Crusader Kings 2 - 3.0's weight gain

I fixed the blood feud issues now. The next version of the mod will provide the fix. The reckless child event line is now fully programmed, I just need to write the localizations. Finally my artwork has been improving a lot since I bought a tablet, so I will be able to supply emergency artwork if I can’t get
the permissions I need. I also have a volunteer from deviantart willing to draw a few things for me. The next thing I’m going to get started on is the stuffing session line of events on the fat fetishist side. I’m still thinking about how I want to do these, but I’m probably going to make them more on the complicated side in terms of mechanics. Ideas I have are things like a food prepping step (variable to determine how much food is on hand), the feedee’s stomach capacity (variable), and the type of stuffing session. I’ve currently got three ideas for the stuffing types. Consensual (explains itself), forced (has a roleplay path and a force feeding path), and a unique one I thought of where it’s turned into more of a game (I’ll explain further down in the post).

Consensual will be up to the feedee in regards to if they say yes and how long it will go on for. The initiator will then be given the option to determine how much they are willing to spend on the amount of food. The event will then begin, and will continue until the feedee says to stop, until food runs out, or until the feedee’s stomach capacity is reached. If stomach capacity is reached, it will increase by 1 the next time. Stomach capacity will be reduced by 1 if it is above the base limit and you have gone 3 weight pulses without a stuffing session. If capacity reaches certain thresholds, there will be events related to the character needing to eat more food to be satisfied, resulting in more weight gain (as well as a passive weight gain via the weight pulse). Stuffing sessions will also increase another variable for the feedee, a variable that determines the chances of getting the feedee fetish (If they don’t have a fetish yet) after a session is finished. For those with Luxuria Fantasia, feedees with the dominant trait will recieve double to the feedee fetish variable points if stomach capacity is reached (the event descriptions will also be different).

“Forced” stuffing will be another option. The partner must not be landed for the direct approach to work. The character can, however, try to be persuasive about it if they have traits like deceitful, gregarious or master schemer or have a high diplomacy/intrigue. The character will try and convince the feedee into a roleplay where the feedee will be tied up. What happens after will be dependent on the feeder and their traits. This could either be a different flavor of the consensual version, or will turn into actual force feeding. If the player has traits like cruel, wroth, or lunatic, when the feedee asks to stop, the feeder does not have to listen and will continue until either stomach capacity is reached or the food runs out. The feedee fetish variable in the force feeding path will only have a 50% chance of increasing unless the character has Luxuria Fantasia’s submissive trait. Regardless of path, if stomach capacity is reached and the feedee has the submissive trait, the fetish variable will increase by 1. I might make the force feeding option an optional thing in the future control panel, since this might be a bit much for some people.

Finally the game option will be different. The two characters will play an assortment of games. If the challenger wins, the feedee will have to eat some of the food. If the challenger loses, they will have to pay the opponent money if the opponent doesn’t have the fat fetish trait. If the opponent does have the fat fetish trait, the challenger will have to eat the food instead. Characters with the game master trait will be much more likely to win. Deceitful characters will also be able to cheat. The feedee fetish variable will only have a 50% of increasing for the opponent once the session is over due to the more laid back nature of this route.

This is for the fat fetish request for a stuffing session, the feedee fetish version will be different due to the difference in scenario.


I’ve gotten about half of the consensual stuffing path finished tonight. I’m finished for the night, but I think it would be a good idea to lay out a few things about the mod, like what’s needed yet before the 1.0 version is released, what dlcs are recommended to provide the most content, and to spitball an idea or two I had for some post 1.0 features.

Firstly, the checklist for the 1.0 is as follows:

  1. Finish the weight gain narrative events from gainer’s and the love interest’s perspectives.
  2. Finish the on command fetish events and decisions (things like the stuffing events)
  3. Rework the prisoner fatten decision, and the baking friend events.
  4. Get the balancing right for the potion system.
  5. Localize everything that isn’t yet. As well as make comments on events in the script so any volunteers have an easier time understanding what’s happening.
  6. Get enough artwork to use for events. I’m going to be as frugal as I can be with what artwork I do get, so it’s not going to be a unique picture for every single event, but it’ll still be a fair amount.
  7. Make a few more flavor events/chains.
  8. Make a control panel to slightly customize the experience.
  9. Me not making a dumb call to expand the scope of the 1.0 version of the mod.

