About the SFOAS (Super Fatty Office Admin Sim) category

Hi, I love this game ( even if im not so much into weight gain…well until now) I bought that game nearly instantly after i played the demo. I got only one gamebreaking bug sofar if you load your save on Week 3 day 4 and play until the boss demand who ate the fridge the games crashes with the following text.

action number 1
of Step Event0
for object scenemanager:

Data structure with index does not exist.
at gml_Object_scenemanager_Step_0

stack frame is
gml_Object_scenemanager_Step_0 (line -1)

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Okay, so I got to the point where I could ask folks out to dinner dates, and… gosh
Pearl’s dinner date is SO GOOD


Correct. That’s at least what I was going for. I had a few other people help me write Jesse and I think we all ended up interpreting it a little different each time lol.

Shoot I still don’t understand what causes this one. I keep thinking I have it and then it does it again. I’ve got one more big update in the pipeline and I’ll give this one another go~

Thanks for pointing it out~


This was my favorite game jam entry by far. I honestly couldn’t believe it when I found out this was made. I didn’t even want to wait for the giveaway.


I bought it and I must admit it was worth it::star::star::star::star::star:
my new favorite now is Erika. [T]/


I really love these characters! I know you said you probably plan to take a break making games, but do you have any plans using these girls again in future projects?

When do dinner dates appear???

I don’t plan on making another game projects based on the girls again I’m afraid. I did a weight gain drive for Chloe in the past (found here) and it went well and I’d love to do the other girls soon~

But this kind of game isn’t really my thing. It was fun but I have diffrent ideas I want to go on. Still, I have a tendency to reuse characters often. So it’s likely they’ll make cameos here and there at least.

The girls have to be both at max level AND like you enough. If you invite them to lunch they’ll offer to take you out somewhere special~

not sure if the fitness program is meant to be really slow or if its a bug

Well for something you’re not really into it’s amazing the amount of effort and heart you put into this. <3

Also more Erika or riot. Jesse is fine too.


I played the demo recently and loved it, played it several times wishing there was more, not realizing you were working on a full version. My surprise and delight cannot be overstated. I clicked that button to pay you for this game so hard I broke my mouse and I would do it a hundred more times. Thank you.

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Update? More content or something else? I mean there is nothing wrong with the current amount. You already produced more content for 3bucks game then some puplisher in a 30 dollars game ( yeah I look at you blizzard).

No its just some bug fixes for minor things. Some people found some issues with Chloe and the boss’ head sometimes disappears lol.

I’m glad you think so though! I always worry if I do enough.

do you have plans to make more rpg games?

It’s something I’d love to do again~ But right now I don’t have a set project in mind. I know I’ll make another eventually.

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I would be lying if I don’t hoped for a little bit more conten like a return of the Bery Berry Bubble gum or even Bob-3 Gro ( First time usage on your co-workers breast-expansion second time usage permanent lactation. The Boss is pissed and demand to fix it and you have the choice to buy a cure immediately or wait 2-3 days and buy a milker…)

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I just wanted to pop in to just add my own praise after lurking here for so long. So far each of these games Snail has made as been a hit with me.

I unfortunately ran into a glitch on my first full playthrough, in which Jesse got stuck on one size and would not get any bigger. (I am guessing I have to play through again in order to get the full roster filled.)