So I’ve been checking out the game’s updates and playing with some other people’s mods here and there recently.
I’ve been quiet as I haven’t really worked on any mod content since the last update, don’t have any set plans for a new one but I’ve been writing down any ideas I get.
I might get more active once things get (hopefully) more stable with the game’s 1.0 release next year.
Also I didn’t post this here so might as well, here’s a custom character I was commissioned to make a few months back!
head’s up for anyone interested, new update dropped and a feature that has been added is you can now make up to two custom status effects per mystery. The status effect is removed once the modded mystery is done, but with this you can make a real weight gain system now.
World of Horror goes on sale via steam every, spring, summer, autumn, and winter sale. Also at Halloween and New years. However with it being an early access game that is 14.99 USD that sale has never been lower then 13.00 USD.
I would recommend keeping an eye on that price as well. The game is supposed to leave early access this summer and we don’t know what it will be priced at for release yet. It could stay the same, but you never know.
Even then, when the mods first came out, there were even more limitations on what could be done. There’s still a good amount that is limited just from what modders are given access to. The custom mysteries will be really nice to use but even then those require a lot of effort to get everything going in order and with enough depth.
Dumb question with the recent posts: Anyone got any character mods that would work with this mod? I know recently that character replacer(?) mods were introduced but I havent found any floatin’ around at all.
Mod events and enemies as well as characters are pretty done, character events and old gods are coming soon, custom mysteries is currently being tinkered with rn so while we can make some now, we can make better ones soon
It’s probably something that will get added but requires defining for users to be able to use. Like the game dev does have to make a custom way for modding to work so anything they didn’t think of at the time would need to be adjusted to be viable for users to mod. Probably why old gods is the feature modding has yet to reach
I had the same issue. I had to start new game, quit out, and then look in %localappdata%. It seems that the game doesn’t actually have a wohgame folder until you have an active save file.
I don’t know how much the game can be modded, but I do have some ideas for improvements if your willing to listen!
Maybe you could add a ‘Weight’ stat that would change the appearance of the character depending on how high or low it is (saw someone else suggest this but forgot who)
-Adding onto this, with this added stat, you could have more flexibility with custom events and items that would effect this stat
Maybe tinker with the stats of the custom enemies a bit more as well because it seems like a few of them are a little unbalanced
Maybe you could also make that one necklace from that one event an item you can get as well that would increase Reason at the cost of stamina?