Abducted! A WGHFY Story (V4 out Now!)

Merely curious, what sort of fat/wg-adjacent kinks are you thinking about including in this game or others?


I’ve never really been great at coming up with specifics, especially when it comes to fetish-based categories, so I guess only time will tell. However, things will likely stay fairly vanilla since I am a very basic kinda person when it comes to this kinda stuff.


Question: The amount you eat in a day is supposed to affect your stomach capacity, right? Usually what I do is eat until looking in the mirror gives me the “cartoonishly round” text, then I go back to the fridge to stuff myself since that provides maximum weight gain (from what I’ve found so far, anyway). Yet even when I get to the higher weights, it doesn’t really seem like I’m able to put down any more food than before? Like, it seems like it’s always 5 things max (minus energy bars and pastries from maintenance workers) before I have to stuff myself because the sixth thing causes me to be too stuffed to do anything at the fridge. Unless I’m just dumb and doing something wrong, is it supposed to seem like stomach capacity goes up so slowly it doesn’t feel like it does at all? Or is my method of cheesing faster weight gain keeping stomach capacity from actually going up?

EDIT: I didn’t think about this before as the way the save menu is threw me off from trying this (not blaming you for that, as I’m sure that’s just how the thing is and this game is my first experience with it), but after save-scumming it, I realize I might have been a little to quick to jump to assumptions on how it works, as it definitely feels like my character is able to eat more now. Sorry! :sweat_smile:


Alrighty, I was writing something up to explain the stomach mechanics in play. I figured I may as well still post it for those interested in the code under the game’s hood:

With the way I programmed it, stomach stretching only really kicks in when you go over your maximum capacity which, in the code, means going into negative values. Normally food coma kicks in at around x-0.25 your stomach’s capacity (So -2.5 at your starting capacity). So if you eat until you reach food coma, you are guaranteed to have stomach stretching. However, with careful measurements and cheeky strategies, you can use easily take advantage of this system to eat as much as possible each day by getting as close to overstuffed as you can, then eating something really big (such as by going to the doctor).

The game also takes note if you eat little to nothing in the game, and will shrink your stomach accordingly. This mechanic was somewhat haphazardly slapped on for no particular reason other than to have it, but I may try to look into ways to find a gameplay usage for this for future games.


Yoo, that’s actually really interesting! So does stuffing yourself at the stasis fridge add on to (or, I suppose subtract from) that value as well then? I imagine it would but I have no idea how it does, if that is the case


Using the Stuffing Yourself option is actually one of the less effective ways to stretch your stomach, since it will fill your stomach to exactly the Food Coma point and no higher. However, one of the last updates changed the fridge around, so that there is a set limit to the amount of food that is in the fridge. That means that if your stomach capacity is high enough to eat all the food in the fridge and have room for more, then you will be able to eat more and go about your day.

This change acts as a bit of a double-edged sword. On one hand, it means that you don’t have to click nearly as much at higher capacities, since you can just skip most of the clicking by stuffing yourself. On the flip side, it also sets a limit to how high your capacity can be, since the fridge now only has a limited amount of food, and you have only so many actions each day. Especially at higher weights, since certain milestones increase the amount of “energy points” (of which you have 15 as of the latest update, though it used to be 20) you spend on each action.


That… actually makes sense in retrospect. Though if that is the case, the fact that your character gains weight a lot quicker if you stuff yourself after eating to nearly being stuffed would probably be an unintentional effect of stuffing yourself.

One more question: do you have to be a certain weight to meet the doctor for the first time? Or is it just a random slim-chance event that can trigger a single time at any point while playing?


Yeah, the event that gives you access to the Doctor becomes possible to get after you reach 144 lbs. It was higher in the first version or so when she was implemented, but then I decided that I should bring it down to the first WG stage.


Really liking the game so far, especially visiting the doc while already too stuffed to eat much else. I did notice a couple of things along the way.

Turns out stuffing yourself leaves stuff in the fridge intact, and the stuff yourself option is still available. I can see this getting ridiculous, and I’m currently working my way up to the point where I can possibly stuff myself eight times to see if that gets rid of the option finally.

Exercise doesn’t seem to take away stamina, it just goes on for as long as you want to. Set up an autoclicker, and you can watch yourself go from close to immobility all the way to below your starting weight in a day. Weight doesn’t update until you rest, which I’m assuming is intended.

Visiting the doc while literally fatless can still bring up the measuring event, which still describes you as pleasantly squishy. I know this is just because there’s only one variant for all weights, and not many people would even want to lose weight in the game, but it’s still a little ridiculous.


