Crusader Kings 3: Weight Gain and Consequences

A little teaser for the 1.4.0 version which should be released pretty soon, likely within this week (only two more events planned). This will be the largest update for the mod yet!


Version 1.4.0 was uploaded. I tidied up the OP a little bit, hopefully it will clear things out. Caution: I recommend to start a new game with this new mod version. You can play an existing save with this new version, but don’t be surprised that everyone is going to be very fat (because the new base weight is not 0, but -80). In a few years they should lose their weight, though.
New features:

  • The biggest one: I implemented my own height and weight system. I know Mange’s Physical Attributes provide a similar solution, but I decided to give my own try and am content with the results. You can toggle metric/imperial units in the game rules, also there’s a game rule for extreme heights frequencies. Some events that previously relied on weight stage now rely on the weight number. Height and weight are visible in your character window and in the character search, I also wanted to add filters and sorting options based on them but it’s not technically possible. May look into workaround later.
  • In general there are now some game rules available to tweak the mod to your liking. If you want something else added, let me know.
  • Implementing weight made me realize how fat most people are in this game. So I nerfed most sources of weight gain to make sure most people are thin and only the gluttons are truly fat. Gluttons have a higher target weight, gain more weight from royal court food (lazy people also gain more weight from court servants) and gain weight faster than others. Reaching extreme weight will be very hard unless you are very gluttonous or have the genetic predisposition.
  • Many people didn’t like the fact that the feast cooldown is way too high, but it would be boring to simply decrease it. Also I felt that the cost was too high in some cases. And so I bring to you a new court position: master of the pantry. This person decreases feast cooldowns and prices based on their aptitude. Also they reduce the general food prices, which affect stuff like sweets cost, pregnancy diet cost, court food maintenance and so on. For now it’s a huge net positive to have this person, because you pay him dirt cheap but save a lot of money and time in the end.
  • One event relating to the pantry. It’s somewhat basic now and similar to the kitchen thief event, but I have plans to expand it when I implement some new mechanics. Also there will be more stuff relating to your pantry and managing your court in general, especially when it’s full of gluttonous and heavy courtiers.
  • Speaking of gluttonous courtiers, I didn’t like the fact that so many gluttons were starving in poor guys’ courts while I have tons of food for everyone. So gluttons will now be more likely to join your court if you provide a lot of food.
  • To show off the capabilities of the new weight system, I added an event to break the bed with your spouse (posted above). Different descriptions based on the weight discrepancy of your couple.
  • Finally, this mod has a squashing event, although it’s not very likely (would be too frustrating otherwise). People who are much heavier than their spouses have a chance to smother them while making love. Honestly, I haven’t encountered this event in the wild (though I have tested that it can happen and that it works), but if that’s how you want to end your life, grab a full harem of very fat concubines for your skinny guy and pray to gods of RNG that it happens!
  • Decision to stuff yourself that was previously only available to comfort eaters is now available to all gluttons. It now gives you a new overeating modifier. It’s vanilla, so it’s very basic, but I will replace it with a dedicated stuffing event chain in the future.
  • Some other minor tweaks and fixes here and there that you may notice. For example, I finally fixed the issue that caused disparities between weight variable (and potentially stage) and appearance.

i’d say really just some quality of life things would be nice, like being able to choose your height/breast size/etc if that’d be possible. and maybe integration of the carnalitas ui, since being able to see all your traits is nice. overall really bang up job with the whole thing, though. really impressive stuff :3

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you…you can already with the prerequisite mods that this is built off of, unless something is conflicting with that mod

as far as i can tell this mod automatically overwrites those, i noticed that it for sure overwrites the breast shape. the physical attributes events don’t work, either. i could just have physical attributes load later but idk if that would work plus the height and weight systems for this seem more accurate. like i said it’d mostly just be a quality of life thing. i like my strongfat amazons >:3

