Abducted! A WGHFY Story (V4 out Now!)

Is there anything to this game besides ‘eat until you hit 750 pounds and then you’re immobile, game over’? Cuz that’s all that ever happens besides a few repeating events whenever I try this game.

In the original/base game, yes that is all there is to it.

I started working on the game and added more scenes/events and endless play after 750 pounds. Follows the same concept of random events however.

It is handful of posts up for the current version (top of that post) if you are curious about it.


Hi!! I made an account just to say that I’m very impressed with the work you’ve done continuing this project. It feels so much more fleshed out, and I’m enjoying the additional scenarios :slightly_smiling_face:

Helping out the various aliens and the doctor being your “in” and gradually becoming more popular/accepted with the alien community really gives them game a nice positive, appealing trajectory after the original version’s darker, hard cutoff ending. It’s actually a really nice little endless play comfort game now.

It’s rare to see the torch picked up on a game by a new caretaker, and added to in a way that feels perfectly natural as a continuation and enhancement of the first iteration. Also really loving your writing style and the ability to customize your gender and species descriptors. You’ve done great work in such a short time!

After seeing some descriptive scenes where the PC gets a little flustered by their body, or the doctor and other aliens get especially touchy, I was thinking…are there any plans to add any optional romantic scenes or even solo lewd content in the future?

I have a loose idea for a type of repeatable event but I wouldn’t want to throw it out there if that’s outside the tone or comfort zone of what you’re looking to add to the game.


You are too kind, thank you for your post.
The game will continue to have an over all positive vibe.

However! Story/New Chapter events are gonna be pretty dark/serious for the most part (Not all). Chapter 3’s transition will give a good example of varying degrees of ‘comfort’ compared to what I have done so far . I am not sure if I will to include it in the True 0.5 release since its rather different and the Zone 3 isn’t ready anyway. (Releasing Test Run of 0.5 after this post)

In terms of lewds proper, I am most likely gonna stay away from. I just feel time would be better spent elsewhere since it can be more controversial and I am trying to please as many people as possible.

(COMBO) However! Wholesome romantic stuff is 100% gonna be a thing for people who want it. You will actually see the beginning of it with this release, funny enough considering the timing of your post.

Once again, thank you for kind words. This is a new experience for me, but I am just trying to make people happy so that meant a lot.


Thanks for the reply! I’ll look forward to seeing what you add next!


Hello ferns.

This can be viewed as the full Version 0.5 release content wise, just may have bugs. Will change it later as I fix anything that pops up.

Abducted Plus+ Version 0.5 (Test Run)


Changelog is below notes

Notes: So Version 0.5 is personally a big release for me. Pretty much because it is what I had in my brain case for as a game that could match Somchu’s original run of Abducted in terms of content. It is not my place to make that judgement call if I succeeded or not. But It seems people are enjoying it.

With Somchu’s permission of course, I would like to move to Abducted Plus+ to its own forum topic with this release after it has been tested. If this is allowed, all my disclaimers in game, in thread and links to this original threat will remain of course. I did not make Abducted, I merely adopted it after all.

Reasons being a few things. I would like to have a consistent latest version at the top of the topic, with a nice link to previous versions and their change notes, also to expand the tags attached to the post. I also would like to start sharing a link to the game from another website or two that should like it., having my main post in the middle of a topic would be confusing for this purpose I think.

Be it you are okay with it or not Somchu, let me know~ Plus+ is only here because of you after all.

*New to this version (I may have forgotten a few things, so something new that’s not listed may pop up).
Let me know of any bugs you find

Known bugs:
-You can return to “update” menu before making your character. Doesn’t do anything, but its fixed up.
-You get double coffee from using just sugar, fixed up for next release.