It’ll take a bit, but the end is in sight for the 1.0 version. I’ll still be working on the mod afterwards though.

The recommended dlcs for the mod are as follows (from most important to least):

Holy Fury: This will be more for the post 1.0 content. This will allow you play with the bloodline mechanic. My bloodlines won’t exist in the mod until post 1.0. This dlc also allows you play as pagans (old gods does this as well). What Holy Fury does that old gods doesn’t, is that it makes reforming the pagan religions more interesting by letting you choose your own religion features (in other words, reforming pagan religions pretty much means you get to make your own religion. Why this is (probably) important is that I fully intend to make a religion feature that glorifies weight gain and gluttony for Pagans.

Way of life: This adds focuses to the game to nudge your character in certain directions in life. It also makes it easier to get the lifestyle traits (like hedonist). The reason this is useful is that a lot of my events’ triggers will include the focuses or lifestyle traits. So being a hedonist will often work for an event instead of needing, gluttonous for example.

Reaper’s due: The prosperity mechanic will be used in some flavor events, and I intend to make a plague that causes temporary obesity for the adults it infects.

This list is subject to change.

Finally I had a few ideas for post 1.0 features I’d like to hear some opinions on. First, I might make a heresy for each Christian branch that endorses gluttony rather shun it. The idea would be that the followers would be taking full advantage of God’s bounty and gaining weight as a result. Weight gain would be viewed as a symbol of devotion for these heresies. For the other religion groups (namely Islam, Judaesim and Zorastrianism) I’m not well versed on their views on gluttony, so I’ll need to look into that for them if a heresy like this would make sense.

The other Idea I had was for lucky characters who have the future “chef” trait (I’ll make it later) would have an event where you would be able to come up with really good recipes. If the character met requirements like having the greedy trait, 15 stewardship, shrewd trait, or business focus they would be able to capitalize on their gifts and unlock the opportunity to become a special type of merchant republic that focuses exclusively on food and a chain of inns/taverns. I’m not sure what exactly to do with them outside of somehow making it so provinces with trade routes from this type of merchant republic will cause all characters that are in them, gain weight really quickly. This idea is a bit outlandish, so id like to hear opinions on it. If I were to make this government type, it would require “The Republic” dlc to play due to it being a republic.


In regards to the Republic-esque idea, I think it’d fit in fine. It’s a bit wacky, sure, but you already have Potions Wot Instantaneously Give You Crippling Levels Of Ass Fat, so i’d say it’s not really “out of place”. I’m personally interested in the idea as well, heh.


Excellent ideas all around, as usual.

With regards to the Republic specifically, taking over the world (and its waistlines) seems to be the appropriate end-goal for any serious ruler with the Feeder Fetish (and a decent proportion of the player-base, I would presume to suggest).

That is, as Papa Palpatine always says: “Dew It”, please.


Hi, I have just found out about CK2 and wondered if your fat/weight mod requires any other mods to work with CK2? Can your mod work with just bare-bones CK2?

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Yep, just the base game is required to use my mod, no dlc or other mods are required.


The Republic idea sounds like a lot of fun, I had similar ideas about a secret society that did the same thing. And as for sounding outlandish, this IS Crusader Kings 2. Outlandish with the veneer of history is pretty much par for the course with this game. :stuck_out_tongue:

I am still working on the remainder of the Temporary Obesity events, I’ll try to get that completed well in advance of you releasing the next version.


Sorry to bother the developer for one more question. I notice when you go out for a dinner date with your spouse you get two menu options that just state in the selection buttons something like “dinner option 1” which will go to prose, and “dinner option 2” which just returns with nothing. Is that expected?


Im not sure I understand the question, but I’ll try and answer as best I can. If this isn’t what you meant, feel free to try asking me again.

There isn’t always going to be a second event after your meal size selection. The only time this happens is if your partner becomes gluttonous.