I updated the OP with info about compatibility. Physical Attributes mod is not compatible with WGAC because it has its own height and weght system, which I decided not to use because when I played it it had some issues (my own system is not perfect too, but I’m content enough with it, hopefully you too).
There are already debugging interactions that allow you to change your height, but I will make a more user-friendly way to set your height. Also you can always just breed tall people yourself (height is inheritable: it’s a value from 0 to 1000 and the child has the average of parent’s values + some variation to make them randomly slightly shorter or taller, just like it real life). I will even add some things that will facilitiate breeding taller characters.
As for Carnalitas, currently WGAC is not fully compatible with it. I don’t plan to integrate with it in the near future because I have no sex events anyway. You can always naturally breed bigger breasts into your dynasty, as well (even without the traits). Although natural support for breasts would be great, to make them influence your character’s weight. And maybe in general simulating different fat distributions, like fat going to breasts/butt and so on. But this is not the main priority for now.
So, nothing prevents you from having strongfat amazons right now, just breed for tall height, amazonian trait and increased appetite, and there you have it.

If you have any other ideas for what should be in 1.4.1, let me know!

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Is there a way to change out of the metric system mid-game? I can’t read metric to Lbs, FT, IN right.

If you have any other ideas for what should be in 1.4.1, let me know!

Besides obviously continuing to add events in order to spice up the day-to-day gameplay, it’d be great to add some dedicated content to yet untouched areas of the game. Maybe religious and cultural pillars that involve fat admiration and similiar concepts.

One thing I had in mind, that I don’t know if it is possible to implement exactly, was to have gluttonous inspired courtiers have a small chance to create an artifact that makes gaining weight faster, even if it is leaning into fantasy a bit.

Maybe even something for the intrigue side of things, like allowing you to force feed prisoners, or a dedicated scheme to fatten someone up.

For feasts, you could have events where you get to encourage other characters to eat more, with the gluttony trait relieving stress and some other (chaste? what’s the closest opposite of gluttony in the game?) stressing you out instead. Would add some incentive to roleplay too, lol.

Also good job, thank you for the hard work :pray:

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Currently, no. I will move it from a game rule to a game setting via decision.

I have multiple ideas for that, but it’s not planned for 1.5, more likely for 1.6. Need to establish a base first.

I thought about creating a weight gain elixir (like the health/fertility elixirs currently in the game), but decided it’s not high priority. It’s definitely possible for future updates.

Spoiling things up a little bit, but force feeding torture will be in 1.4.1 already, as well as some other similar stuff. I worked on a fatten up scheme before abandoning the mod the first time and still have texts for that created by Rando121. I currently plan to add this scheme in version 1.5 of the mod.

Good idea, but this event will likely get lost in the stream of vanilla feast events, although I will implement something similar one day.


you can save edit the rule needed to swap it off metric if you want, but as always be cautious and make sure you know what the rule is called beforehand

I’ve never save edited rules before

jcjonesacp76 nullrockets
I’ve uploaded hotfix for you. I added an in-game settings menu that you can find in decisions. You can toggle between different units (metric or imperial) and enable an interaction that let’s you change everyone’s height.
Edit: the fact that 1.5.1 came out went right over my head…uploaded another hotfix that fixes compatibility issues

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Debugging after crashes, the latest version does not work (CTD during loading), even when loaded on its own. Here’s an excerpt from the error log.