—New Exercise system: So exercise now works for weight loss, but does come with another benefit to post treatment PCs. It gives you a very small chance to permanently recoup a very small amount your lost max energy. You lose more max energy per weight level, so you can regain more as new weight levels come out. (You get a small stamina tidbit with a line break for when it happens and are not capped on what you can regain). ‘Push it to the limit’ option has a 25% chance to show up. Which has a chance to regain stamina at higher rate of occurrence for the same energy cost as hitting exercise again, but does burn off more poundage.

This really should be treated as something that you work into your PC’s routine every once in awhile or as you see fit. It may lead to you consistently getting an extra action when maxed or two if energy numbers line up nicely. But you will lose a lot of weight over the whole course of regaining your stamina. So you could technically spam exercise everyday until you capped, but if you are well above 750-800 you are gonna lose a lot of poundage. If I my fail safes are put in correctly, you should not be able to go back to pre treatment weight however.

—More UMP food: Wanted there to be at least an option for every meal for 0.5, so lunch (Burger and fries) and dinner (lasagna) have been added.

I also added a beverage section. In which you will find coffee which restores an okay amount of energy with two notable options. (energy gain does not change with options)
-Black: gives no calories, but does fill the stomach alittle. (Most energy efficient option)

-Deluxe (costs 2 automeal for any option you choose) Options are progressive so Sugar->Milk->Choco. Ill give some idea about what they do since stats are hidden

-Extra Sugar: Fills you up the same amount as black, but adds in some calories.
-Milk: Fills you up slightly more than black, while the keeping the calories from sugar.
-Iced Chocolate Coffee: Fills you up the most, and gives the most calories.

—Npc Hangouts: Some npcs have what I guess you could call ‘friendship’ counters. You do an event with them it goes up. Old and simple.

For example, meeting with the Doctor in your room or her office gives it +1 etc. Hanging out gives a boost as well.

(Its not really needed, since she has a very low bar for hanging out) In the update section, I did add an option for post treatment characters to set the doctor’s counter to 40, since that PC missed time during the weight gain process.

Talking to ABBI and checking your messages, you may receive a message from an npc saying that are free to hangout if you want, assuming conditions for that character have been met(Just the Doctor, and Serpent Tech atm)

You may receive a message from both, ignoring them doesn’t hurt so just choose who you want or none at all.

The rest of the changes are just numerous backend things.

If there is anything you would like to see added, let me know.
Thanks everyone~


Oh man, can’t wait to try this out, quick question about the “friendship” system, do you plan to develop it as a way to have the PC get close to a Npc or just to have it as a way to have more character events?


Excellent! No other bugs encountered so far.

I tried out some of the new events on an existing save file (hanging out with the doctor after the reputation boost update action, and also the serpent tech) and it’s really nice :blush: I hope we see more variation in events too as time goes on, or additional stages of friendship.

Kweht is so adorable (including the moment in the lab where he gets cuddly during the random occurrence of overtime), I can hardly stand it! You were not kidding about the wholesomeness.

I was pleasantly surprised to see there was a reaction when I tried entering a hangout while stuffed/near stuffed, at least in an additional change to how it ends.

Made me wish that Kweht, being such an eager gourmand himself, could also go into a cozy food coma with you on the couch. Maybe he could be into mutual feeding as you increase friendship levels, even if his species doesn’t naturally get fatter from it :joy:

I was a little surprised that the Kweht hangout event puts a stuffed character to sleep right away, but the doctor’s doesn’t. She doesn’t stick around to indulge that “hedonism” your character starts feeling, lol

I will have to try with a fresh character and see how the new systems play from the start. Unsure of if there’s any variation in the new scenes for weight, since my file was at the current max weight range :slightly_smiling_face:

Also…has there been a system pertaining to “greediness” (maybe related to expanded stomach capacity) that I’ve been missing? I got the event with the alleyway crate and the character went on to eat even more than the first few times I ran across it. The only other time I ran into such a thing was maybe having no choice about eating doctor-offered pastries ravenously on an empty stomach. The new belly descriptor in the examine action also mentions it growling even after eating.

