[EN Translation] Raising Money in Town

Link to the Original Thread: Another Japanese chubby game
Link to the game on Pixiv: 仮縫い - pixiv

EN Download: 163.63 MB file on MEGA


  1. Download the EN Game from the Mega.nz link directly above.
  2. Unpack the game.
  3. Open the folder and use the .exe

This translation was done completely by hand, though some phrases may be slightly awkward. The latter part is significantly improved, though it may be hard to tell which is which.
I have added sprites for all characters corresponding to their weight as well, including sprites for each ending.

The game itself is about two adventurers staying in a town, trying to raise money. You have a total of twelve weeks until the game ends, though it may end after every fourth week should you succeed in meeting the goal.
There are a total of eleven endings, though only 7 are truly distinct. Everything is achievable, though not on the same playthrough. Replaying is especially fast due to the ability to skip previously viewed events.

I do hope both the translation and the sprites are satisfactory, as well as free of any errors.


What does the ring do?

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From my understanding, it serves as a way to store your money if you’re about to hit one of the weekly limits and have enough money, so that the game doesn’t end early. Then, you can sell the rings back and get 3/4th of the money back. Somewhat inefficient, but it works in a pinch 'cause the rings sell back better than the food.


Okay so ending wise, I can immediately spot 5 unique endings, weight stages 0,1,2,3 succeed, and then failure.

What other the other two unique endings then?

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One of them is unlocked after you win all three levels of the eating contest, not sure about the other one, and I don’t know if you need to meet the money requirement or not.


@namad Win the contest stage 3 unlocks one, the other is for reaching the goal on the latter weeks without gaining weight.

@failmuseum If any character reaches the last weight stage or if you win contest stage 3 your money does not matter.


Hey, just wanted to drop and say good job! The translation work and revised sprites really helped increase the experience. Glad to see another work from you!

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Hello. I am the creator of the Japanese version of this game.
Very high quality sprites are used, is this your work? Wonderful!
I strongly wanted to use this sprite for the Japanese version.
Could you give me permission?
(I’m not good at English, so I use Google Translate)

とてもクオリティの高いスプライトが使われていますが、これはあなたの作品ですか? 素晴らしいです!


Hmm, is it possible to beat the stage 3 contest without also being the final stage in weight? from what I can tell it’s harder to beat that contest than it is to reach the final weight stage? right?

So, 7 endings, are uh, successful early, successful on time, fat endings, massive endings, beat the third contest endings, failure while thin ending? That’s hmm only 6/7… hmm.

edit: Actually I can’t seem to get a failure, even if I finish the 12 weeks without enough money, so I’ve actually only found 5 of the types of ending so far.


For me, I’ve only done one playthrough so far, so I’ve only gotten the Char Blob ending, which I recall being listed as 4-1, I think.

Forte’s ending is pretty easy to figure out (drink liquor instead of food; why are mages in these things always drunks?), but I’m curious about the other ones. Are these endings we know for sure that every one has listed, or are we currently brainstorming?

Also, hats off to both the game’s creator and the translator/sprite creator. Phenomenal work, both of you.

Edit: Also, I ran out of money partway through the game and was far too fat to recover my lost funds. Is there any way out of that death spiral, or is it merely a matter of managing my early game money better?

Even at 365kg I couldn’t win the binge eating contest, but maybe there’s a trick to it I am missing, like maybe you’re not supposed to eat at the restaurant the day before? hmm. Although I tried that too, and I ended up at 306kg after the contest but it was still a defeat.

Is there anyway to reach week 13 ever? I could beat this binge contest for sure if I could just try again, but I don’t seem able to. Maybe that’s my mistake, I did fail contest2 once before beating it… Maybe if you beat contest2 on the first try, that leaves time to fail contest3 once and then still attempt it again in week11?

edit: @LeftHandManGary Also the way you manage money is by having tons of money early game, but avoiding a victory screen by buying some rings. Also, you can simply not eat at a restaurant. So you’re never broke. Also it doesn’t seem to matter how much money you have, I can’t ever actually fail to raise 15000$ (I’ll have less than 15000$ but the ending screen won’t change or reference that fact, the 15000$ mostly seems to be a way to get an early game over, which then forces you to buy rings.)

Buying rings is the most cost effective way to store money for later.

edit2: I exploited the fact that you can never have negative money to end up on week12day1 at char being 408kg but the final binge contest right before that still ended in defeat, I’m not sure how I could’ve ended up any better at eating, is binge contest3 just unbeatable by char? (I could try a forte run instead).


I’ve won it a couple of times, but never managed to beat the final tier before Char became immobile, ironically from a single bag of chips, as I was too poor to afford food for the week.

Also, is the 13 weeks the actual “You’re done no matter what” time limit? Replaying the opening only says four weeks to raise the funds, though obviously it just keeps going.

