Chub Club: A Quest Adventure

I have a programming degree myself, I know the struggle. :stuck_out_tongue:

In any case I’m still working out a few ideas for this, but I may actually be starting something new that’s a little less ambitious and a more traditional text adventure so I can come back to this with some fresh ideas to expand (Ayyyy) on what I have here, so stick around.

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I hope the story will continue on! I wanna see the characters get fatter!

This story probably won’t continue outside of added endings, but I actually have been spitballing a couple smaller vignettes featuring the characters in this one, since they seem to be popular. Keep an ear to the ground for those. :slight_smile:


Hope the immobile ending get’s expanded on (Pun intended) I would love to see all the chub club members dealing with it, physically and mentally, how they react to it and accept it would be awesome. I just hope you continue this game, this is an oddly wholesome game that is extremely enjoyable and i am eager for more. Whatever you do next, keep up the great work :slight_smile:


Thanks, as always I’m glad to hear you and others are enjoying it! And seeing everyone immobile does sound like a fun idea for an ending now that you mention it, and I happen to be brainstorming an overhaul of the ending of the game, so we’ll see what comes of that. :wink:


In the interim I’m also working on something similar to the minigames that jelliroll made a while back like Fat Life starring our Chub Club favorites in little WG themed vignettes. In a fit of inspiration I came up with the idea of a Chub Club World Tour, where the characters are in exotic locations and fattening up for one reason or another, so stay tuned for that. :slight_smile:


Really wonderful work! Such a pleasure to play!

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Something to motivate me for the next thing and give you guys a bit of a trailer. :wink:


Chub Club World Tour
It’s summertime, and your five friends are taking a break from the humdrum of the daily grind in Pikeville to go on an exciting worldwide vacation! Take a trip with your friends and maybe give them (and their waistlines) a little help so they can get the best vacation ever!

Chloe: The Corpulent Curse
Chloe loves to dive into the history of Ancient Egypt, but she gets a little too close in her exploring and stumbles on an ancient curse; now she’s getting bigger by the second! Can she shake this spookiness before she’s bigger then the Great Pyramids?

Gabriella: Big in Japan
A vacation in Tokyo is a dream come true for Gabriella, and she plans to finish off strong by winning a valuable figurine from her favorite anime in a local game contest. One small snag: The game is a sumo wrestling match, and the contest is tomorrow! With the help of a strange sumo dojo, can Gabriella measure up and win her beloved figurine?

Lance Tropical Getaway…From My Parents
A Caribbean cruise is a rare treat, but Lance would rather be in Amsterdam. But of course his elitist snob parents wanted him to come on a trip with all these old white dudes to help him secure his future or whatever. “We don’t want you to turn into a fat slob this summer”, they told him. That sounds like a challenge…

Hector Learning From the Best
Hector almost forgot to pretend that he was too cool to go on a trip with his dorky parents when he heard that they were going to Italy this year, he was so excited. Ever since he took an interest in the culinary arts he’d wanted to explore a country famous for its cuisine, and now he had that chance at last! But will he be able to stomach what the great Italian chefs throw at him before he loses his appetite?

Tina Parisian Pen Pals
Tina has been excited to meet the French exchange student she befriended years ago. They were great friends, and as it so happens they both shared a preference for…largeness, one they talked about and fantasized about often. Can Tina keep this friendly visit normal, or will she push her and her friend headfirst into their old temptations?


These sound awesome can’t wait for them

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I’m having an issue that’s preventing my progress. In the second club meeting, Hector gives me an order slip to take to Kitchen Valhalla. However, as soon as I exit the club room, it disappears from my inventory. Am I doing something wrong, or is this a bug?

Naw a bratty kid steals it from ya, you need to chase hm to the comic store and find his hiding spot

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I’m having a problem moving on after the Gabriella quest - Chloe says she’s going to get food but I can’t get her to come back or find her anywhere. Am I doing something wrong?

Okay, you need to go to the sushi shop three times, each time feeding Gabriella progressively larger Sushi Rolls, aftr the third on, Gabi loses her temper, charges out, and goes to deal with the asshole who found / stole her sketchbook.

You have to follow her to the bottom room of the mall (The room to the right of the comic shop) at which point you’ll get a scene showing Gabriella putting the asshole in his place, and getting her sketch book back, at which point return to the club room and end the day the normal way.

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I hereby dub thee “Tutorial Man”

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This is my problem, the “Leave Meeting” command doesn’t show when I return to the room.

Have you tried looking / talking to everyone?

Thanks, clearly it’s my fault for overlooking that line.

By the way, I found a typo in the ending scene. Without spoiling, there’s a phrase that reads, “truly gargantuan womanincredibly immense man,” which suggests that this is a formatting error. If it’s relevant, I only noticed this when I started as a woman and chose the Burger Bar Coupon all three times, so I don’t know if it appears in the other routes.

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I just found a couple more bugs/typos in the secret ending. The first typo shows up when I use “examine self” and got the phrase, “the extremely desperately trying to contain your monolithic butt.” The other one involves Chloe referring to my character as “Placeholder”.

Yeah, Chloe says she’ll come back with the food but then I can’t find her :frowning:

There’s a kind of order of operations bug in the game. Talk to Chloe first when you go to the club, every day, and then talk to everyone else and do the quest for that day. Chloe should leave when you talk to her, and then come back when you complete the quest; hence, completing the quest first and then talking to her on that day just ends up breaking the scripting. If you have done this in the correct order, though, then I don’t think I can help you.