Crusader Kings 2 - 3.0's weight gain

Sorry for not understanding because I use machine translation.
How can I gain more weight after using add_trait is_fat?

CK2 doesn’t have a very detailed weight system. Either you are fat, morbidly obese, or not fat at all. If you have the trait fat, you’re portrait will become different and you may get some events, but it will take many years before you become obese. It usually doesn’t happen until your character is over 40, but can happen before if they are really indulgent.


Easiest way I found was to play a random world, and create a religion with enatic clans to guarantee a line of female rulers. I’m not sure if Paradox has patched it or not, but one thing I’ve noticed is that “The baby wants something different” event fires fairly frequently when you’re pregnant. Between that and family focus, my rulers tend to get pretty fat fairly regularly.

I’ve never had the “Obese” event fire naturally. I’ve always had to console command it. And despite the description saying “You’ve gotten so fat, all you do is lay in bed and eat, ya bloody whale,” it seems to have no in-game effect besides a debuff to health and personal combat. I would have at least expected the incapable trait to crop up.

I’ve never had any luck using the console to fire events for other people. There’s also a nearly total lack of reactions to the weight gain of others. If my wife or another relative is gaining weight, I get an event where I can try to steer them skinny again, or accept that their business is their own.

Overall, the content is fairly limited.


If you look at the obesity event, you’ll notice that it has an age limit of 35 and requires already receiving a warning event.

There is limited content but it’s a base that can be built upon with trait and event mods, rather than writing a weight system from scratch.


I’ve actually been playing around with event files and I’ve been considering making a mod that tweaks event text and adds some new ones about weight gain. As stated, there are some interesting events already like the family bloodline and getting stuck in doorways, but there can definitely be more stuff added, like the text of feasting events changing to reflect a character with a bigger appetite.


I am waiting in anticipation! I think it would be great if the portrait changed, but it seems very difficult.

Portrait mods exist and are out there. In fact, the changes Holy Fury did makes adjustments specifically to emulate WG easier. However, it’s nigh impossible to make them blend with the existing portrait system and would probably mean replacing more or less all portrait assets.

The place to look for that stuff is gfx/characters/shared/physique; those are the neck variants used by the game.

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I’ve attempted similar things. My ineptitude with the code makes event modding very frustratingly confusing. Often times it’s either event options not showing up for some reason or events not being valid because ONE random closed bracket…
I wish you luck in your efforts. Please keep us updated

In case anyone is interested.

saw that yesterday and wanted to post it today here, but was to late :stuck_out_tongue:
wanted to ask if you did make progress with the mod?

just let us know when you have the files for download

Never played it (maybe I should!), but Crusader Kings 3 has been announced for release in 2020.

Yeah, I saw that. Still not sure how to feel about that. I feel like they’re just going to be starting the same process all over again, only with slightly better graphics. If they follow their usual DLC pattern, most content won’t be available for awhile.

Was really hoping they’d fix some of the issues with CK2 before making 3, but maybe they’ll do proper genetics this time.

Sadly, while I can help people interested in taking this up as a project, I’m still too busy irl to try pursuing it myself, especially after getting sidetracked by a certain french game, lol. That probably won’t change before early December.

If there’s still interest then, maybe. Otherwise I might wait for CK3 and see how it compares modding-wise. If it’s easier (or better yet, has weight baked-in to begin with, which I’m mildly hopeful of given the emphasis on graphics) then I might jump straight to that instead.

That said, if CK3 needs graphical modding for fat, I definitely won’t be able to do that solo. I’m not really a coder as it is. :stuck_out_tongue:

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In paradox’s announcement convention they say they are transferring over a lot of the dlc features but not all of them.

Well, all we can do at this point is just follow it and see what happens.

And hope that it’s release build is considerably better then Imperator Rome.

