Dumb question where is the affection page?
If you talk to ABBI, there’s a choice called “statistics” at the bottom. You can find “Affinity” in that menu.
Fantastic work so far, excited to check out the latest update. Would love to see hand, feet and more facial feature descriptions added to the weight stage descriptions in future updates.
Hey so on a new game with 0.75, I noticed a few things.
The stretch marks/cellulite and exertion descriptors seem to have skipped to the first stage at the beginning of the game? I’m getting the “small stressed bands” and “noticeably lumpy” descriptions without having gained any weight, as well as the “you don’tremember getting this winded” exertion description, which does explicitly mention having gained weight.
In addition, is it intentional to just be able to hang out with the maintenance team in the cafeteria right away? Previously you would have to help them out a few times before you could do that.
I think i found a bug
(edit: i forgot to say that because of these bug you cant repair the UMP and also for some reason also talking to ABBI doesnt start the last part of chapter 2 to start chapter 3)
been having an absolute blast with the latest update! i enjoy all the added descriptions for tails, and body coverings a ton. really helps for imagining my characters in the setting! there was a suggestion from @Sixtiesan2112 about hands, feet and facial features fattening up that sounds really good to me
I’m so glad that people like the coverings
Updated Main Post
BUG FIX: V0.76
—Typos, Bug Fixes (Lunch with the Crew) - (Cellulite and Stretch Mark Toggle appearing too early) - (Exertion Toggle appearing too early).
—Added more fail-safes
- (Trying to visit the Doctors office during chapter 2, while never having visited it during chapter 1).
- (Reset button added in the bathroom for ‘Outdoor Tour Event’ should a character not trigger the event correctly, Note: The button is not visible if Zone 3 is unlocked or if the prerequisites have not been met).
@kamaitachifuutaro Those were all bugs, they are all fixed now - Thank you very much.
@RaySkyliarVII Sent you a DM, with more info.
What do you mean about the toggles appearing “too early”? Shouldn’t you be able to enable them from the start preemptively?
The descriptors showed that the player had stretchmarks and cellulite before gaining any weight.
Ahh, makes about sense
Hey, first off, I absolutely love this, I’ve gone through it and gotten what I think is every event to occur and all descriptions off weight and the descriptions I’ve toggled, and now I have a few suggestions for a fun little detail that could be added along with something a little bigger.
I think it would be cute and a little fitting for the narrative if your character might get the idea of opening their mouth while in the shower and taking a few sips of water initially which could be a few hearty gulps at later weight stages. Following the event, the character could comment on how they feel like a water balloon or how they can hear their tummy slosh and gurgle, perhaps letting out a belch if it’s toggled. Of course, whether or not the play wants their character to follow through with these ideas is up to them but maybe once that player has chosen to do it enough times it just becomes part of the shower routine.