[04:56:26][pdx_gui_factory.cpp:1216]: gui/window_court_amenities.gui:4 - Type ‘court_grandeur_expected_level_vbox’ already registered at ‘gui/wgac_window_court_amenities.gui’(4)
[04:56:26][pdx_gui_factory.cpp:1216]: gui/window_court_amenities.gui:48 - Type ‘widget_court_grandeur_view’ already registered at ‘gui/wgac_window_court_amenities.gui’(48)
[04:56:26][pdx_gui_factory.cpp:1216]: gui/window_court_amenities.gui:1305 - Type ‘widget_court_amenity_right’ already registered at ‘gui/wgac_window_court_amenities.gui’(1305)
[04:56:26][pdx_gui_factory.cpp:1216]: gui/window_court_amenities.gui:1435 - Type ‘widget_court_amenity_left’ already registered at ‘gui/wgac_window_court_amenities.gui’(1435)
[04:56:26][pdx_gui_factory.cpp:1216]: gui/window_court_amenities.gui:1571 - Type ‘court_grandeur_level_header_tooltip’ already registered at ‘gui/wgac_window_court_amenities.gui’(1571)
[04:56:26][pdx_gui_factory.cpp:1216]: gui/window_court_amenities.gui:1592 - Type ‘court_grandeur_level_tooltip’ already registered at ‘gui/wgac_window_court_amenities.gui’(1592)
[04:56:26][pdx_gui_factory.cpp:1216]: gui/window_court_amenities.gui:1672 - Type ‘court_grandeur_progress_bar_tooltip’ already registered at ‘gui/wgac_window_court_amenities.gui’(1672)
[04:56:26][pdx_gui_factory.cpp:1216]: gui/window_court_amenities.gui:1720 - Type ‘court_grandeur_expectations_tooltip’ already registered at ‘gui/wgac_window_court_amenities.gui’(1720)
[04:56:26][pdx_gui_factory.cpp:1216]: gui/window_court_amenities.gui:1743 - Type ‘flowcontainer_change_court_component’ already registered at ‘gui/wgac_window_court_amenities.gui’(1743)
[04:56:26][pdx_gui_factory.cpp:1216]: gui/window_court_amenities.gui:1798 - Type ‘widget_court_amenity_changed’ already registered at ‘gui/wgac_window_court_amenities.gui’(1798)
[04:56:26][pdx_gui_factory.cpp:1216]: gui/window_court_amenities.gui:1975 - Type ‘icon_grandeur_level’ already registered at ‘gui/wgac_window_court_amenities.gui’(1974)
[04:56:28][jomini_trigger.cpp:1368]: Badly read script value unfit_1_threshold at file: events/fitness_events.txt line: 9
[04:56:28][jomini_trigger.cpp:1373]: Illegal use of operator <= at file: events/fitness_events.txt line: 9
[04:56:28][jomini_trigger.cpp:1368]: Badly read script value unfit_1_threshold at file: events/fitness_events.txt line: 33
[04:56:28][jomini_trigger.cpp:1373]: Illegal use of operator > at file: events/fitness_events.txt line: 33
[04:56:28][jomini_trigger.cpp:1368]: Badly read script value unfit_2_threshold at file: events/fitness_events.txt line: 47
[04:56:28][jomini_trigger.cpp:1373]: Illegal use of operator <= at file: events/fitness_events.txt line: 47
[04:56:28][jomini_trigger.cpp:1368]: Badly read script value unfit_2_threshold at file: events/fitness_events.txt line: 69
[04:56:28][jomini_trigger.cpp:1373]: Illegal use of operator > at file: events/fitness_events.txt line: 69
[04:56:28][jomini_trigger.cpp:1368]: Badly read script value unfit_3_threshold at file: events/fitness_events.txt line: 84
[04:56:28][jomini_trigger.cpp:1373]: Illegal use of operator <= at file: events/fitness_events.txt line: 84
[04:56:28][jomini_trigger.cpp:1368]: Badly read script value unfit_3_threshold at file: events/fitness_events.txt line: 105
[04:56:28][jomini_trigger.cpp:1373]: Illegal use of operator > at file: events/fitness_events.txt line: 105
[04:56:28][jomini_trigger.cpp:1368]: Badly read script value unfit_4_threshold at file: events/fitness_events.txt line: 119
[04:56:28][jomini_trigger.cpp:1373]: Illegal use of operator <= at file: events/fitness_events.txt line: 119
[04:56:28][jomini_trigger.cpp:1368]: Badly read script value unfit_4_threshold at file: events/fitness_events.txt line: 139
[04:56:28][jomini_trigger.cpp:1373]: Illegal use of operator > at file: events/fitness_events.txt line: 139
[04:56:28][jomini_trigger.cpp:1368]: Badly read script value unfit_5_threshold at file: events/fitness_events.txt line: 153
