Crusader Kings 3: Weight Gain and Consequences

When in the playset option their should be an add mod option, click that, add them in that order and you’re good

Out of curiousity, could you explain what changes you made step-by-step so that I can replicate changes in my own files to “fix” things. There’s no “weight_threshold” instances in my weight_modifier.txt, only “underweight_threshold” and “overweight_threshold”.

Is there anyway to see the full portrait at all. Also anyway to have the option to turn it around would love to get somewhat of a 360 view

Full screen barbershop will let you see the character in the full screen, resizable event windows will allow you to increase the size of the event windows to see more of your character (I think). The full screen does what I did in my profile pic

Ok perfect do you know what the mod is called tried finding it but couldn’t. Also can you turn them around as well. Love they have a pear shape option but not able to see the back kinda hurts. If not then it’s fine just hoping there is something

Paradox Mods ( This is the paradox Site’s Version of the mod, same name in the steam workshop, If I recall Right you can rotate the Model in the Fullscreen Barbershop mod. Resizable Events won’t really help with this, it simply makes the event windows larger. Browsing the mods should help you figure out what you can get, I have a lot of mods running in addition to the weight gain mod.

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Ok perfect I will have to check on that. Any other good mods to go with these mods to get?

Yearly Feasts is a good one, have a feast every year bro!

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Also Family designer is great and Highly recommend, make your own spouse! make your own children!

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Awesome will for sure pick those up

Browsing popular mods on the steam workshop will help, for conversions I recommend pantheon of the gods if you want to be a god…(of fat :smirk:) there is also an obesify your dynasty mod on the workshop. Not sure how other conversion mods work with body overhaul though the WG mod doesn’t intrude on other mods. What I like about CK3 is you can have multiple playlists for different modded playthroughs.


God of fat huh that sounds awesome how does that work?

So when downloading these mods do i just pop them in the mod folder. It is looking like a lot of these mods come with the same folders

obesify your dynasty cant seem to find this one

Well, you wouldn’t be but you can sculpt the flesh of others with pantheon. have fat gods and goddesses that are essentially immortal. As for the other it was on the steam workshop as Obesify your Dynasty by Pingvin.

Damn I was hoping that it wasn’t on steam dont want people to know what I’m download lol

They Don’t to my knowledge know… They only know your favorites

Hmmm may have to try it out and see. Would be nice if all mods work together

Some do some don’t I can tell you pantheon of the gods is compatible

Sure thing. It’s been so long since I changed it so I don’t recall exactly, but I do remember changing more than just what I posted about - I’ll talk about those too in case your interested. I was mostly taking stabs in the dark back then, so don’t rely on all these changes to work.

I remember adjusting all instances of overweight_threshhold to 0, and adjusting the rest of the thresholds accordingly (chubby is before overweight, so I made that -10 etc). This is because overweight_threshold means something to the base game’s code, so changing it messes with when the game will start applying the fat morph to the character’s looks.

I also remember being really interested in trying to tailor gains to the character’s bodyshape. All characters in CK3 have a body shape, which I found really cool and wanted to extend that to how they gained. Like, a pear char would become more pear-shaped when gaining, instead of all characters converging to the same fat mesh, which is mostly how it is in base. Characters start with different body shapes, but the only dynamic aspect as they gain is how much the fat mesh is applied.

I did a lot to try to make this happen, and I think it worked to some degree. Basically, there are two variables I could find that modify how characters look - their weight, and their musculature. gene_bs_body_type is the weight part, and gene_bs_body_shape is the musculature aspect. They both have values that can change, and both impact how fat/muscly a character looks. Interestingly, the muscle variable is also tied to the character’s body shape, though that is coded to have an unchanging value. What I tried to do was to unlink the muscle gene from being muscular, and instead hook it to how exaggerated the character’s body shape was by making the female body shapes nonstatic in the gene file. Then I linked the muscle gene strength to the weight variable instead of the prowess (muscle) variable, so that as weight would go up, both the fat mesh and the characters body shape mesh would be strengthened in how they morph the model. For good measure I also tested hooking up the new butt genes to weight too, haha. I switched that on and off, but in the version I’m uploading here looks like it’s on. I remember it being obvious that the butt genes were being impacted by weight, and I was pretty sure the body shape genes were too.

Attached you’ll find a zip with the files I recall editing. There might be more, but I’m really not super sure.

Mcc’s WG&C+CBO CK3 Mod (7.6 KB)

Here’s what I remember changing from each file:

20_obesity_health_values: from common/scriptedvalues folder. Pretty sure I set under and overweight thresholds to 0 here. Not sure if necessary or if this was a holdover from when I was trying to fix the graphical bug.

genes_modified: from common/genes folder. This is where I did almost all the work on making body shapes dynamic with weight level. I made all the female body shapes have ranges, where I think they were static (max=min) by default. ctrl+ffemale =” a few times to see the changes. Yes, I changed all of them, and no I’m not sure how much it changed. IIRC I made the maxes pretty high to test how things would look esp with the pear and hourglass shapes, and they surprisingly didn’t get too out of hand. Could be the applying the bodyshape mesh strongly doesn’t change much at high values, or could be that my work was for not. I also changed something to do with breast size here, on recommendation of the character body overhaul thread over on loverslab, the mod that this mod requires.

weight_modifier: from gfx/portraits/portrait_modifiers folder. this one goes hand and hand with the last one. While the last one defined the bounds for how the genes can change, this applies the genes to the actual character model. I tried my best to emulate how the base game/the two mods handled morphing the body, and tied weight to both the buttsize gene and the bodyshape gene. I also disconnected muscularity from showing up on the portrait, because I had that gene tied to bodyshape strength now, instead.

wgac_traits: from common/traits folder. I commented out (#) the health and prowess penalties the levels of fatness give here. The health ones were to make sure my peeps didn’t die while gaining, and the prowess was mostly because I was testing how to make the prowess variables couple to the bodytype intensity instead of musculature, and the penalty was cramping my style (/weight was bringing the prowess gene up, but the tier of fatness was bringing it down. confusing + no bueno.)

wgac_weight_values: from common/script_values folder. The file you’ve been waiting for. Sorry for rambling on about the other work I did here first, but thought it might be good to share and this file comes last alphabetically. Simply put, I changed the thresholds for the weight levels here. Pretty sure this is what fixed the graphical bug.

So yeah, there you have it. Hope this is of some use to you, and to others as well. Like I said, it’s been a long time since I touched any of these and even back then I was just crossing my fingers that my changes would do anything, so I could be wrong on some of this, missed some changes I made, or even my changes might not do a whole lot. You can check my files against the mod’s defaults to do some investigating.

This game definitely has huge WG fetish potential, and what @vocon92964 did with this mod was incredible. The events and flavor text is amazing, and I hope future modders take a look at this game/flesh out where this mod started.