Also quick question, if you are seeing things like “dinner_option_1”, are you playing the game in English? I just want to know if I screwed up with the text or if the game isn’t showing my localizations at all because of the game’s language.

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Would you be able to post a screenshot?

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The consensual stuffing branch is in the mod now. It works pretty much exactly how I described it in the outline post. The only thing I didn’t mention is what I made the min and max stomach capacity and how weight is calculated. The minimum stomach capacity is 5, which equals 5 “turns” of stuffing at most, and the maximum capacity is 20. 1 weight is gained for every 2 turns of stuffing. I’m probably going to change how this works so you would get diminishing returns after you hit a threshold of stuffing turns. Also, Wigglesworth has started helping write the physical activity localizations. He’s already sent me about 2/3 of the localizations.

I’m glad people are excited for the republic idea :slightly_smiling_face:. I really want to get working on it, but like I said in the checklist, I need to stop myself from expanding the scope of the mod before 1.0 is finished. Since I don’t have access to the computer I’m making the mod on right now, I’m going to rattle off a few more ideas.

Firstly, regarding the heresies I said wanted to make, Islam and Judaism both have distain for gluttony. Zoroastrianism only has a problem with it if it (according to my source) “Inhibits the person from being able to combat evil”, which wouldn’t really apply to a ruler since their leadership qualities would be more helpful in achieving that goal. Although now I’ve realized another big snag for me making heresies for Judaism and Islam is that, for both of them, I have both not played as those religions before and I’m not very familiar with either religion’s beliefs (at least not enough to be accurate). I’d need help to make heresies for them.

Now for the new stuff. I want expand on governments, particularly with succession laws and gender succession laws. The way I always like to play the game in regards to massive society changes for the country is to earn the changes. For example, I really like playing female characters, but I also prefer to have to earn the ability rather than just turning on gender equality in the settings. Whether it’s through the slow passing of “status of women laws”, switching to Basque culture, or switching to specific religions. So I’m going to find ways (when appropriate) to allow the player the option to unlock the ability to switch to Enatic, Enatic-Cognatic, and absolute Cognatic succession types. An example; The Catholic heresy im going to make will (hopefully) have an option for characters to “reform” the heresy through theological debate and writing. The line of logic being something along the lines of viewing women as more divine due to them needing less food than men (typically) to gain weight. This will require a character with a very high learning skill/theologian, high diplomacy/gregarious, and a large to massive amount of piety. Once you meet the requirements and take the decision, you will be given a choice between the three gender laws I mentioned earlier. The more the succession law favors women over men, the more piety it will require to take. Once the choice is made, every nation of that heresy MUST use that gender law. The AI won’t be able to do this, it’ll entirely be in the player’s hands as well being entirely optional. The reason I want to include this is for people who would rather play the mod from a female’s (most likely gainer’s) perspective.

Next is the religion features for pagans. The first one will behave very similarly to the Christian heresies, but without the idea I proposed previously. The reason is that they will be using a succession law that the mod was originally going be about exclusively, Fatocracy succession. It’ll be an elective type succession that judges it’s candidate based primarily on how fat they are. It’ll be exclusive from the gender law features, because it’ll also be using the absolute cognatic succession. There would also be a dynastic version that only allows candidates of the family in charge to be eligible.

The other one (though it’s more like two) I thought of was an alternative version of Enatic and Agnatic clans that focuses on making it’s top liege (and vassal dukes/Kings) fat. I haven’t thought much about this one, other than it will have a sort of mirror to Catholic’s coronation mechanics and be more flavor event focused. If the character does not have the fat trait, they will become progressively more disliked by vassals and courtiers until they get it. To help with this, for characters without the trait, there will be a repeatable harvest festival in autumn months to gain large amounts of weight for money.

All of these will be optional for those that prefer to play as male characters as well as to maintain the sort of historical aspect of the game.
I’d like to hear thoughts on these ideas.


I really do like the idea of a weight based Tanistry for pagans. Never was much of a fan of the elective forms of monarchy, so it wouldn’t see a lot of use in my case.

Visigothic? Shouldn’t that be Basque? Or do the Visigoths also have Absolute Cognatic as a cultural bonus?

