Any Games Sujestions?

Well uhh…
Without any specific interests or even genre preferences it’s difficult to give exact recommendations, so I’ll just go with some minigame/arcade-y stuffing and inflation games to follow in the vein of Feed the Dragon.

  • Mangia has you forced to eat an onslaught of food, but the more you can covertly throw away, the higher your score multiplier rises. The higher your score once you’re full, the more weight you gain at the end. While I’m at it, go check out all of Hexalt’s games, they’re a ton of fun

  • Meg Vs Dakota, Pong but the loser has to drink inflation soda. Features many ending cutscenes depending on the difficulty and game mode. And again a bunch more games from Encyclical Apex.

  • The Happy Heifer Cafe is a cute as heck café waitress game, with plenty of opportunities so sneak in some extra meals. It’s even encouraged! You may be noticing a theme here, but Galactase has a couple other great games you should check out too.

  • I could recommend any one of Anonymoose’s games (and look at that, I am), but I’ll single out Neon Dreams for being a phenomenal result from just two weeks of work for the Gain Jam, and their first game with voice acting.

  • Poke-r Gut and Don’t Fear the Jester, two card games from different developers featuring inflation and weight gain respectively.

  • Project Quimbly has a bunch of women to experiment inflation and stuffing with, and a weight gain update planned for the future (don’t ask for updates/expected dates for updates, it’s against forum rules).

I could go on and on, but I’d probably end up throwing half the forum at you lol, so I’ll leave you with Krod’s weight gain games recommendation list to look through if you want an even longer list of links. Hopefully a few of these games have piqued your interest!