
The game is fun with a great ideas

I like feeding my monster girls and they gain lvls from that and that if you feed the monsters you can won the fight without fighting and I love the art work because it has a original look that is all over the game but that also mean assets that are not original pop out more next the combat needs some work the Main character needs some more moves or some more items that do more damage and also a buff or two last the monster girls need a healer because in one boss fight I loss the MC and Jepblac and there was no one that can heal them so I loss that fight.

But I still love this game and the idea so 8/10 I would love to see how far you can go with this idea.

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I can’t seem to find the last 2 NPCs for the town

Tried farming Big Bad Wolf a couple of times, don’t quite know if I’m on the right track

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So from what I’m hearing you can only date each girl once?

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That is correct . For now there is only 1

Have you tried the drakefly, mushroom and the goblin?

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I have the five girls, the drakefly and the goblin. As well as the witch and the librarian. But I’m still at 7 residents. Missing the mushroom and 1 more. How do I get them?

Have you checked the tower for the goblin that took your money?

Also, the mushroom that is at the old mushroom boss’s spot

you completed the oasis part right?

EDYPOS HotFix is out, and saves are transferable!

Along with a Mac trial version. Get it now!


Makes sense, only had the drakefly. Very nice!

Just to let you know, I had no trouble opening up Edypos on my mac (thanks ShinDirafeh it works). For those with macs that still can’t open it up (in my case I have done the universal permission opener statement)

sudo spctl --master-disable

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ty ty. i love it so far! im excited to see more cute monster girls bursting out of their clothes

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Heheh, you’re welcomed!

Do let me know if there’s any more issues with the hotfixed version

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Will do, I’ve only opened it up and went thru the tutorial. Haven’t had time to flush more out on it.

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I found a minor bug when a battle ends immediately after a fera assist is called. The fera arrives after the battle is done, and the Wayfarer’s name is permanently changed to ‘Wayfarer + [assist]’. I found a way to replicate this consistently using the devourer artifact, and it stacks (Wayfarer + [assist1] + [assist2] + …). As far as I noticed, this bug is purely cosmetic and does not affect gameplay.
Here’s how to replicate it:

Enter battle with the devourer artifact equipped, use devour on an enemy. In the turn immediately before the enemy’s health drops to 0, use an assist item. The final damage will be dealt before the assisting fera arrives, and the bug will happen.

Also, finally completed the demo. Very nice game, friend.


Heya, juat want to check if you are able to save th game. Several mac players are complaining of this issue and I want to check if this problem is universal.

Yep, there is a problem I seemingly hit a cache problem (below).


Error: EROFS: read-only file system, mkdir '/private/var/folders/n4/51z76b7n4jl9rdfdbmymhq4m0000gn/T/AppTranslocation/3D07EC99-B838-4E95-B349-FC700E3E4048/d/Game.app/Contents/Resources/app.nw/save/

/private/var path is used for OS cache files that are temporary.

This occurred while hitting escape during an attempted file save (the option to save would not take). The game itself ran fine. I suspect that maybe the game engine is trying to save to an absolute path and not a relative one that only works for PCs. There might be an option to address that. Is this a gamemaker executable?


Hmm, vexing indeed. I’ll look into this.

Really nice game !
By the way, 40 capacity for our girls is the max right ?
And are all the rapports useful ? I mean wolfs or imp rapports for exemple ?

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How do i get more raport for the mushroom and goblin? also whos the last person i can recruit for the town? with the mushroom and goblin vendor i would be at 8

Ahh, the rapports for their specific types just increases the chance for diplomacy to happen at the beginning of battle, as well as the chance for you to convince them during diplomacy.

If you are talking about the Favor items, they are useful as they increase the rapport of said type of Feras, while temporarily boosting Wayfarer’s stats and giving you auto attacks.

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