
Sadly, that was pretty much how it is in this demo version


Thanks for the reply, at least I know how to recruit the NPC’s now.

I’ll just have to keep getting fungal and goblin favors and spamming them in combat to get rapport.

And overall the game is so fun that after beating chapter 1 and just free-roaming I think I’m going through some sort of video game-withdrawal where I have a lot of fun then now have to find ways to distract myself until the next update or version. Kind of like with monster hunter really.

I’m really excited for what happens from chapter 2 to 6 and how they’ll show how we got to chapter 7.

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There’s no stuffing content in this game is there?

There’s plenty of eating food, but it more or less just turns to fat immediately. There isn’t much in the way of eating until overfull.

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Like what firesoul mentioned, there’s eating. It depends on the level of stuffing you are looking for.

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I asked this because I thought there was a mistag on the UMLOG, but actually I misread it. Sorry for taking your time.:P.

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Not a problem, questions are fine so long as you’re not just here like uPdATe WhEn?! Or iS DeAD?!?



i have been playing the game recently and i have to ask, is the dating function capped at one date, or im i supposed to continue to earn more rapport with them?
or is there another way to increase their max capacity?

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Hello, thanks for trying out the demo!

There is only 1 “date” and size increase in that version thus far.

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Agh, I keep getting so excited for an update every time I see this topic bumped. That’s on me though.


I don’t know why, but my computer runs very badly, which makes me unable to play it normally.QMQ

Which part of the game runs slow? I’m not sure why the engine is throttling so bad on some devices.

I’m a tiny bit confused on something, is the full game out or is it still being worked on? and also is theskip between chapters 2 to 7 normal if so? thank you for your time to read this

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The full game is not out and it jumps around between different chapters as not to spoil everything early on while showcasing parts of the game as a demo.

speaking of which Is it ok to check on the game’s progress?
We haven’t heard from the devloper for awhile

No it’s not okay, it’s against the rules to ask for a status update on the game. And the dev just posted in the thread 10 days ago. When they have an update to share they will.

oh my bad i didnt see it

how long is the play time rn? played it a while ago and jw if new stuff was really added

Thanks for the info, have a good day!

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It’s all cool. Sorry everyone, I’m in a middle of a career change so there hasn’t been progress in these busy period. Thanks for the patience, the current playable version is still the Deception Edition from last year.