Dev Updates / Latest Builds

New Changes:
Fix: Certain mobility and eating status problems would persist after “stuck in room” event.
Fix: Using the “skip to act 2” cheat after playing 100 days in game would send you back in time, cause weirdness.
Fix: Another old typo still mentioning 22nd birthday instead of 30th after age revisions.
Fix: A different glitch when “tomorrow” was chosen during the “move in” event.

Previous Builds:

Fix: Incorrect behavior if “tomorrow” was chosen during the “move in” event.

Fix: The Cheat options now only appear on a “normal day” turn, to prevent scripted event conflicts.
Fix: A couple other typos and tweaks

Added: “official” cheat features.

Fixed some typos, such as “anti-infammatories”, “degredation”, “likelyhood”, “straighforward”, “shakey”, “persuing”, and “alledged”.

Fix: A couple of lines from Donna’s backstory still assumed a male playable character.
Fix: A few small conditional errors and typos
Added: A handful of new flavor texts
Added: A unique flavor text entry following “sucessful” Mexican food binge

Fix: Paul moving event incorrectly re-triggers if immobility reached early
Fix: Typo still mentioning 22nd birthday instead of 30th after age revisions in previous build.
Tweak: Screen fade effect disabled to make things feel more responsive. Any ‘lag’ that remains is pure processing delay.
Added: A smattering of new daily report comments (“flavor text” entries) and corrections. New group of comments at 350lbs. Dropped the “fat-related insight” theme on some of these due to inconsitency.
New events: Online gaming, Mexican food binge
Fix: The “online gaming” event is only triggered if >2 weeks since the previous occurrence
Tweak: Minor adjustments in health recovery and mobility issue event frequency (somewhat easier)


New build added - July 25, 2018. Refer to top of thread for the latest.

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New Build added - September 28, 2018. Don’t get too excited. Just fixed some typos.

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New build added - March 17, 2019.

This latest build adds “official” cheat options. It’s basically an acknowledgement that I’m unlikely to add more game content at this point, so people should have a way to see the rest of the story if they haven’t already.

I’m aware that quite a few folks already discovered ways to access game variables and expose testing options. I’m not surprised, considering how tedious and unforgiving the normal gameplay can be. Now there’s an even easier way.

Have at it. :wink:

Just a quick note that “spamming” the weight gain option can cause continuity problems, or prevent you from getting important messages in time to respond correctly (or at all). For example, the two best endings depend on a certain sequence of actions to occur before 1500lbs, and this opportunity is easily missed if you gain too quickly. (See the spoiler hint in the quick start guide)


March 21, 2019 - A quick follow up build to resolve an unforeseen issue in the last release.

Basically, triggering the new “cheats menu” during scripted events could interrupt them so that they did not reappear. Some of these sequences are important to gameplay, including key story choices, or the finale sequence.

To prevent this, the cheats menu now only appears during standard (uneventful) days.


October 5, 2019 - Update to address recently reported bug:

The game would incorrectly trigger a much earlier scene (“Asking to go visit your Uncle”) and set your current number of credits to “5” IF: the player started the “move in” sequence and selected the urgent “tomorrow” option.

(Less urgent speeds for the move-in request worked as intended).


October 17, 2019 - Some more glitches squashed, thanks to a report from Croooow

Fix: Certain mobility and eating status problems would persist after “stuck in room” event.
Fix: Using the “skip to act 2” cheat after playing 100 days in game would send you back in time, cause weirdness.
Fix: Another old typo still mentioning 22nd birthday instead of 30th after age revisions.
Fix: A different glitch when “tomorrow” was chosen during the “move in” event.


I’m aware my main hosting site is down, and restoration time is uncertain.
(Update Nov 14 - main server restored! I’ll leave the alternate link up in case of future outages, and for anyone who might have progress/game saves tied to the URL.)


Main download links working again. Thank you for your patience!

As a side note, avid players might be interested in right-clicking and choosing “save link as” (or your browser’s equivalent option) to save a local copy the HTML file. The game is self-contained and can be played offline.