Elfas hambrientas

Yeah I imported my save from 0.31. That’s probably it. Looks like I’m doing another run through.

Also, I’m not sure how up to date this is, but I have a lot of the game translated. I’ve been working on it pretty consistently, so if anyone wants to use this to help with translating the game in the future, be my guest. I’m not about to lie though, a lot of this was done with Google Translate, so it’s more for those who want to just jump into the game rather than waiting for a translated release to come out. It’s also structured like a guide for those who need it.

Elfas Hambrientas Translations

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there is a group of discord dedicated to the traction, more up are the advances

Alright. I’ll post it on there too, should help a little.

Just a heads up, the link to the discord seems to be expired.

It won’t let me turn the music off :frowning:

go to the neighbor’s house


Holds about 10 turns

Can someone help me, im stuck on the guardian fight, any advice?

which guardian, the big one of an eyeball with tentacles?

It entirely depends on how much you grind before going in, but here’s my strategy. I spent the first few turns guarding with Juan and Cytia while having Moni buff with magic defense and speed. If you’re a high enough level she learns a skill that buffs everything, but I forget the exact level. Regardless, I recommend buffing 2 into speed (after about level 26ish) and at least one into magic defense while having Licramece heal and occasionally attack the guardian. Then focus on taking Batie and Babs out, confusion song can completely kill the attempt. After that, just wail into the Guardian while making sure to heal your team. At this point you should have a lot of PH (the green bar) in Juan and Cytia, and Moni learns an enhanced continuous strike eventually with makes some bosses a breeze honestly. Obviously, rest at the inn before diving in, and have some highly fattening foods like Family Pizzas and the Super Pies.

First turn I had Moni buff magical defense while Juan used craving and Cytia and the elves peppersprayed Babs & Batie and the monster. Doing this should leave the elves with two more actions which I use to hit Babs and Batie with pizza. The next turn I buff defense again while focusing on taking out Babs and Batie, also healing as need be with the elves. Usually the girls are down by this round and you can focus on the monster. Keep him blind and hammer away and you should be good. So long as you have pepper (pimenta?) and a way to heal the party with one action you should be fine.

Huh. I forgot Pepper lowers accuracy

Oh yeah, pepper DOES lower accuracy, I used it one time and forgot it existed lol

I literally never fight a boss without it.

My advice is to never go a single turn without using Sanación II, even if your party is at full health. That way, if the enemy attacks first and deals damage, you’ll always heal a bit immediately. Also, have Moni spam defense and magic defense buffs.

Just finished the current version of the game with as complete a translation I could manage. I know it’s still in development, but I kinda wish you could fight whoever was talking with Saroi in the prologue to the game after Juan beats Demona. Would make for a good last female boss, maybe on the staircase down before running the gauntlet. As for the Saroi final boss fight… it was okay, but you get so much money and the enemies give you so much exp late game it’s just a matter of keeping up with the Demon Knight spawns. And while that isn’t a problem as they have so much HP, Saroi does so little damage that he’s not even a threat.

Yes, you have a lot of reason, but there are still several things to finish, secondary missions of fattening girls that will give rewards, the battles are still very unbalanced for my taste, but when they are finished I can adjust everything else, Saroi will remain the final boss for finish the main story but will not be the last boss, I plan to make a post game, where several female bosses go, but I’m still not sure how many will open or be available, at least open 2.

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Sounds interesting. Can’t wait to see the next update! The game is great.

Hey sorry if anyone else asked this question. But do you change the dialogue to English?