Coven of Calahree, Now Live! (v1.1.1 (Public Demo Available)]

Hey kids! I’ve been a writer on the WG scene for a while now, but I’ve decided to test my mettle with something new - an RPG Maker game involving three witches and their new patron deity, Calahree, as they work to spread gluttony across the small town of Aemple!

I’ve been working on it between projects for a while now, and it’s come a long way from its first inception. While it’s still being worked on (fairly) regularly, I thought that it was about time to release the first two chapters to the Weight Gaming Community’s discerning eyes:

CURRENT DEMO (Version d0.9.1.3):

Meanwhile, the full version of the game can be found on or Steam!




For those of you who want to track what changes with each version (nerrrds) I invite you to check out the changelog! If you’re reporting a bug, it may have already been caught. But if you see that nobody’s caught it yet, feel free to point it out here, or on the Patreon!


If you like this game and/or want to support me through the next one, consider signing up for my Patreon! My $5 and up subscribers got access to the whole journey, and a finished version of the game, while my $3 peeps got access to a discounted price!

Bobo the Hobo is creating Big Fat Stories | Patreon


Do you have any screenshots? Your patreon is mostly text or locked posts and I’d like to see what this is.

Sure thing! I’ll post a few of them below

These are mostly from Chapter 3, but hopefully it gives a better idea of what the game “feels” like


This one doesn’t have the updated UI in it, since it was in the 0.1 version

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I see green ladies. That is close enough to goblins.

You have peaked my interest.


I was kinda hoping for a unique artstyle, a lot of the RPG maker games I see on this website use the default graphics.

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How can I use the spells of Calahree on people in town?

The spells (for now) are limited to scripted events and in battle. I want to add in a few more around town though, to help expand things to do around town, so keep an eye out!

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I am, unfortunately, a writer first and an artist… definitely not second. Not even fourth.

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You are the guy from!

Some nice work you got over there.
I expect big things from you!

Welcome to the community.

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I like the story Ya the hard part is getting art pieces to add to the game because they’re not cheap when you need to get a whole bunch for a game

How do you get into the eerie forest?

Okay, couple things so far.

How do yo do the bunny girl ‘quest’?

I beat th demo but it says I didn’t do everything in town and she seems to be the one I am missing.

I also had to grind to get alma for the boss fight, she said I could pawn something but I can’t seem to. I thought the general store keeper would buy the axe but when I press to talk to him, the conversation just ends.

Also after I beat the game it just kept asking me if I wanted to save, over and over again.

Fun demo, didnt notice any other issues.


Just finished a quick playthrough, I may have missed some things that I’ll try and get in another one.

Gabby is my middle child spirit animal. I know her pain all too well.

Ginny is adorable and I only want good things to happen to her.

Griselda… I hope she gets karma fatted to the max.


Is this in Chapter 1 or 2? Cuz there’s technically 2 different quests for her.

Really cute game! But there’s a few curiosities and such.

For the sad housewife, I can see what each choice does, but which one would be better in the long run?

Gabby’s menu for talking about the people you need to talk to defaults to talking about the delivery lady when you back out.

I was about to ask if Alma is worth 5000G, but she one hits the bosses, so that fine.I was just a bit disappointed that nothing else happens with Alma in your party. Also she appears in the ending cutscene, so there’s that.

Can’t think of anything else, but I look forward to more of this!

i just realized i saw one of the images from DeviantArt about this game and now i remember waiting so long to play it i do hope it goes well for the next version

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Great to see it here too. And not only behind the glass wall of DA.


Question im stuck for over 30 minutes i tried everything but i cant find it I have been to the mountain girl and to the inn but for the inn i have to make it night, i tried to sleep but i cant and for the mountain girl i need to give her something but idk what? Can anyone help me with these problems?