I have also been quietly been working on a mod for CK2’s weight system as well. I have taken a look at some of the suggestions here and have implemented a few of them already. It’ll be while before I have something ready for release, but I figure now would be a good time to at least talk about what I have so far, as well as some of what I have planned. I’m making this mod with maximum compatibility in mind, so far I’ve only had to modify two vanilla files, and I don’t intend to go edit anymore unless have to.

things I have done so far:

  1. I have extended the weight thresholds from 15 (fat trait) and 30 (minimum for obese event to fire) to
    50 (fat trait) and 100 (obese modifier trigger).
  2. I have 10 incremental weight levels as modifiers in addition to the fat trait and obese modifier.
  3. the age limit to get the obese event to trigger has been lowered so it can now happen to any adult.
  4. Events that trigger at lower weight levels, giving more narrative to the process. They need more polish, they only go up to before you get the fat trait at the moment, and I need to add more options based on character’s traits. These will be the main time sink, but I also don’t want to add too many of them, so the player isn’t spammed with events all at once.
  5. the weight gain pulse event has been changed so that your trait based weight updates every two years instead of 5.
  6. I’ve changed some of the weight changing values for some of the traits, so they are either more or less potent depending on what I feel makes sense. I’m heavily testing this aspect.
  7. There are events/decisions (currently two) that involve other characters. One is a dinner date decision (both the AI and player can do this, but the player can choose to decline with no penalty) that can be used to marginally increase your relationship with your spouse, lover, or consort at the cost of gaining weight and running the risk of either or maybe both characters picking up the glutton trait. If your partner (or if the player picks up the trait if the AI is the one paying) picks up the glutton trait, they will have random events where they pester one of their potential love interests to take them out again.
    The pester events will stop if the character loses the glutton trait.

The other is any character with a friend will try to learn how to bake and asks their friend to help sample. This will continue until either the first character learns how to bake, the first character chooses to stop, or the subject chooses to quit.
8. added a decision to weigh yourself so you can keep track of your weight variable. Depending on your traits, your character will have either a negative (risk of getting stressed or depressed depending on how high the weight level is), neutral, or positive (this is just flavor text, because otherwise this could easily be abused to remove negative traits or get buffs) response. If you have a martial education or a few specific traits you also have the option once every two months to slightly lower your weight.
The AI can’t do this, but I will be adding an equivalent to the workout option for them in the future
9. The obese health issue has been dramatically reduced, due to how it was programmed it was very easy to end up with -5 health after you get the event. This is why obese characters dropped dead after about a month of getting the modifier. I’ve also made the low weight equivalent not ruin your health the same way I did for the obese event, just to keep it fair.
10. I’m also integrating some of the more popular loverslab mods that I feel would work into the mod, but they will not be required. Currently I’m making use of using the “Darkworld Fantasy Far East module” and “Dark World Tentacles”. Specifically, Far East is using the Neko race for a handful of events, and Tentacles had an event that would more or less reset your weight every time it happened, luckily it was very easy to fix and requires no extra files to download (I also added a few events in just because I could).
11. I have new graphics for these events ready, but I need to get the artists permission first before I use them in a public release. If I can’t get permission I’ll have to unfortunately use the vanilla images.

Some of this is subject to change as I polish it up, or if I can’t get permission for some/all the art. I also have other things in mind such as; bloodlines, succession laws, and societies, but I want to focus on the simple things first since this is my first mod for this game. I have no idea when I’ll be ready for launch, but I felt now was a good time to share.


This is very exciting to see. Very exciting. I can’t properly express how much.

Do you have any plans for dialogue for your spouse gaining weight? In the base game, you only have a single option pop, where you either ignore their gain or tell them to “stop stuffing yourself, you pig!” It always bothered me that I never got anything afterwards telling me how they expanded, or get an outsiders perspective on your spouse eating themselves to being a beached whale.

And, for that matter, is there any plans for stages above “and now you’re immobile,” or is that currently a final cut off? Mad props if the death flavor text mentions a number of pallbearers throwing out their backs trying to carry you or your loved one to their final rest, lol.

Like I said, I am way too excited about this, lol.

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Yes I plan on having more interactions between characters with closer relationships. These will likely range from both positive and negative interactions between the characters. I didn’t mention them in the first post but I’m also adding the ability to have a character develop one of two fetishes (fat fetish, and feedee fetish, and maybe a version that includes both but I’m sure yet) in the form of traits. I’m trying to make the mod as balanced as humanly possible.

Right now my primary focus is on events that are from the perspective of the character the player is controlling. As for events, I’m open to suggestions and ideas. I’m trying to appeal on a fairly broad scale, so suggestions are welcome. The mod is non intrusive in terms of what it edits vs. adds, so if anyone wanted to make an addon to the mod, it’d be pretty easy.


