Yet another caveduck character, but this one is a feeder

I got bored so I wanted to see how hard it would be to make a feeder chatbot. It seems to have worked fairly well, so I’m sharing my result in case anyone feels like giving it a whirl. I’ll probably get back to trying and failing to debug Town Store. Anyway, here’s Wonderwall (I’m kidding).

This is the link for the chatbot. It’s a woman called Alex, who your character is dating and lives with. She told your character that everyone she dates ends up fat, so your character bet that they wont. We’ll see about that…


Nice ! I can’t wait to try it, finding real good feeder bot is pretty hard

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Off topic, but I’ve been using recently and I find it to be better. Unless caveduck has updated. Their models seem to have shitty memory in my experience

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Indeed, the only problem with Beta Character is their censorship

Yeah I like characterAI but it’s more annoying to make good characters and they don’t have the images.


Hey, would it be possible to get the files of this character so I could possibly run it on an LLM? I think the file type would be JSON?

Like I’d be happy to provide you with that but I have no clue how to get it

To be honest, I don’t really know how to download it from caveduck, I’m not sure how caveduck works when it comes to creating a character.

If there’s enough demand I could make it so Alex can gain a little weight too as a side effect of feeding your character. It’ll depend on how many of you want it, so here’s a poll.

  • Keep her skinny
  • Have her soften but just a little
  • Let her get kinda fat too
0 voters