Draconic Expansion, a dragon girl extortion, city building simulator (For Real this Time)

Looking good.


I’d just like to say that Serrin’s “regal figure” attitude is one of the most attractive things I’ve seen in a good long while. The whole Medieval ages ‘fat is a sign of status’ bit has always been one of my favorites, and her dialogue does an excellent job of owning it.


man no hate but it looks like a certain someone didnt exactly love this game :rofl:

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Roops hasn’t posted a single Judge Preference score on any of the games. While it’s better to give no score on all than just on some, that could potentially have changed the results given how close some of them are.

He has scored points on 7 games though.
Coinpurse Kobold
Blombo’s PalanQuest
Sweets & Sorcery
HOARD. A Pyramid Scheme
Pro Skater XXL
Manic Mimic

It’s just the rest (37/44) that he scored with 0 on Judge Preference.


Not to derail into something very small but yeah I do wonder if it’s bad for a judge to show 0 personal preference among the top picks. Like are your picks not being represented, do you just not like to give a personal score, or did you dislike the games that were placed highly? Either way it could be a little bad for a competition

Oh well in which case that’s pretty bad, and the score is out of 10 so it’s not like it’s an all or nothing kind of deal. I find it hard to believe that they absolutely hated the vast majority of games, so it was probably just an oversight, but still not great.


New minor update is up. I was really busy this month so I didn’t get much done that’s ready to show off. So I made that stuff inaccessible and put up the rest. The main thing is I fixed some bugs, typos, and added a new CG to the immobile cutscene.


Does town weight have any effect besides on productivity? Because I haven’t seen the villagers change appearance at all despite town weight being nearly 300 for me. Also, running into any of the NPCs doesn’t seem to actually increase my character’s weight any. I don’t know if that has anything to do with being in debug mode, though.

No, at this point town weight only impacts productivity. I do intend to change this, but as it stands, that’s it.

You should be putting on weight when they run into you, guess I’ll have to look into it. Debug mode really only gives you a ton of resources and nothing else, so that wouldn’t make a difference.


There’s another bug I found relating to the opinion system. My character reached immobility, forcing me to switch to a different one. This happened on the same turn that the character I switched to reached 0 opinion. The end result was a cutscene where my character tried to dethrone herself.


I feel like that should be an achievement, not a bug.


one small bug: when you unlock the code for “all production buildings max”, there are only 7 instead of the usual 8 numbers, meaning there is a missing number

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without spoilers: its a 0 which was missing at the beginning :,D

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Will there ever be a mac port?

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I’ll give it a shot, but last time I attempted it for the Heroes on a Budget demo I got a few saying it didn’t work.

Max Productivity and Happiness still didn’t unlock other ending. It showed temple building with ! on it, but just said cult… Is it not ingame yet or did I miss something?

I wonder if there’s a way to gain our characters weight faster


You can do it in a number of ways.
Either by entering the code at the very beginning of your playthrough, or by making out of yourself a bretty gud city ruler.
I would mention that the latter can yield 2 (two) neat things, such as:

  1. Your dragon girls of choice becoming heftier
  2. A code that makes them gain rapidly, you get them for each of the dragon girls reaching weight level 7

That’s it, I guess.

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oh interesting thanks for that then ^-^