Eat the Dungeon Bug Thread

after I complete a level it this ends up happening every time and dunno what is the cause for it


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Are there any error messages when you open up the console with CTRL+SHIFT+I?

I found small error that marks BBQ sauce and the next (i don’t remember it’s name) white sauce and this makes them unable to be used at the same time in level

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Thanks for pointing this one out

Hi, I’m having an issue playing on my desktop, when I try to start the game it gets past the main menu but when it trys to load the first level it freezes with just the fighter and first enemy on screen and I got this error in the console

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Does this error persist after refreshing? I might be an issue with the assets not downloading correctly

Theres a bug when I play multiple games, I cant get more than one extraction. It always stays at one no matter how many games I play

What device and browser are you using? If you’re on a computer, open the dev tools with CTRL+SHIFT+I and see if there’s any error messages in the Console tab

its this

or it says “Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 ()”

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Sorry, I should have been more specific. Are there any error codes after you beat a level and go back to the world map?

Also in the dev tools go to Application > Local Storage > Type “reward26” into the search bar and tell me if that value is true or false.

It is set to false. Is it possible to change it?

Yes it seems like the bonus extraction reward didn’t save properly. If you set it to true and then refresh the page it will save.

It seems to have worked, thank you.

So the limit is currently only up to two extractions in total?

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Yes, eventually there will be two more opportunities to get bonus extracts, so by the end of the game you will have 4

Not sure if it’s a bug in the system or something screwy on my end, but the game just does not start for me. It’s on the latest build, 0.10.3, and on the main title screen it’ll say click to start the music, then click again to start the game. Then it’ll go over to the battle screen with just the warrior and an enemy. I try clicking and dragging, but nothing is happening, the timer isn’t moving up, nothing is happening. This is what it looks like. I’ve tried refreshing it numerous times, but it still freezes like this.

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Open the dev tools (ctrl shift I) and see if there are any error messages in the control panel

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I opened the dev tools, and this is the repeating message I am seeing.

Uncaught DOMException: CanvasRenderingContext2D.drawImage: Passed-in image is “broken”

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Please take a screenshot of the console with the error messages and post it here

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