Oh, those are dangerous words, lol. This is an idea I’ve thought about far too much. Well, time for my next novel…

Okay, in all seriousness, I’ve a few outsider weight gain ideas:

  1. In the base game, you have the option to purchase your spouse a new wardrobe when her pregnancy causes her to outgrow her current one, gaining positive affection in exchange for some gold if you do. Something like that would make sense for when s/he’s just piling on the pounds, with the cost scaling based on how big s/he is. As for affection, I’m not sure what would really be balanced. And obviously, if you’re buying them a new, larger wardrobe, they won’t have any incentive to lose weight, and will just keep eating and gaining.

  2. The PC’s response to the above could also potentially have an impact in the opposite direction. A negative response could start them losing weight at the cost of some negative opinion. On the other hand, if they have the glutton or feedee trait, the loss of opinion could be more severe, and they may decide to keep stuffing themselves in spite of your input.

  3. As a potential event feeding off the above, refusing to purchase your spouse bigger clothes and her choosing to continue gaining could easily lead to wardrobe malfunctions during a feast or court event. Potential ramifications could include loss of vassal opinion (“Did you see our Queen burst from her dress!? Outrageous!”), and/or a loss of spousal opinion (Humiliated because of miserly spouse).

  4. Random events during feasts or the aforementioned dinner dates could include crushing or upgrading furniture (which could be a good hallmark for just how big they’re getting); sending extra servings their way (upping their weight values and gluttony); vassal/guest comments about how much your spouse is eating and your reaction to them; and your spouse requesting something particularly grandiose or eating some food item in its entirety, giving you options that could either start them scaling back or ramping up even further.

  5. And, as they pass the line of fat and approach “people you see on the news,” the PC could start receiving options to scale their meals up or down; maybe the globular Mrs. requests more meals or larger portion sizes, and the PC gets to decide between a couple of choices; options to keep them more or less active, having a direct impact on their weight; as s/he gets bigger and more helpless, you get an option to either force them to take care of themselves, curtailing their gain a bit, or hire more servants, letting them get even more massive…

  6. As a final one (as this post is far too long as it is), a special event when s/he crosses the threshold of immobility, and a couple to fire thereafter, would be splendid. Perhaps s/he tries to rise from the bed (with or without the help of several servants) and fails, collapsing in an avalanche of lard that crushes the bed, and quite possibly a peasant. With the help of a lot of servants and equipment, they manage to get her upright and into another, beefier bed.

"As the last servant left to see the apothecary about a sore back, (Spouse name here)'s stomach let out a loud, low rumble that left her fat stuffed form trembling. Sheepishly, s/he rubbed as much of her oversized, pinning belly as s/he could reach. “Maybe,” she said, nervously stroking her many chins, “I should take my breakfast in bed today…”

Potential options at this point could include:

  • No, you have to leave this room! - force your spouse to be at least somewhat mobile, and possibly lose some weight, at least to a reasonable level. Fatty struggles galore? Perhaps she’s cheating on her diet and still gaining anyway?

  • If that’s what you desire. - The neutral option, in effect. Leaves it up to the AI, affected by traits, what will happen. Given the current state of affairs, she would likely remain immobile, with further weight gain likely.

  • Shall I send for the servants? - Lose a small amount of gold to hire more staff. Spouse definitely remains immobile, and continues gaining. Slight health boost from permanent caretakers?

  • Ha! Worry not, my dear. You shall have all you want and MORE! - Lose a moderate amount of gold to hire a lot more servants, cooks, and caretakers. Spouse is stuffed from sun up to sun down, often with an accompanying midnight snack, leading to significant weight gain. Overflows and/or crushes new bed? Servants, spit boys, and the like collapse from exhaustion trying to keep pace with her monstrous appetite? Arms and hands get so swaddled with fat that she even loses the use of these appendages, forcing her serving girls to directly feed her? Widespread hunger in your personal demense or tributaries simply because of just how MUCH she’s eating?

Geez, I apologize for inflicting this beast of a post upon you. Had originally intended to include some PC weight gain ideas in here as well, but this monster is terrifying enough. Like I said, I have thought about this way, WAY too much, lol.