[04:56:28][jomini_trigger.cpp:1373]: Illegal use of operator <= at file: events/fitness_events.txt line: 153
[04:56:28][jomini_trigger.cpp:1368]: Badly read script value unfit_5_threshold at file: events/fitness_events.txt line: 172
[04:56:28][jomini_trigger.cpp:1373]: Illegal use of operator > at file: events/fitness_events.txt line: 172
[04:56:28][jomini_trigger.cpp:1368]: Badly read script value fit_5_threshold at file: events/fitness_events.txt line: 188
[04:56:28][jomini_trigger.cpp:1373]: Illegal use of operator < at file: events/fitness_events.txt line: 188
[04:56:28][jomini_trigger.cpp:1368]: Badly read script value fit_4_threshold at file: events/fitness_events.txt line: 203
[04:56:28][jomini_trigger.cpp:1373]: Illegal use of operator < at file: events/fitness_events.txt line: 203
[04:56:28][jomini_trigger.cpp:1368]: Badly read script value fit_3_threshold at file: events/fitness_events.txt line: 218
[04:56:28][jomini_trigger.cpp:1373]: Illegal use of operator < at file: events/fitness_events.txt line: 218
[04:56:28][jomini_trigger.cpp:1368]: Badly read script value fit_2_threshold at file: events/fitness_events.txt line: 233
[04:56:28][jomini_trigger.cpp:1373]: Illegal use of operator < at file: events/fitness_events.txt line: 233
[04:56:28][jomini_trigger.cpp:1368]: Badly read script value fit_1_threshold at file: events/fitness_events.txt line: 248
[04:56:28][jomini_trigger.cpp:1373]: Illegal use of operator < at file: events/fitness_events.txt line: 248
[04:56:28][jomini_trigger.cpp:1368]: Badly read script value fit_1_threshold at file: events/fitness_events.txt line: 261
[04:56:28][jomini_trigger.cpp:1373]: Illegal use of operator >= at file: events/fitness_events.txt line: 261
[04:56:28][jomini_trigger.cpp:1368]: Badly read script value fit_2_threshold at file: events/fitness_events.txt line: 282
[04:56:28][jomini_trigger.cpp:1373]: Illegal use of operator >= at file: events/fitness_events.txt line: 282
[04:56:28][jomini_trigger.cpp:1368]: Badly read script value fit_3_threshold at file: events/fitness_events.txt line: 302
[04:56:28][jomini_trigger.cpp:1373]: Illegal use of operator >= at file: events/fitness_events.txt line: 302
[04:56:28][jomini_trigger.cpp:1368]: Badly read script value fit_4_threshold at file: events/fitness_events.txt line: 321
[04:56:28][jomini_trigger.cpp:1373]: Illegal use of operator >= at file: events/fitness_events.txt line: 321
[04:56:28][jomini_trigger.cpp:1368]: Badly read script value fit_5_threshold at file: events/fitness_events.txt line: 339
[04:56:28][jomini_trigger.cpp:1373]: Illegal use of operator >= at file: events/fitness_events.txt line: 339
[04:56:28][jomini_eventmanager.cpp:412]: Duplicated event ID ‘stress_trait_coping_decisions.5501’ found. New Location: ’ file: events/overwrite_stress_events.txt line: 9’, Previous Location: ’ file: events/overwrite_stress_events.txt line: 9’
[04:56:28][jomini_eventmanager.cpp:412]: Duplicated event ID ‘stress_trait_coping_decisions.5502’ found. New Location: ’ file: events/overwrite_stress_events.txt line: 45’, Previous Location: ’ file: events/overwrite_stress_events.txt line: 45’
[04:56:28][jomini_onaction.cpp:290]: Invalid event id health.5000 At: file: common/on_action/weight_on_actions.txt line: 4
[04:56:28][jomini_onaction.cpp:290]: Invalid event id health.5002 At: file: common/on_action/weight_on_actions.txt line: 17
[04:56:29][pdx_persistent_reader.cpp:228]: Error: "Failed to read key reference: us_custom_units: us_custom_units, near line: 3
" in file: “” near line: 3
[04:56:29][jomini_script_system.cpp:209]: Script system error!
Error: add_character_modifier effect [ Modifier ‘unfit_1_modifier’ doesn’t match expected type ‘character’, due to ‘none’ ]
Script location: file: events/fitness_events.txt line: 21
[04:56:29][jomini_script_system.cpp:209]: Script system error!
Error: remove_character_modifier effect [ Modifier ‘unfit_4_modifier’ doesn’t match expected type ‘character’ due to ‘none’ ]
Script location: file: events/fitness_events.txt line: 22

