Anytime a game is updated or patched with a new version number mods will need to be updated. Which normally means whatever the mod does it doesn’t work with a new update.
Almost always they are incompatible just in the fact that the game reads which version the mod is for and sees that it’s out of date.
Worst case (like this) the game crashes because of missing needed or core info to function normally.
I get you. I just have been in situations where mods out of date still work fine and don’t interfere at all with no issue. I thought this mod would be one of them. It wasn’t which makes me very sad.
The clipping and quality of the clothes on the newest version of CBO are really rough on the higher weights bodies due to the changes with how Mange made clothes scale with body size.
Not sure if he was rushed to update the mod or if something broke and he was forced to find another solution. Kind of a bummer though. Might stick with vanilla sizes at this point or roll back to 1.4 (again) for the time being.
Version 1.3.0 was uploaded, compatible with the Royal Court patch. I ported all the old stuff + some tweaks. I cut out the fitness system that I was working on because I’m not sure how to implement it in a fun way. Maybe will return to it later.
I made some changed to court amenities. In vanilla version, it seems, weight gain from food quality only affects the ruler of the court. I made it affect all courtiers, but the game started lagging ungodly. So I changed it so that it only affects the player’s court, seems to work fine this way. I also added some slight weight gain for the number of servants and lodgings (you can see the number in the UI when you hover over the new standard) and added a new stage for food quality - hedonistic food. It’s slightly covered by some other UI element but I will look into that later.
So basically with this you can have a whole court of obese people, if you can afford to pay for that.
To bypass the changes Paradox made to weight, traits may not reflect your current weight, but they’re updated once a year.
If you see any bugs, let me know. I have some ideas for new court events, culture perks, other events, new traits and so on. I will change my approach from now on, in the past I got burnt out trying to develop multiple big features all at once, and so nothing got implemented, now I will try to work on small features or concentrate on one big feature. So maybe this will help me stay motivated working on this mod. But I don’t have a ton of free time in the nearest future, so can’t promise any big updated, apart from bug fixes.
Forgot to mention, this mod still requires Mange’s mod. It has some issues currently but it’s playable. The one thing I don’t like is that it seems Mange’s sliders are limited and are not as fat as they used to be (or the screen I posted above). But his shapes are still really good, so I want to use them for my mod.
I actually didn’t know it referred to the sizes. I’m using the one that’s NOT vanilla. But the other one is probably going to work with the mod too. What sizes are we talking about, overall body sizes or breast/butt sizes?
the vanilla mod is just a modification of the models you get with base game, the other one uses Mange’s customized models if I am not confused by what each version does
Oh, I tried the vanilla ones out. Turns out they actually allow my slider tweaks to take place, meaning much fatter characters. But Mange’s bodies are way sexier for normal-weight women still. So yeah, both options will work with my mod, but there’s a tradeoff.
There’s some stuff that’d be useful to know if attempting to replicate stuff from CK2 mods here. For instance, is the upper ingame weight limit of 100 hard-coded? If so, then implementing more weight stages may mean addressing it in the opposite way as before; halving weight changes so that it takes longer to move between stages.
Yes, it’s hardcoded. Nerfing weight gain from all sources is a valid way to bypass it.
Uploaded version 1.3.1 with some minor fixes. Fixed UI in royal court, found a way to enable weight gain for all courts (not only player’s courts), people in armies and knights (if they aren’t too gluttonous) won’t gain weight from court amenities.
Happy the mod was updated, been playing with royal court its been dumb fun all around, fun mod to get a dynasty of fatties is House Traditions, just a recommendation, it is stupid easy to get a fat dynasty going
How does that mod help in terms of weight gain?
By the way, there’s a trait called “increased appetite” that’s inheritable, although I think it’s not passed down frequently enough, will probably change that.
The DLC/patch is really good, though. Will add some new interesting court positions, culture doctrines and events in the next few minor patches.
Good to see you back developing the mod. I’m so excited for more events, they’d really help diversifying the gameplay. The DLC stuff is intriguing as well, can’t wait to see what you have in mind
so far I’ve actually noticed very little difference in WG, considering emperor class titles even with the optimized weight loss strat always end up as blobs of flesh anyways lol
on the other side of the spectrum the consequences are also negatable by meta breading strats which make them pointless outside of slight prestige dings for the chair broken every couple of years
Are you saying that gaining weight should me more difficult? I could add a settings that makes weight gain harder.
The negative consequences are sufficient, I believe. After all, if you have all the good traits and a lot of money, having a kingdom of morbidly obese people shouldn’t be a problem.