Now for the big idea. What if during the initial prompt for the option to take the tour of the outside occurring it’s also mentioned that one or two other subjects from your home system who had been captured where being transferred to the research facility that you are staying at. A researcher could make a comment about how similar experiments that were performed on you at the facility that you currently live in were also done to them where they were. That same researcher could mention that they are being transferred because they would like to study how you and the two other squishy specimens interact with others that are more familiar to your previous daily life and that when you get back from your tour, they would like you to meet them. following the events of the tour and your recovery, the other squishy lifeforms would be escorted to your room by a researcher. Now during this scene, I imagine that you could potentially customize the fatties being introduced to you with it the customization playing out something like this, “You hear a knock on your door and then it opens. First a researcher walks in, behind them you see what appears to be… (This is where the customization of the first character’s body would start. your options would either be “a {species of the player character here} just like you!” or “a {player inserts species name here and what their body is covered in such as fur or scales, info about tail, this would done in a similar fashion to the way the player creates their species}.”) they look like they are… (The player then assigns the character’s sex, their options being. “a male”, “a female”, “of an undeterminable sex”) sizing them up the appear to be… (The player then chooses whether the character is “much fatter”, “the same weight”, “a little fatter”, “a little thinner”, or “much fatter”) than/as you are. They are then followed by another being. They look like they are (The player would then fill out similar questions to what was asked in the customization of character one). You greet and introduce yourself to them. The {species of character one} introduces themselves as… {Player inputs name} and says they are happy to meet you. You can tell from the expression on their face that they… (The player then chooses a trait about their personality. “seem quite proud of all the weight and girth they have on display.” “are quite shy about the size of their body, but you can tell they still enjoy eating.”) Hearing their name something about them seems quite familiar, like they where a co-worker who you always perceived as being in the background of your old day to day life. Then the {species of character two} introduces themselves as… (repeat creation of character one personality details.). The three of you sit at your table as food is brought by another insectoid. You all discuss the events that have transpired since each of you being captured. From what you can tell they experienced mostly the same things you did, besides the kidnapping of course, but you don’t feel the need to mention that to them. You think to yourself how strange it feels to see faces more like what you used to know at your old home, in a way, these new people seem more alien that the actual aliens you’ve been around for the past few months or so. Overall, these newcomers seem to be quite nice, you’ve been having a nice time talking to them as you ate and after you’ve each finished your meals and had dessert you say your goodbyes as a researcher escorts to them to their quarters while reviewing a transcript of the conversation you had with your new acquaintances. You wouldn’t mind seeing them again you think to yourself.” Following this event the other members of you old civilization would have a wander event dedicated to them in each of the three locations with separate events for whether you find them both together or whether it’s just one of them by themselves. You could develop a friendship and/or possibly a romantic relationship with one or both of these characters if you’re into that sort of thing. After reaching an affinity of level two with one or both of these characters you could have the option to use ABBI to invite one or both of them over to spend the night and watch movies in your room (with possibly an eating contest or cuddle session taking place) if they aren’t too busy being tested with or research done on them. There could also be a chance of you receiving an invite to do the same in one of their rooms which would probably look near identical to yours. These characters might also have special events related to the toggles you have turned on such as a belching contest, pushing a paw or digit into each other’s navels and/or possibly seeing whose is bigger and deeper, or maybe have a small food fight while eating and you get some food stains and crumbs on you. Sorry, that was really long.
You don’t have to take my ideas into consideration but I feel they would be a welcome and worthwhile addition to the game should you choose to add them.
Thanks for the reply, I know it was a lot to type out.
—Shower Additions: I could add that stuff I’m sure~ Just have a huge workload on my plate atm, so it may be awhile before I can work it in there.
The Big Idea
Unfortunately, it conflicts with the “ongoing plot/lore” (As silly as that may seem for a game like this).
It is pretty lore friendly in terms of an alternate universe scenario, especially with them coming over to the facility via the other researchers for the tour - So kudos to that.
But, yes the player WILL get to interact with another human (or race member), but I just need to get us there first. I can tell you put a lot of love into your post/idea so please know it is still very much appreciated~
Alright, thank you for the reply. It’s fine that my suggestion doesn’t really fit with the narrative and I’m really excited to see what happens next and the events that lead up to you meeting another member of your race!
Does anything unique happen if I choose to gain to immobility without ever leaving my room and/or never getting up and ripping my starting outfit? That things gotta just rip from my sheer mass alone at some point, right?
Nothing special, that’s all base game by Somchu.
In terms of getting up/ripping/immobility. It does tech only trigger on getting out of bed, but I didn’t want to go crazy with all the chapter 1 stuff. Keep it simple/preserve etc.
May I ask if there’s gonna be another weight description past the most recent one? I’m asking in case I may have already passed any future planned ones and should hold off on makin’ my character gain for a bit.
yes! they said in an earlier post that the next weight description would be added once the new area is complete! as for the range, i’m not entirely sure
There is ‘zero’ chance you will miss a weight level. So go crazy~
I only get to add them once and awhile, with time being spent along side it and events etc.
So unless someone leaves for months and months on end, you really can’t miss one.