Extract the files from that zipped folder, and place them in C:\Users\[USERNAME]\Documents\Paradox Interactive\Crusader Kings III\mod. Make sure you don’t place it inside Onedrive because the Paradox launcher can’t read non-workshop mods from Onedrive.
If your username has any non-english characters in it, place the weight_gain_and_consequences_rework folder somewhere else e.g. C:\CK3_Mods, then edit the weight_gain_and_consequences_rework.mod file (you can use notepad) to point towards that new location where it says path="[FOLDER LOCATION]". This is because the Paradox launcher also can’t read any file paths that have non-english characters in them.
From the limited testing I’ve had (because just about everything in my mod list is causing a crash at some point) it does seem like the way weight is calculated is completely broken in 1.13. For me everyone stayed at 0kg, while their in-game weight would give them the blob trait at just 15/100. Either it’s the game updating or the unofficial CBO update causing this, but it for sure doesn’t work properly. My knowledge of Paradox code is very limited so I’ve no idea how to fix this, maybe someone else who’s more familiar could have a look.
I know it might be too much to ask for, but I wish someone could take some time to upload their CK3 version with these mods installed and running well. Or at least upload the specific files or something.
I’ve been trying to make this work properly for a long time now and it seems like I can’t get it right. I don’t know what to do… Must be a problem with versions or with bodymorph mod or I don’t know.
Also just a reminder that CK3 is getting an update today/tomorrow for the new Wandering Nobles DLC. I’ve noticed a lot of features seemed pretty buggy, so maybe they’ll be patching how weight is calculated? Or maybe it’s just that the mod needs to be updated lmao
Hello, I have a problem installing the 1 & 7 mod. I still can’t see the height and weight values that I want them to. Can someone help me figure out what I did wrong?
You haven’t got a .mod file for either CBO or WGaC, they’re probably in one of those folders. Also CBO is out of date but there’s an unofficial update by Csirke on LoversLab.
Also, you downloaded the wrong version of the weight gain and consequences mod, It should be the one with the rework made by Shushen. And you will have to make adjusts to the mod in the decisions folder, I made a post about what need to change, but user Wulf_Diomhaireachd made a hotfix.