Reporting that I can reproduce the same bug. On a new custom non-feral race file, the mirror examination seems to report that I managed to “shave off almost all of the weight you’ve gained during your time in this lab”, even though I haven’t even left the room yet for the first time.
Also, thank you for the 0.61 fixes to the prologue! No more oddities with custom species names.
Edit: also now confirming that feral custom species is free from the same bug. Non-feral problem only
One more minor bug: looks like the clothes-ripping event doesn’t trigger with a non-feral custom race (the feral variant does play correctly).
Edit: another semi-bug: the tail description at 600+ fits a post-Treatment description despite being pre-Treament - e.g. “Like the rest of your form the weight is no longer holding you back, but the awkwardness of its sheer size.”
Also, fixed up ABBI with this new character and had ‘Chat with ABBI’ just give an empty screen with just the Next button. Happens both pre-ADDI introduction and after, despite what I wrote here earlier. Possibly tied to the non-feral custom race thing?
Oh, and @Cordite and @FlabTepes are doing a great job proofreading, so I only have a couple other edit notes:
“By the time the Terran Fleet got word of the attack on Farfarout and arrived to reinforce the defense, whatever had attacked the station was long gone. The Humans’ destroyers and corvettes that had been guarding the dwarf planet having been smashed to pieces.” Second sentence is a fragment–changing “having” to “have” is the quick fix.
“(Species) sized” is an adjective, so I prefer it to be hyphenated (but this one is definitely your call).
“There are multiple doorways, a lot of them have electronic locks that you’d probably never be able to open.” Run-on sentence–replacing “them” with “which” makes the second clause dependent, resolving the issue. (Some other sentences were run-ons, too, but they are very minor.)
A couple of sentences that describe you hanging out with the Maintenance team are missing a ending punctuation mark (period). Same for one of the treadmill experiments (“several minutes”).
Missing space (“Fridge.Even”) in Dr. Halessie’s unexpected visit while watching TV.
Duplicate word: “Your gut covers the top half of your thighs like a meaty apron now, and your Your moobs are starting to sag.”
P.S. The “eating the apple” mini-event took me longer to understand than it should have, but yeah, that was clever–dumb clever, but clever.
If you keep trying to eat it after gaining a certain amount of weight, you eventually do, and then the doctor calls you to say she won’t be in the office that day. “An apple a day”, and all.
@Cordite The amount of trouble just one change caused for custom races sucks big time.
The tail acts that way since by default/vanilla that’s the weight you unlock the tail normally. But I put in line that seems to have fixed it for everyone.
—The sidebar scale doesn’t work during the prologue since the PC isn’t given a weight until their first few scenes when starting the game ‘for real’, because people can skip the prologue. I could make it work actually pretty easily, but I would rather not touch something that early in the game since its literally the beginning. I honestly was curious if anyone one notice. Yes. Yes they did <3
—I went a changed those scenes you brought up, I try not to mess around with the normal abducted text as much as possible, but I don’t Somchu will care about that those.
—P.P.S. The “eating the apple” mini-event took me till just now after your reading your post, to have a deep existential thought. So there is the apple in the fridge, but Somchu is also apple… Is the apple in the fridge the original Somchu, and the apple on the forums is the orginal fridge apple? Or are WE the apples! I am very tired forgive me.
Made a poll, I am curious for my own devious ends.
As the current ‘full stomach’ flavor text appears during wander event/zone selection.
Some new descriptors that have been added that follow the same method. So depending on your Status in-game you may have zero bonus messages to two at once (Full Stomach, Exertion).
The ‘full stomach’ text will always show up and is it not relevant to this poll.
But as more toggles are added, I want to know if people would prefer a random status display or let them all display.
For tracking player preferences…
No, do not stack multiple PC ‘conditions’ at wander event selection. It adds too much scrolling / removes variety.
Yes. stack multiple PC ‘conditions’ at wander event selection. I enjoy seeing the effects build up on top of each other.
Tracking: “Time to break” for outfits** - You can change your vote whenever I believe, so feel free to update from time to time.
Currently the most popular poll option is an “average” of “one week” for a full cycle of “new to torn” - Assuming the PC kept gaining weight.
– Stomach Capacity, Event RNG, Forced stuffings, all obviously play a large role in a large range “Time to break”. Please keep this in mind.
“Rip” and “Tear” events and checks, are based on the PC’s weight gain and level of fullness. Only triggers from large meal events, or upon waking up.
Way less than the target average
(Less) An ‘okay’ distance from the target average
Close to the target average (One weeks time)
(More) An ‘okay’ distance from the target average
Way more than the target average
If your PC chooses to wear an outfit (Optional), and continues to gain weight.
