Whole Hog - Version 1.5.1 (Bugfix) Update (PC and Mac) Now on Patreon! Version 1.4.2 now linked here for free!

@Curves_Conniseur That was originally going to be the name of the assistant, I ended up changing it, but must have missed one!

Edit: Actually I believe that was going to be the name for Danielle at first, then it was Sara, until I settled on Danielle. All the characters went through a few iterations before I settled on the final story.

Progress continues, almost all the “full scene” renders are done, then we’re on to coding!



Still not dead!

I have made progress on the fugly buttons!

The border will highlight blue when you hover your cursor over it, the words with white backgrounds have been replaced with pictographic representations.

Profile Pic = will lead you to Danielle’s door
Tv with controls = Living room
Door = out to driveway or into the apartment
Bed = bedroom, in the bedroom it equals sleep
Table = Dining room
Utensils/cake = kitchen
Home = Is in the same spot, top right, but now represented by a picture of the apartment.

I like having the home button as it is my debug option to back myself out of any badly coded corners.

The beautification of the buttons would absolutely have not been possible without @jarlewski! Thank you very much!

The pieces are set; images rendered, story written, buttons fixed. Now comes the coding. I am able to devote about 8 hours a week to the coding/bug hunting so we are hopefully looking at a release soon. I may extend it as I am notorious at cutting the bug hunt short and I would like to release a version with fewer bugs than the last, that means I’m learning something lol.

A few old “Patreon Only” images will be posted here next week as a thank you for everyone’s continued patience.

That’s all for now,


I like the updated buttons compared to the old arrow system. I will admit I had no idea what two of the areas were looking at the picture initially. The tv and door, while obvious what they are now to me, I didn’t realize were those things. I don’t know how much work it is (and I would wait to see how it feels in game) but adding like a little banner with the word “Living Room” or “Kitchen” that comes up at the bottom of the image when highlighting it might be a good thing to do. I like the items or images shown for the different rooms, but I wonder if it also might be clearer to just have a small render image of the background you already use for those rooms as the image shown for the buttons.

Either way I like them much better than the WIP white background and black text arrows I look forward to seeing them in the update.


That’s a great idea, adding a banner is easier, but using the background images might make the most sense! Thanks!


Hi wholehog919 I really love your game I was wondering if you are open to have people help you code your game? I wasn’t sure if this was asked before.

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Sorry for my lack of presence here lately. Rest assured progress is being made. If I am able to keep up the same pace, I’d say we are 1 - 2 weeks out from the next release! Which means 1.3 will be posted here for free.
With that being said, here are the (very late) images I said I’d post.

I spoiler blocked them in case you don’t wanna see.

This is how she’ll look at the end of the next update at the start of the next “reveal” scene.

This is a one off character that shows up at the end of version 1.3. She’s in about three scenes

This is a scene from the reveal scene in 1.3

(The stuffing option is only available in the patreon release as part of the 1.4 version.)

Sedentary activities are a major stress reliever says 5/5 made up physicians.

That’s all for now!

  • HH

@bobdeal66 I sent you a DM, short version I am open to have people help with problems I am stuck on, but I’d prefer to input all the coding myself. I’m weird like that lol.


They are not spoiler’d fyi

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:astonished: :dizzy_face: :upside_down_face:

Thanks @Krodmandoon!

Should be fixed now…lol

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Yeah looks good thanks. I’m sure someone else other than me doesn’t like spoiler or teaser images and appreciates it being blurred. Probably…. :smirk:.

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Did you have an download link on googledrive?
My MEGA need a VIP to download more

@Krodmandoon You never know lol!

@QAQ_OWO I do not currently, but I can try for the next release!


Great news. Thank you for the information.

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Love the images! Thank you!

Yo my computer broke so I gotta restart everything on joi play and when I went to get this one I tapped on the thing to bring me to the game but it just brought me back to the selection screen, does anyone know if there is a fix for this?

@Scabbers unfortunately I am unfamiliar with joi play and how it interacts with VNs, so I’m not going to be much help.

But in other news the 1.4 update will be posted on Patreon today!

A few notes:

  • The chat options are still fairly limited to weight gain topics, but there is some more background on her mom in there.

  • The work routine is still boring.

  • There is one new activity in the 1.4 version

  • I recommend starting the game over, as there have been slight tweaks to the “Kim/Bakery” storyline.

  • There are a few more “one off” full scene renders in there. Let me know if the transition is too jarring.

  • I have been unable to recreate an infinite loop error some players are receiving. If it continues in this version I will do my level best to get that resolved!

I’m sure there is more I forgot to mention…

That’s it for now, stay tuned!

Edit: It’s now live on Patreon! Thank you everyone for the bug reports and advice on past versions and I’m sure on this one (I tried my best lol). Special shout out to @jarlewski for help with the buttons! I kept them the same but I will be changing them to the background images as previously suggested in the next update. V1.3.5 will be posted here for free soon as well!


Nice. But could you tell me please how I navigate with these new buttons? For me I only can change the rooms and sleep and cook but no possibility to talk with Danielle or invite her.

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It’s an oversight, the button was not appearing to interact with Danielle. It is being fixed and a new version will be uploaded with a fix keep an eye on patreon.

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Oh ok. Thought I was missing something

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The new link has been posted, not a great first step, but hopefully the content makes up for it!

Edit: NOW it should be fixed! Jeez…I missed my mark of “minimal bugs” by a mile! Talk about a buggy launch. Mea culpa!

After the next two hours, I won’t be able to fix bugs in the script until Monday, that’s my next chunk of dev time.

I can offer support through here and patreon, but I won’t be able to do a “hands on” bug patch till then.


Thank you so much for the great update.

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