Whole Hog - Version 1.5.1 (Bugfix) Update (PC and Mac) Now on Patreon! Version 1.4.2 now linked here for free!

The latest non patreon one I think. I just downloaded it yesterday.

Gotcha, I’ll pull that code open and see if i can trouble shoot it! I believe I had that fixed for 1.4 so I should be able to fix it quick

Whether it’s the same thing or not I don’t know, but I’m hitting a point where Danielle is suddenly accusing me of saying I “don’t like” the weight she’s gained… which has never happened…

(This is also in 1.3.5.)


It’s semi related, it can also be due to other factors involving the dinner scene.

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Hey so first time I am playing through the game and I am enjoying it but a bit confused, she keeps telling me to stop “weight watching her” altough I have given positive responses every time to her gains?

Edit: so I started over and did the chat command alot more and that seems to have solved it, still pretty wierd.

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Yes that does seem to fix it in the versions that have this bug. Spending more time doing activities while not giving Danielle any additives with dinner seem to help not encounter it as well from what I remember. I would assume it’s related to some internal variable not being high enough when Danielle hits the next weight stage. As for me I think it only ever happen going to the first transformation event.

Long story short, the tone/direction of each stage change scene is impacted by just one variable that tracks her happiness/acceptance with getting fatter. As far as I can tell, it starts low and can only be built up by using the chats and going on dates and giving her the most positive or supportive responses every time. However, there are 2 ways to decrease it: bad responses (obviously), and the appetite stimulant. The appetite stimulant (or not talking to her enough) are what I’m sure get a lot of people, because she acts as if you’ve been nagging her about her weight, when in reality you were kind but she just has a lot of self-loathing from pigging out. It can be a bit confusing because the narrative treats these as the same event.


I really loving the update so far, and i am curious about the “aunt” and the MC’s backstory…

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@Somedude755 That is a narrative error on my part. @Krodmandoon and @CreatureFeep are correct as you figured out. The Chat and activity options give you the chance to bolster her confidence. The use of the appetite stimulant, however, makes her feel bad for going “overboard” and results in that dialogue. This is one of the things I hope to iron out in an upcoming update.

@Curves_Conniseur Thanks! There may or may not be a flashback planned that gives some detail about the MC’s ex.



I had a poll over on patreon, and the vote was to pause the story in favor of rounding out the early game. Things that will be added to the game for 1.5 as previously mentioned:

While the poll was running I was working on making the “work” sprites for the game.

Also a Halloween comic is coming to patreon. I purchased some new tools/morphs I am trying out and a comic is a good way for me to test them.

That’s all for now!


If you are renovating anyway, might I suggest doing something, so that the skip option stops in the hallway, instead of when going to bed.


good job on the work for 1.4.2 it good keep up the great work


@PRO_MASTER360 Thank you! I appreciate it.

I have a mini-update:

I have been working on a Halloween comic that is almost done and should be posted later today on Patreon. It’s 39 frames. I did something different text-wise this time, I put it on the side instead of underneath, I kinda like the change.

I had purchased new morphs and was trying out different things as far as posing the figure and how far I could really push it. I think I’ve gotten it down, so it’s safe to say the characters have plenty of room to grow.

I have also posed a lot of scenes that are ready to render, this is for a slight change to the “Video Game” activity.

Progress on the “Work” activity is steady, I have a lot of ideas penned and sprites rendered. I am going to tackle full scene work renders over the next few weeks.

That’s all for now!



So I don’t want to pressure you, but will Cindy be returning soon? And will she be an option to date or just a side character when she comes back? She’s my personal favorite so far.

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@fatlovethrowaway No worries! I can confirm that Cindy will return, but unfortunately she won’t be a dateable character. Without going into to much detail, she will return in future story updates as kind of an antagonist.

As far as progress goes, I have most full scene renders posed for the office activity. There will be just over forty full scenes for the office. I still have to render them though.

After that I’ll be posing scenes for another new activity. So progress is chugging along!

That’s all for now!


Hello, I just had a quick question. I have recently downloaded version 1.3.5 and I was just curious as to if it added anything different from version 1.2 or if it’s just supposed to be a bug fix type update

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All main release versions are number as 1.0, 1.1, 1.2 etc. anything adding in another digit is related to a bug fix. 1.1.1, 1.2.3, 1.3.5 normally. So 1.3+ is different than 1.2+ and will have new content. So if you haven’t played any version in the 1.3 numbering convention you will see new content.


@Terry 1.3.5 is the most up to date free version, there should be a new stage. @Krodmandoon is 100% correct as usual. The last number represents the number of bugfixes for the particular version your playing.

I kinda suck at the naming convention lol


keep up the good work i got the latest version on patreon its pretty interesting keep up the excellent work

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I just downloaded the and started playing and for some reason the keep freezing up and I how to restart the game but it will freeze up again in the same spot and then do it again later in a different spot what am i doing wrong are is there a way to fix it? But I do like what I seen so far and would love to finish it.