Above gods, weight gain rpg maker game (New update 1.6.4)

Most of the npcs and some of the places in the town are unfinished right now, yes.

I’m trying to beat freak, but I keep losing what should I be doing to beat him?

How do you get the three new endings?

i was able to get almost all the endings except the ones at the bottom that isn’t the mimic one and the one right of the mega moo milk ending how do i get to these?

Anyone got a save at the ending crystal section with all the bad ends unlocked? Don’t want to replay the game yet but want to see the endings again.

Hello there @Drich23 I know that you’re new but you have been going around on a handful of threads and asking for updates. I’d like to inform or remind you that asking for updates from the dev’s is against site rules. Now don’t let this deter you from interacting with the dev’s and posts just remember to keep it in line with the rules :wink:. I’d suggest checking out the post linked below mine as well as the FAQ in said post.


so i beat the birld lady in the last version say “go to talk to the chief of the snake” but nothing happend its just say " go for to the eerie and retrieve the key and artifact" and and i am stuck what i am supusse to do and cant progess what do i do?

i want to know how emett is doing, and want to know if their doing alright, as life can be a crapshoot

i do afree with miracle i do hope emett is find. also side can sombody tell me were in the general location of the bad endings i know some but i cant find the rest

New update out nothing big. Keep an eye out for bugs and toss a comment in here with a screenshot if you find any.

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I found a bug during the harpy quest, if you beat her and them come back to the snake, the first cutscene play again, and you can re-do the quest, but you can’t never concluede her, or access the cat’s village

The harpy place is where the current story ends. But I’ll look into the looping bit.

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how do i get up the sand mountain thing? ive done the password but i cant get up still

The puzzles in that area are optional if you go up on the high ground you should be able to make it through.

hello good night a question is normal that in a part of the game I put the screen in total black and bug by the way I speak Spanish I hope and you can understand me a little since the good google translator is very ut …

Lamentablemente su mensaje traducido es ininteligible. Te sugiero que uses deepl en lugar de google translate. Normalmente hace un mejor trabajo.

También puedes escribir el mensaje en español. Nuestro foro tiene una función de traducción que puede traducir el texto de otros idiomas automáticamente haciendo clic en un icono especial bajo un comentario que no sea en inglés.

No es perfecto, pero son otras dos opciones.

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oooh pues muchas gracias

How do you become a member of the moon bunnies? What does the ette club card do?

Those are not in the game yet. Although I have been working on some stuff for the moon bunnies that will be in the next update. Whenever that comes out.


So I finished the game, but there are still two bad end crystals at the bottom of the room unopened. I was told elsewhere that this is related to a goblin and potion -related sidequest, but I don’t know where you’re supposed to start it. There is a goblin potion seller in Beach City, but she doesn’t do anything unique apart from just selling potions.

Did the main story progression somehow lock me out of the sidequest?

EDIT: Found the quest, you just need to Go back to the area that had the group of blue bug-eyed dudes, past the alchemist hut.