Yuri My Beloved - A breast expansion incremental game

I couldn’t find anything at that particular weight milestone so I had to improvise.

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Perchance, I completed this, in one sitting,at a rate of just about 2.2x per minute.

Forsooth, but this was most excellent time-killer, and I would love to see something similar again, although maybe with artistic assets, or a less expansive massage board (seriously, hated the upgardes for that thing making it so big, actually hurt my eyes a little when it was at max size / min magnification).

Maybe next time fats?

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I’m afraid I don’t really have much of a thing for fats. I prefer my characters mostly slim with bazongas large enough to be their own district. However, I’d be happy to share the code and explain what all would need to be changed in order to allow someone else to mod it.


This was a cute, fun game! Reminds me of a few others like it that I played in Flash back in the day. Not sure if there’s any particular strategy about balancing milk production versus size, or if it’s just based on player preference. Good job for doing this in Twine!

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Ah, the total amount of milk stored is 0.8x or so the total volume of the tits overall, calculating them as spheres cuz hell if I have to do more complex math than that. Then it’s just 0.05 or 0.1x of that that’s milked per click, sold for 1 dollar per cup, multiplied by upgrades.

As for strategy, I have worked very hard to make it so that the best strategy is kind of just to milk her when she’s full and buy the upgrades when you can afford them. I had to nerf the exponential milking growth to have diminishing returns once the grown amount is greater than the growth per massage spot, so that it wouldn’t trivialize massages, and strange matter ended up being too powerful so I softcapped its multiplier until getting the final upgrade.
…And then the moment the multipler was released she’d grow far too much in the next click, so I had to hardcap all growth to at most double her size per click.

Because this is an exponential-incremental game, the “cost” of anything isn’t really a cost, it’s just a milestone. Once you’ve produced your first million of a resource, you can do the next million in like 15 seconds no matter how long the first million took. Because I’ve made every upgrade a net positive, and they’re all locked behind each other, you can’t just skip em either.

This game wasn’t so deliberate as it may seem. It was an accumulation of tiny little decisions and considerations supported by growing experience from previous, much less successful game attempts. And a background in writing, that was a very important step in the process. I will make people play my porn for the plot.


What an extremely silly game…

I LOVED IT! - So simple, but it had just enough at each step of the journey to make me laugh and that makes it a win in my book! Very nicely done!

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When I saw this game I thought to myself, “Perchance this will be a nice silly game to relax to.” It was nicer and sillier than expected. Thank you.

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This game is so Dumb But it is so Fun to make a Galaxy size boobs.

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Bah, everything’s dumb. The point is to enjoy doing it.


Error in 1.1, on the Settings page:

27.5 seconds.

Error: child tag <> was found outside of a call to its parent macro <>


No, the timer doesn’t run if you’re not on the main screen. No, you don’t have to care about it. I won’t even see it unless you post it somewhere.

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Yeah, I figured that one out. I copied over the timer widget from the ending screen, but I missed that one little opening statement and it’s all gone wonky from there. It’s just a bug with the time display there, the actual timer’s ticking down like it’s supposed to and the ending will work as intended.

Alright, the timer bug (which I swear I fixed before release) is gone for good. Unless you’re working on a 1.0 save, in which case it’s gonna say you’ve played for [Number NaN] seconds but that’s literally impossible for me to fix so eh.

Nah, no softlocks here. Once Yuri produces the first milk cell, your money’s locked at a value that you can’t see but trust me, it’s large enough to buy every upgrade at the same time. The upgrade that prevents you from producing any more milk cells, on the other hand, is only unlocked by purchasing every single other upgrade and research up to that point.

Wasn’t great at balancing this but I sure did prophesize exactly the kind of shenanigans yall’d try to put it through and deny that immediately.

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Awesome game! Finished is 37min 32 seconds … 5.8x … perchance I can try to optimize for a faster speedrun. Can’t wait for your next game.

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Coolness, thanks for the guide, as it is. Been doing just that and now enjoying sexy milking in space! Can’t wait to see if there’s an upper limit. Or not.

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I made an account honestly to ask about this. I would be super willing to learn and make this mod a reality, if the offer is still up. I’ve got a bit of coding experience.

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Well, it’s surprisingly easy to hack into downloadable twine games.
With the Twine engine, you can open existing .html projects created by twine and access everything that I could. Every single number to be edited is there, and you can just as easily implement new features… if you’ve got ideas of what you want, at least.

I’d be happy to go into further detail over Discord. My account’s [redacted after like a month], feel free to drop a message (even if you’re not rigehay546).

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Alright, I’ve just finished typing up a sort-of-guide to all my code. It won’t help you with some of the specifics of Twine/Sugarcube, but it’ll tell you in which direction you need to poke to break specific things, which is about the best you can do when you’re first learning a language by modding.

Hit me up on discord for the download.

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Perfect! Sent a request on Discord. Thanks so much!

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I too made an account here just to comment on this game. I loved the ascii art and the writing the whole way through. You definitely have my attention if you perchance work on more projects.