This is not the latest version. fitness_events.txt have not been part of the mod for a long time.
It seems you haven’t completely uninstalled the previous version of the mod before installing a new one. Forgot to add that to OP.

Can confirm it was an overwrite. Clean reinstall worked.

About strongfat amazons…
King Hrærekr of Norway was a truly legendary man. During his reign he conquered Sweden, Denmark, Lappland and Finland, formed the Scandinavian Empire, spread the reformed Asatru faith way beyond the borders of Norway, glorified his dynasty as the paragons of faith and feudalized the Nordic society. But this Gigachad not only had time to accomplish all these deeds, he also spent a lot of time appreciating the finer things in life. By finer things I of course mean non-stop feasts which expanded his figure quite a bit, and especially making love to even bigger women than himself (he had 14 children). King/Emperor Hrærekr searched far and wide for women of great appetite to invite or steal to his court, force feed them in the dungeon and then take them as concubines, spending fortunes on their diets. His most favourite concubine was a German woman named Margarete who stood 6’9’’ tall and weighed 375 lbs at peak and was an outstanding presence at the court due to her extreme height and girth. She was an excellent food taster for her husband due to her gluttony and weight (character weight now gives bonuses to being a food taster). Hrærekr loved her so much he took her as his wife, but unfortunately she didn’t live to the age of 50 due to her weight.
Just wanted to commemorate this playthrough of mine which was one of the best I ever had in any Paradox game. More features are coming, so hopefully his descendants will live even better lives than this dude.
Damn, I wish I was this guy…


Nice! There are no greater gigachads

For some reason nobody in my game visibly gains weight. Even morbidly obese characters at most have a slight belly, sometimes none at all. Tried both with CBO and CBO Vanilla.

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Are you sure they aren’t supposed to look like that? The woman I posted above is 375lbs/170kg and she doesn’t look like a blob, although she does have a quite big belly. The models aren’t perfect, so most of the weight goes to the belly, but overall I believe the weight and look are matched.
Did you install the mod correctly? Try launching the game in debug mode and using the debug interaction to fatten people up. When they are above 200kg, they should look quite fat.

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I think in your future updates you should consider religion. As of now, the only thing that might influence weight gain is the hedonism tenet, which makes gluttony a virtue and gives piety for making feasts. I believe the religion side could use some improvements that may further improve the hedonism tenet, add new ones, or even add something to the doctrine that could also serve a similar purpose.
An example I could tell off the top of my head is making overweight traits virtuous, same as Asatru with one-eyed or poet trait.
So far I am loving the new version that adds more spice to not just the royal court expansion, but also the main game overall, with the rebalancing of the overweight traits, that had previously hindered my expansion realm-wise, as well as the new events for variation.

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