I can’t speak for Judaism, but Islam and the Zoroastrian heresy, Manicheaism, would both be very negative regarding gluttony and weight gain. Islam historically has had a strong focus on moderation, and the game tries to showcase that via the decadence system. A gluttonous, obese ruler would be rather unpopular.

And Manicheaism would crank that up to eleven, if not add a few more speakers. The religion of Light regards everything as belonging to either the light or the dark, good or evil. That which is spiritual is good, while that which is material is evil, and philanthropy to the point of personal poverty is a requirement of the Elect, who essentially fill the dual role of priest and monk for the lay practitioners, the Hearers. The idea of someone eating so far beyond the point of satiety that they become a literal blob of fat, in a world where so many go to bed hungry, would be unquestionably evil, all caps and end quote.

My fav starts in ck2 have always been Manichaeans and Zoroastrians, whether Uyghur, Sogdian, or Persian. I like bringing the ancient underdogs back to prominence against the Abrahamic faiths once again. Islam in the game is always good for a power romp, and my big hope for ck3 is that they do a much better job representing the Islamic states and their actual powerbase this time around. I’ve also had a lot of fun with Nestorianism, but I keep flopping Messalian for some unfathomable reason.

A potential idea for the future might be to have more unique events regarding some of these religions to represent the powers that be pushing your character to shed some pounds, with more severe penalties if they continue to expand. Likewise, an ambitious character or a pretender to the throne might try and encourage the ruler to keep eating and gaining as a means of discrediting said ruler.

In terms of mechanics, a penalty to relations with characters of the above religions, increasing with each weight threshold, would probably be a good way to go about. A much more severe version could be attached to Imams and the Caliph, as well as the Elect and the Yamag, given the stance both sets of clergy have regarding excess.

In terms of an AI ruler, a gluttonous or hedonistic character would be more likely to keep stuffing themselves silly and ignore their vassals, while a trusting character could be easily manipulated into having a few more helpings of dessert, as they haven’t gained that much weight (the Duke said so, after all). On average, though, the AI should probably be willing to accept the push and keep their weight under control, while an Islamic or Manichaean AI should by default avoid getting fat as much as possible.

Another potential idea would be to add an extra level of dislike by practitioners of Islam and Manichaeism regarding religions or governments that have the Fatocracy government type. There’s already a precedent for such a thing in the game, as the Iconoclasts get an extra penalty from the Muslim characters if they switch back to Orthodoxy.

Would some kind of extra weight gain for priestesses and priests be an option for a fat-reformed pagan faith be something doable in the game? Possibly something like their only diet options being between Hearty, Extra Hearty, and Downright Obscene? Or perhaps something like the Reckless Eater trait for the PC kicks in, and the only options ALL increase their weight variable? If the game has something like the Mystery Cults of Rome, where there’s many grades you need to work through (like the secret societies), having them locked by weight could be a means of getting the AI to prioritize gaining a whole heapin’ pile of weight.

Plus, I like the idea of my priestess being so massive, she’s just an immobile blob preaching from her enormously overbuilt double-wide bed. There was a great text adventure game, though I’ve forgotten the name of it, where you play as the founder of such a religion, and the best end has you spread across the entire bed, a lardy embodiment of excess.

Man, I’ve got to learn to get these rambling messages under control.


I’m glad you like the ideas :slightly_smiling_face:.
Yeah it was Basque, not Visgothic culture.

Thanks for the help with the other religions, it’s very useful information. If I make the Islam heresy I’m going to play it safe with the gender law, since the game might explode if it changes from agnatic. I think it’s hard coded for them.

My favorite way to play the religion game is always to either lead a Catholic heresy that doesn’t have a religious head to prominence (kind of like a super early Protestant split, but not actually Protestant obviously), or to revive and reform the Hellenic faith and rebuild the old Roman empire. Whether through title or borders, like my custom Netherlandic Roman Empire.

As for the idea of ambitious characters egging their liege to onto gain more weight, and thus lowering the reputation with other members of the religion, I really like it. I’m probably going to use this. I could also use this for keeping vassals unpopular amongst each other.

