Don't Fear the Jester - A Fattening Card Game (Post-Jam V1.0.1)


Play a fattening game of cards for the hand of the Princess!


  • 6+ Weight Stages for the Jester and Player
  • 3 Items to tip the scales in your favor
  • 2(?) Endings
  • Sound Effects

Goufats - Art, character designs (DA, Twitter)

TheSpookyEnd - Writing, concepts (DA)

OhNoAnotherButton - Game design, coding (Itch)

Hey everyone! Thank you for the overwhelming support you’ve shown over in the Gain Jam thread!
I’ve just released a little post-jam QoL patch, taking into account all the great ideas you’ve all had over in the other thread. You can find it over on the itch page! The original build is still available, as per the jam’s rules. Here’s a peep at the changes in version 1.0:

  • Added final art assets
  • Tweaked wording in tutorial
  • Added option to skip the tutorial (after completing it once)
  • Added options menu and hotkeys for muting SFX/Music
  • Added Gallery option to menu (unlocked after you see the two main endings)
  • Added new outcome to the Joker wheel: Mutual Gain
  • Added new secret ending
  • Bug fixes

Hope you enjoy it!! :smiling_face:

Patch Notes:

  • V1.0.1
    • Fixed bug of mutual gain wheel outcome getting stuck

Not sure if this is intentional, but after rolling mutual gain, every subsequent roll added weight to both characters, even when I won.

Just pushed a patch to fix this! :smile:


I absolutely love this game, but can I get a hint for the secret ending?

Nevermind, I got it.

I’m assuming it has to do with the joker cards right?

Happy to see these updates, any chance of this getting an Android version too?

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can you please share how to achieve it?

Just reading the release notes and the new wheel option, I would assume so… going to try the new version now and find out!

Oh, love the new tutorial text, btw! It’s cheeky and I’m all for it!

Request for future version: It’d be nice to get to the sound/music settings once the game has started. Also, could the Deal/Reveal button be maybe on the center-right, it seems far away at the moment, and/or maybe have keybinds like ‘Space’ for deal/reveal, ‘S’ for swap, and ‘C’ for check?

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If that is the case then I think it’d be nice for a cheat option
It’s really annoying trying to get both of them at the same weight only for wheel to be left to chance, and that’s only if you even get a joker card in the last round anyway
I love the game so far but it’d be nice if the dev could make a more ‘guaranteed’ way to get the secret ending


Very nice game, loved it and also got the secret ending.
Maybe as idea, a option to disable items ?

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Aww hell yeah, love this game! Seeing more from it is amazing!


To make it easier to get the endings where you lose and tie, and because it seems unfair currently, maybe ties could make both you and the Jester fatter rather than just the Jester?


Great update, the QoL is exactly what I wanted to see, and the main character actually having hands was a pleasant surprise. The secret ending seems pretty statistically unlikely to get, but I think it’s cool nonetheless. However, I do agree with the idea that both competitors should gain in the event of ties, so as to make finding the ending slightly more likely.

Once again going to reiterate that this was one of my personal favorites of the jam, and I would be very satisfied with its current state if it was simply left as is. If development continues, though, I would love to see more updates like this one!


all you have to do is generally play the joker every time it’s on the field, and you get the tie ending easily enough

This is fantastic game with huge life span and replayability potential, I’d love for this to be recognized in the game jam because it’s been the first game in a long while that has showcased such potential. Looking forward to the content updates down the line, huge props for a quality idea come to life!


  • A fix for the soft lock when you’re swapping more than one weight level via the joker wheel.
  • More immersive sound effects to fill out the ambient space when playing cards, examples could be moans for the player character like how the jester has them. Creaking floor boards at higher weights that randomly play during gameplay, stomach rumbles perhaps?
  • This is a big suggestion and not expected any time soon, but unlockable outfits or characters for some added variety and reward. This could be for both the jester and player, heck even unlockable backgrounds perhaps?

There’s a couple hotkeys in place now for toggling the music/sfx while in game! ‘M’ for music and ‘S’ for SFX :slight_smile: I’ll definitely look into adding more hotkeys for the gameplay in a future update though :smile:

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The probabilities may or may not be a little rigged when you get to that final round before the secret ending :wink:


Thanks everyone for the kind words and feedback, it really means a lot!

We’re currently brainstorming what the future of this project will look like, but the current plan is to leave this version as is and work on a remake/sequel that can more easily be expanded(:eyes:) upon!


Aww hell yeah, love me a sequel! Absolutely hyped for anything you guys make!

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