Oops, oops, and I should probably make an event for if you show up to the doctor underweight. Hopefully the code isn’t too far gone for a bit of heavy tweaking.

EDIT: Here is a patch that fixes almost all of the issues I think

WGHFY V3.5.zip (164.7 KB)


Fridge is kinda fixed now. It successfully removes pastries, but not sandwiches when you stuff yourself. Amusingly, it still takes into account the amount of sandwiches left, meaning with enough stomach capacity I can eat all but one sandwich, clear out the cupcakes, then continuously stuff myself with one sandwich at a time until food coma hits.

Exercise is fixed, and wow, only a pound lost per day of full exercise, including rolling the treadmill experiment. Really hammers in the futility of losing weight in a research station of aliens fully intent on experimenting with human fat accumulation.

Doc measuring you now always brings up the underweight variant, no matter what weight you’re at. I noticed it actually loads one event, then another immediately afterward before it even loads the text of the first. Still ridiculous, but there’s something incredibly appealing about Dr. Halessie telling you you’re still too thin and need to eat more despite being one step away from immobility.

Also a bit confused as to what the new event chain is, unless it’s the panelha thing mentioned earlier. Probably should’ve brought that up in my first post, but I didn’t see anyone else asking so I figured that might’ve been it or I would otherwise come across it at some point. But now I’m pretty curious if that’s just a thing that broke too or not.


The newest Wander Event chain is that you can now try to make your way into the cafeteria.

Hopefully this patch here fixes everything. I can’t fully test the Doc Measuring at this current time due to time constraints. But if it isn’t fixed now, it should be fixed soon.

EDIT: I forgot something, here’s a ninja patch to properly fix that last event that I added. Turns out I forgot to fully implement it. Whoops.

WGHFY V3.6.zip (164.7 KB)


I’d love to see some post-immobility content at some point down the line. Maybe Dr. Halessie moving in and personally seeing to it that you remain well-fed?


Yup, everything seems to be working as intended now. Not a bug in sight! …well, there is a missed detail I remembered wanting to check but never actually paying attention to. Once you burst out of your clothes at 400, going back to an earlier weight through sheer determination and lack of eating leads to the descriptions still saying your clothes are still on and intact. Going back to the threshold doesn’t display the clothes breaking event again and once more you’re described as being in just underwear.

Just doing that gives me an idea for future content as well. Say you decide to finally lose some weight and go running in the halls, eating nothing or just a single sandwich. You pass by one of the aliens, maybe the doc, who offers you something to eat. Ravenous, you eat it up, and maybe some more once they offer. Or you try exercising when you’re low on energy (especially at higher weights), collapse on the spot, and are tended to (read, fed lots) by one of the researchers to ensure you return to a more healthy state. Truly lose the capacity to return to your once slim self, or even a more manageable weight that isn’t fondled by these aliens whenever possible.


could use a Bar to tell how stuffed you are. so I can better tell if the max amount is growing


well I hit immoble a decent start but I feel it can go farther I mean the aliens are already looking to be interested in weight gain I can’t see them looking in to how far humans can go naturally. and Then seeing how far they can push them. by this I mean making some kind of feeder room to see how fat the player can go just from the food till they hit this fat plato (where the food needed to stay fat is all they can possibly eat) and then seeing what ways they could use their science and tech to push the player past it


I was kinda thinking of an ending where, if you’re too compliant in the alien’s research that when the soldiers come to try and rescue you, the tables turn on them. The soldiers’ genders of course remaining ambiguous.

Maybe that’s already in though and I just wasn’t paying enough attention.


It isn’t from what I can see. Been compliant to a fault in my runs, not a single refusal or act of rudeness. But I can see a Stockholm Syndrome ending, where the pc ends up being too into being researched and begs the soldiers to let them stay with the aliens. Maybe a sort of unstable, awkward peace treaty comes about from this as well, with some of the general populace actually gaining weight for their otherworldly suitors in the coming years.


Alright, so a bit of an update. I’m probably going to be taking a bit of a mental health break for the forum for a little while to refresh and re-motivate. I’ve put together a fresh new update for everyone in the meantime, so I hope you enjoy:

WGHFY V4.zip (166.7 KB)

After I’m able to confirm that this update isn’t broken, I’ll probably be back in a month or so, depending on how things go. Perhaps I’ll come out with an even bigger update by the time I come back, or I’ll have finally put together another game that I’ve been toying around with by then. But in the meantime, my brain is too clogged with dopamine for my own good, so I need to just take a step back.

Thank you for understanding, see you all Soon™.


Potential game breaker, but it remains to be seen. Gotta love tag closing.

Edit: hunger check also seems to be broken. I’m stuffed and I can’t sleep due to being starving.

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