If so, I really dig the increasing appetite/gluttony, and I hope it gets incorporated into more existing events. Losing control of the character occasionally is a really nice touch, and more variation would break up repetition. Since you’re an object of curiosity, engineers in the cafeteria might have a lot of fun with that, as would restaurant patrons or people at the buffet party :joy:


@Octop I hope you like it, truly. Also, yes for both is my current plan.

@FlabTepes I am glad its going good so far~

-More variation details and all will come with time for events, just matter of slapping them in nicely. Also, yes there will indeed be additional stages of friendship, which add scenes.

-Regarding Kweht being a gourmand (if you want to know) Its coming. The event is close to that, and the current one is already mapped for it when we get there. So once the game progresses more I can flush it out, but you should enjoy it if you like him.

-Kweht’s event sends you to sleep right away since the PC receives a lot, lot - more food. Halessie amount of food is close to snack levels comparatively. So its pretty much for ‘balance’ as silly as a word that is to use for these kind of games.

-The weight levels for variation in scenes will be around, but little more limited than other details. Since the PC will typically progress in weight - hand and hand - with unlocking new scenes. That takes care of itself to an extant at least. It will be more of going back to edit previous random events.

-Pretty much close to that when it comes to greediness. So, many of events/extra details that have tidbits about being stuffed already, hungry etc, are based on percentages related to your stomach. So the larger your cap becomes the earlier those will pop up etc and vice versa. Chain events, like helping yourself to the buffet will be where stomach capacity sees most of its light. Being able to do them to completion, how many times in a row etc, with more stages being added at higher levels. That kind of stuff.

The examine self description is just flavor. The alleyway scene in particular is purely weight based. I like making scenes longer for the PC, as they pass a certain threshold etc. Originally the alley scene gave you a choice for the extra option if you qualified. But, I want to mix in ‘control loss’ to scenes as well when it makes sense and shouldn’t offend anyone since people like those too. (Like the buffet chain, you can walk away at anytime, but the bread alleyway event just happens regardless)

Really my goal is just to make the three key factors flow naturally/go hand in hand (Time pasted, Weight, Stomach Cap). So even though there are requirements tied to them, the less the player is even aware they exist, the better.

So really in closing…

I like RNG/random events for Text-adventures. So my goal and drive when adding new details and events is to just be ‘you win by hitting the wander button’


Well, it’s really solid and a pleasant play experience, so I look forward to it! Being pleased by wandering is an excellent ethos for designing it.

Regarding weight variation in the alley scene, it sounds like you had it simpler under the hood than I expected, and it works really well! I guess I just hope I see more instances like it in other events. I am an absolute sucker for the PC going a little out of control or their new size being drawn attention to in an otherwise-familiar situation :joy:

Maybe more variation based on increasing weight classes could occur in older events - past a certain threshold in the game, going back and exploring old wander results from the early game mainly seems to result in same 2-3 versions as several hundred pounds ago (mainly a few events in the first wander loop in the lab, which cap out in description well before the player hits the original 750 threshold. Stuff like the engineers always working on the same vent in the same way, or the cafeteria content not changing much). I think its more noticeable because, by the time you can wander freely in chapter 2, you have already seen those events many times.

That said, maybe they’d be locked behind other things…like finally getting a damn lunch card, haha.


One minor typographical issue (or possibly coding?) noticed thus far:

When you get the coffee with sugar, it shows the resulting text twice in a row (in one screen event). Not sure if it’s just displaying the text twice, or triggering the event twice.


Well that was weird.

I just tested it again with my test chars, and it worked fine. But made another new character and ran them through and it did exactly what you said. Its fixed now for the proper release. For now its double dipping/more bang for your buck. Thank you for finding that.


Just noticed another minor typographical issue:

“Once you are settled in your seat next to the familiar colorful serpent technician you are good to go.Kweht, you are good to go.” When settling into work at the lab (presumably after getting to know Kweht).

Does the chance of being able to help out in the lab upon encountering it goes up as relation level does?