Roughly how often would you like to replace/outgrow it.
(Twice a week) Go through two outfits a week
(Once a week) Outfit rips halfway through the week, tears at the end
(Once every two weeks) Outfit rips after the first week, tears at the end of the second
(Once every three weeks / Month / etc) Outfit rips after awhile, tears even further out
You know what would be really cool? If some of the actions you have to do over and over and over and over had hotkeys, like maybe wander could be w or leave room could be 2 or whatever letters/numbers seem appropriate.
One of the main gameplay loops seems to be wandering over and over and seeing the same random event like 100s of times, it’d be nice if I could spam wander at a faster rate by using a hotkey.
Fun fact: The Apple in the stasis fridge originally started off as just being a reference to the absurd number of apples that appeared in my previous game. It wasn’t until I finally decided to add an option to let the player eat the apple until it became an “Apple a day” joke.
Coincidentally, that is also the backstory behind my pfp.
Incidentally, since the dreaded Fridge Apple is clearly Somchu’s personal cameo in the game, I am going to have to ask that the game now be labelled with “vore” tags. I can’t go on without fair warning.
I try to make my PC as stuffed as I can while keeping her weight down. I like stuffing without the weight gain. So I do lots of exercise while keeping her eating a ton
Out of curiosity, does this mean that if folks run out of energy before being full in a given day, do they go back and redo the day until they are full?
I generally try to fill up the tank in a given day, so to speak, but if it doesn’t happen that’s a-okay. (also if I don’t feel like spamming through the UMP, hah - wouldn’t mind a ‘stuff yourself’ option for that)
Well, before you hit chapter 2, there is not much to do, in my opinion. So I usually just have the PC wander around until they tucker themselves out (or gorge themselves into a food coma). HOWEVER, if they encounter the exact same event three times in a row, I count that as a deja vu bad omen, so they have to do something in their room to break the groundhog’s day cycle.
Random Dumb Musing
Which has got me thinking: it would be interesting to have a “fourth wall” teaser in such scenarios. Unfortunately it would have to be event-dependent. For the candy bar offer, it would be like, “You round the corner to see what appears to be the exact same researcher walking toward you, candy bar in hand. You double back and peek around the corner you just put behind you. Despite it being a long, isolated hall with doors very few and far between, the prior researcher is gone. There’s no way it’s the same female, right? The oncoming researcher approaches you and delivers the same message that you heard the past few times, but this time you pay attention to the raw, untranslated sounds, rather than the translation. You’re no alien linguist, but the intonations read as identical to your untrained ears…As you eat the offered treat, it tastes like a perfect clone of the bar you ate mere seconds prior. The scribbles on the notepad carry the same rhythm as last time, too. Your eyes narrow. Two or three consecutive times could be coincidence, but if this happens again, you’re gonna…um…do something. Maybe you should try not mindlessly choosing to wander repeatedly in circles.”
Hmm. At some point, you might become too fat to read the scale, I figure.
At the end of the facility sequence, if you decide to have a little cry, there’s what I’m guessing is an optional tail reference but the added comma is set outside it: “So she keeps you close and buries your head under hers, , letting you know everything is okay.”
Wow, people enjoyed the poll it seems like. I wish there could be a tag along thread that didn’t bog down the forums, where I could just add polls for people to answer as I thought of them and keep them up for my reference. Since it does wonders in getting an idea how people play. I’ll have to think of a good alternative. (Looks like I can edit posts to add polls, so I could just create a post that store polls I need)
@nervki Thank you very much for your post! I was curious if at least some people were staying at the treatment weight threshold.
@Cordite More so, just if people go out of their way to use the food in their room to be stuffed before sleeping. Or people just wandered for the day and had some sort of rule or limitation they gave themselves. The poll gave me the result I assumed it would, but I just wanted to make sure.
—So that’s actually coming next content update heh, you can thank Somchu for that one.
—Got it fixed up for the next one, tyvm.
@Anonymous264170 I really love that someone else has personal “rules” for themselves. When I first played the original game. I set up a routine where I would wander twice then return to my room for a meal and laze around watching tv, rinse and repeat.
I let it happen naturally. I like letting the PC be their own character.
I prefer stuffing with less focus on the weight gain aspect, so they try their best to keep in shape, but I think the rest of the story requires the character to be at more advanced stages of weight gain so lately the stress and boredom of captivity has been demotivating them and they’ve been hanging out with the engineers a lot to cope.
Alright nice, another voice in regards to the stuffing vs weight gain part. Just to hopefully comfort that point, I wanted to make sure everyone knows that I won’t ever lock anyone out of progression once you are post treatment weight.