Crusader Kings 3: Weight Gain and Consequences

Is there any possibility of you turning this into a fork of the git project in the first post? This would make it much easier to bugfix and maintain compatibility.

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Iā€™m having an issue with Character Body Overhaul specfically. When itā€™s enabled it crashes the game on startup and Iā€™m not finding super helpful info online.

THe mods I have enabled and in order of the load list:

Better Barbershop
CBO Vanilla

The only other mod that isnā€™t working quite right seems to be better barbershop, but everything loads fine apart from CBO. Any help? Sorry if this is the wrong forum for this question.

CBO isnā€™t updated to the newest version currently, so youā€™d have to roll back to 1.11.5 in the betas section. Go to the cog icon in the gameā€™s page in your library ā†’ properties ā†’ betas ā†’ dropdown menu and find 1.11.5. Also means some mods that are updated wonā€™t work but for this playlist everything should be fine if you still have the 1.11 versions (Carnalitas was recently updated to 1.12).


If you go to the comments on CBO, there is an unofficial patch that someone has put together already. Carnalitas has an unofficial patch as well.

Load order is:
CBO unofficial

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Yeah great ideas a virus what makes people fat our lose weight and with the tournament there can be like eating contest and things to do so many ideas haha if I know how to mod i really would make some things like that for this mod this is just a great mod


Sorry if Iā€™m asking a question thatā€™s already been answered. Traits are not appearing under the selected character (though they still function) and trying to switch out any of my councilors is impossible as the options are empty.
Iā€™m using the required mods, carnalitas and the 1.12 patch for CBO. Any ideas or fixes?

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Iā€™m still using the latest official CBO patch, are you using the unofficial one?

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Yeah, I thought CBO hadnā€™t yet been updated to work on the current version of CK3

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Does anyone know which one version work with game from microsoft store? It seems to be on version scythe

Thatā€™s the newest version of the game, so using this mod shouldnā€™t be a problem, but you will need to repair the descriptor file since when I downloaded it it was broken and needed to be modified

I was wondering about something interesting for this mod, what if you had a regent in game scheme to fatten up their liege/ruler so they remain in power indefinitely


That would be interesting, or just an intrigue scheme to discreetly fatten up someone, with maybe special events during feasts they attend or special buffs you give them.
I was also thinking maybe a culture tradition, that increases the chances of getting the gluttonous trait as well as increases the target weight and maybe prestige points based on how much one weighs. Iā€™d say there should be three traditions but one solely fattens men, another solely fattens women and the last fattens everyone.

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that are some good ideas like scheming to fatten someone up and with traditions for sure three one solely fattens men, another solely fattens women and the the other fattens everyone. maybe fun also to make religion with options where people get fat in and the fatter you are the better so many options and ideas i real love to make stuff like that for ck3 but i dont know how to mod XD


That would be interesting. I like the skullduggery aspect of it though, the idea that either you, or your regent get fattened up and loose power over the realm due to it. Like the idea of the cultural tenants for it, like you have the new court position of designated aid with the position as your chosen representative due to your weight and need help to do things, or the individual genders and how they handle it, like if men are fat women maintain slimness or they get BUFF AF to defend their men, or women who are fat but have servile men to serve their whims or be crushed beneath them! Or they have buff men to feed and care for them then defend them! So many ideas for the cultural aspect as well.

I find the idea of fattening traditions appealing as well. Perhaps one could even be expected to weigh more or less based on your station in society. Getting too fat too soon might be a reason to declare war on a subordinate.

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Trying to use the rework (thanks for that!) on the latest game version but Iā€™m having issues.

Mods Iā€™m using:

Better Barbershop
Community Flavor Pack

Not sure what load order should be, wondering if thatā€™s the problem. I have the CBO unofficial patch and CFP compatibility patch. Anyone able to help?

Edit: Tried loading with just CBO and WGaC and still neither would work. Iā€™m at a loss.

Edit: Iā€™m dumb, didnā€™t see the lack of a path in the mod file posts. Disregard. TYVM for the updated version!!!

Iā€™ve made a quick compatch for RUI, for those of you that like playing with a character UI thatā€™s actually usable (Iā€™m not biased at all). Itā€™s not the prettiest, the weight text is in bright white instead of light grey for whatever reason, but thatā€™s an issue with WGaC normally so Iā€™m going to claim preservation of artistic intent on that one.


Load Order:

  • Carnalitas
  • CBO
  • CBO Unofficial Patch (depending on when youā€™re reading this, required at the time of writing)
  • WGaC Rework by Shushen
  • RUI
  • RUI - WGaC Compatch

Download: (5.3 KB)


Anyone else having trouble getting the potrait editor to work with this mod? As soon as I click it it CTDs.

havenā€™t been here in a long time.
Do I need Carnalitas?
Where would I find the patch for CBO?
Do I need both WGAC and the Rework by Shushen or just the rework?

Hey! Was wondering if anyone was updating this for the recent update or perhaps the adding new stuff to the base mod or with the DLCs?
I was thinking of more things that could be added, like maybe weight gain spells/curses from a someone with the witch trait, slob events; including burping/farting, sweat, smell, etc. Fattening schemes against your enemies or whomever you want. This idea might be difficult but similar to the slob one, if someone had the temporary ā€˜lazy slobā€™ trait, man or woman, the body has armpit/pubic hair and a wet shiny look from sweat, maybe acne, maybe grease/sauce stains on their face/chest/hands/belly.
Just some ideas.