(Also, I formally file a semi-serious petition for ‘hang out with the maintenance crew’ being an ADDI event)


-Sorry about that one. That scene has so many variations mixed in so its hard to test. I am getting that fixed up for the true release.

-Currently it does not, mostly a few reasons. I terms of ‘rewards’ the lab event chain in full is arguably one of the best. While Kweht’s hangout is also arguably one of the best. I also kind of saw it as a situation that happens beyond his/your control. I might increase the initial chain start chance since (Currently its 33%->33%->50%). Maybe to (50%->33%->33%). But I figured getting in there and not getting the final event was more frustrating than not getting in at all.

-For your maintenance crew request, are you asking for the main engineer in particular or the team in general. (The engineer the PC is more familiar with, or more the team as whole). Last question for it being, an ‘ADDI’ hangout with her specifically involved, or just one like ‘ABBI’ has.


Started a new playthrough to help see if anything is borked! Going to try exercising semi-regularly this time to play with the new systems, and have the friendship points build up naturally.

All I have to report is a minor typo in an early event I missed. “You decide to know on the door and see if someone will let you in” when you try to enter the cafeteria.

Edit: also, some mixed up homophones when eating the energy bar offered to you “Like the designer of the bar thought that the best way to make a food that would satisfy any palette would be to give the food absolutely no flavor.” Palette should actually be “palate”. Taste, not a board for mixing paints :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:


Thanks for the finding those.

Zero idea how I missed those during my run of the base game. I am going to believe they unfixed themselves, so I can sleep at night.

Exercise other than slowing gain, doesn’t do anything pre treatment, so you hopefully shouldn’t see anything too wild there at least .


No prob!

And good to know. Here I was thinking I could build up my stamina in anticipation of getting huge, lol.

At least it serves to show the slow creeping futility of exercising once or twice a day while being surrounded by enabling aliens.


I was thinking of the team rather than just the main engineer, though overall was just thinking that your character getting so familiar with the team seemed a natural fit for further interactions.

I was thinking of the ABBI message invitation akin to the others (and admit I didn’t even notice the ADDI/ABBI persona switcheroo changing the name until now), although now that you mention it ADDI and the maintenance folks could make for an amusing pairing.

(And, of course, this is all just thinking out loud, not really a formal request or the like)


I feel bad that all I’m coming back with are bits of proofreading feedback, but genuinely I’ve had a very bug free experience so far! It’s really solid. I hope its not too annoying.

Upon couch-lazing random events, the robot has a redundant tray:

“a highly advanced looking robot carrying a tray rolls over to you with a tray of what looks like snack foods”

Edit: Aha! I do have one oddity I’ve run across. After getting my stomach capacity high enough to completely empty out the stasis fridge, I still had some room and went out to finish stuffing my character completely. Returning to the room at the end of the day, I interacted with the stasis fridge, and the fridge reverted to the normal “ To your amazement, it is full of a ton of different foods” description, as if I had never emptied it that day.

Edit 2: Interestingly, I’ve run into that same situation returning home after being too tired to take more actions, but not totally full this time. In that case, it has the normal fridge being full of food description, followed by:

“You look at the variety of foods in the Stasis Fridge.

You’ve eaten all the food in the stasis fridge…”

And also…Jumping off of the maintenance team stuff that @Cordite mentioned, we should maybe get a name for the main engineer, since we crashed their party as part of the UMP repair quest :joy:

Maybe the maintenance staff could have a friendship level that’s mainly reflected with you getting ABBI messages from the lead engineer, but it could be them inviting you to more group-oriented events instead of one-on-one hangouts. Parties, alien board game night, group cuddle sessions after a long stressful shift (once you get big enough), since the aliens seem calmed by you…

Dunno how it would increase, but I imagine cafeteria interactions or assisting with repair work in the lab area would do it. Not sure if that’s the sort of stuff you had in mind Cordite, but it got my wheels turning.


Quick question, how do you fix the UMP I have looked around everywhere and don’t see a mingle option.

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