattern for most commands is like “eat donut” but specials like vending machines, atms, postmasters, etc is .

Luckily, the game will pay you some money (I forget them amount) every minute.

I look forwards to giving this a try, if I can get on at a time when it seems to be running. So far I’ve only ever gotten the ‘No application seems to be running here’ when using the link posted earlier, but hopefully I’ll get a chance to try it out next time you have it up.