I absolutely can have priests gain more weight if they are a part of my religions. All I need to do is check if they follow one of the heresies/have one of the religion features, gender if applicable, and are a theocracy government type. I’m going to add this once get into this stuff.


Here is the screenshot of the Dinner Date options. Answer to your question, I am playing in “English”

The option 2 one doesn’t do anything. Option 1 provides several choices.

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Okay, yes this is correct. Option 2 is basically saying “no” to a love interest pestering to take them out to eat. Option 1 is agreeing, and then the next option selection is picking the size of the meal. Apologies, this was before I started naming things to be more clear


With regards to the whole Republic and fattening the nation, would it be possible to do that via implementation of food-resource-buildings with a statistic to define available food supply, governed by a law, or two?

This could enable either stockpiling for the ruler(s) specifically, or spreading amongst the populace, with the ability to massively up the production rate, and thus stored calorie values for the country, eventually resulting in a kind of Golden-Arches-on-every-street-corner-type-thing, which could be conveyable through events and more restaurant date/stuffing opportunities, chubby peasants taking your fancy, etc.

Additionally, laws of succession for only the appropriately rotund; a casus belli for saving those poor, starving, heathens by force; food festivals to supplement the summer fairs and feast-type events; and improved transport and logistics to better enable all of the above.

And seeing as the less-than-mundane is already a part of the mod in the form of the potions, could the option of magical interference be open for execution of any of these concepts?

(Naturally, this is a suggestion/wish-list and I don’t intend for this to be taken as an attempt at telling you what to do, as what you are doing is excellent work and I don’t want to hinder that, so thank you for taking the time to work on the mod that has kept me interested in CK2 far past the time that it really deserves.)


I remember awhile back (before Conclave dropped, to give a frame of reference), I had just reformed the Roman Empire. After several failed attempts. I was finally going to get that achievement.

Then nothing happened.

After looking into it, I learned that I needed to be Christian to restore Rome.

And I was Manichaean.

I almost cried.


I think that these sorts of games shine the most when you have some sort of long-term goal that you’re trying to reach, so I’m very happy that you’re going to focus on relogious reform, and goverment reform options!

However, these kinds of games usually end up in a state where you’re on top of the world with few worries, which leads me to the next point that @LeftHandManGary made me think about…

The talk of Manichaeans practically vilifying gluttony and hedonistic behaivour made me think of having some sort of late-game threat that inevatibally grows as you and your subjects grow their waistlines, I’m talking either a hidden society that’s growing inside of your nation or an event-spawned country that is here to stop this rampant gluttony that is taking over the world.

The idea would be to have hidden checklists that see where general obesity is at in the world, and at various milestones there would first be rumours of either a hidden society that is forming to overthrow the current goverment, or a religious uprising much further away that is forming to wipe these gluttonous pigs out in the name of their god(s). The first milepost is just rumours, which then at another milestone would turn into an inconvinience, and eventually it’ll become a huge threat to your current lifestyle and beliefs once you’ve grown yourself and your country (and neighbours?) large enough. The end goal of this looming disaster would either have you set back by a large amount until they’re satisfied, have you lose the game, or have you overthrow this threat and come back stronger than ever before. This would of course be another option that you could turn off, as I’m sure some people would find this to just get in the way of their fun.

I’m not entirely sure how possible it is to make this chain of events possible, but I’m sure that since the Aztec invasion is a thing that it wouldn’t be impossible. And of course I’m sure that this would be quite a lot of work, but if you’re interested in having this be an eventuality I’d be more than happy to help with throwing in ideas, flavour text, and possibly some pictures for this!


Endgame Crises are sort of a thing in vanilla, with the Mongol Hordes, the Chinese, and the Aztecs (Sunset Invasion?) so there should be a system to allow for that sort of thing. One would assume that the hardest part would be tying the activation to a variable other than time, such as said fat-stat, along with the society, which could potentially use some function of that statistic to generate its currency/influence.

You could also use your idea in such a way as to be the “villain” in the story, and be the opposition to the fattening. That would be an interesting twist.


Who let M. Night Shmyalamaman out of his box?