And thank you for the prompt reply, eh?

@karinui You have permission.

@LeftHandManGary @namad Like I said in the starting post the game ends after week 12. Forte cannot participate in the contest.

To win the eating contest you need to focus solely on Char. The restaurant increases your weight, but only going up one weight-stage increases your appetite. The food from the vendor increases your appetite. Focusing on that makes it possible to beat the first contest directly, lose once on the second and finally win the third on week eleven. And that is with going to restaurants occasionally. There is also a Hungry Event that appears when you do not eat at a restaurant after a certain stage, which grants you some money.


Thank you for your permission.
I will work immediately.
Thank you for the wonderful work!



I am not sure I agree. I ate at a restaurant every week except one where I got the bonus money, and I ate the maximum amount of food and it still wasn’t enough. I will say though that I also always chose the job which gave the maximum amount of payout (which might’ve been wrong).

But I even exploited the fact that in later weeks you can earn 200$ a day (by banking rings early on) and pay ~1000$ a day to the restaurant, yet only have ~1000$ in your current money. Which is how I ended on week13 at over 400kg.

Maybe when you have ~1100$ and eat at the restaurant for ~1000$ you only eat one day instead of 7? (Although extrapolating weights from the math shows you gain weight as if you ate all 7 days despite only being able to afford one)? So maybe the issue is I ate at the restaurant TOO often? (as I feel like I was essentially exploiting the negative money not existing as a bit of a cheat to eat at the restaurant more than was possible, so maybe that was my mistake? and maybe overall weight isn’t the key factor?)

Or if overall weight is the key factor do you know how much weight you need in week11 to win the 3rd contest?

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Overall weight does not matter, only appetite does. Buy the right food from the vendor. Going up a weight stage increases appetite too, so you need the restaurant as well, but in the later weeks it’s a lot less important than say a roast pig.

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I did basically the same thing you did, and had the same results. The problem I ran into was money. Simply put, I couldn’t afford to stuff Char with roast pigs all that often, and still eat at the restaurant.

Also, you mention that you managed to eat at the restaurant when you had zero or negative money. If I may ask, how? I tried, but was inevitably told “I don’t have enough money.”

And, for anyone who may know, does the High Class restaurant actually do anything for the characters, whether regarding weight or appetite? In order to save money, I was eating at the HCR for as long as possible, then had the thought that Char had to be at certain weight levels to unlock higher tier foods from the Pedlar, so I started going to the restaurant again.

Also, that nun may be untrustworthy.

*rolls a nat 1

Nope, never mind.

Edit: Finally got the Binge Eating Champion ending. Blurred to avoid spoilers, but for those wondering:

Like Kitsune said, it’s all about the snacks. Stuff yourself to the brim with the highest tier stuff from the Peddler every single day. Don’t miss. What he sells you depends entirely on your weight. In my case, I snacked and ate at the ordinary restaurant until I hit weight level 3, the massively fat warrior, then spent all my quest money on roast pigs. Don’t eat out anymore, it quickly gets too expensive. At the final leg of the journey, I only had enough for 3 roast pigs, so I also bought a slice of cake, a bag of chips, and a piece of jerky, stuffed all that, and it got me over the hump. Pretty sure if the nun says you can eat 30x what you could on arrival, you’ve done it. So far my fav ending in the game.

Well, that’s 4 of 11 endings. Now to hunt down the rest.

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So, I have the original Japanese version, and included in it is a guide on how to get the endings etc. Apparently, if you talk to the nun and she says the warrior has an appetite increase of 27 or higher, you can clear the level 3 eating contest.

If people are interested in the entire endings guide, also is there a way to collapse spoilers? I’ll delete this if the creator or Kitsune doesn’t want this in thread.
Below, for ending capture

■ Ending list
Event Conditions

ED1 Achieve the target amount by the start of week 9.No change in body shape
ED2-1 Finish week 12 to achieve the target amount.The maximum body type at the time of completion is chubby and the swordsman’s weight is heavier
ED2-Finish week 2 or12 to achieve the target amount.The maximum body type at the time of finishing is chubby and the magician’s weight is heavier
ED3-1 Achieve the target amount or Finish week 12.The maximum body shape at the time of finishing is fat and the swordsman’s weight is heavier
ED3-2 Finish week 12 to achieve the target amount.The maximum body shape at the time of finishing is fat and the magician’s weight is heavier
ED4-1 Achieve the target amount or Finish week 12.The maximum body type at the time of finishing is big fat and the weight of the swordsman is heavier
ED4-2 Achieve the target amount or Finish week 12.The maximum body type at the time of completion is a huge fat and the magician’s weight is heavier
ED5 At the end of week 12, both of them reached the big fat
Won the EX-1 Gluttony Tournament Lv3

■ Event List
Event Condition Effect

  • Body type event
    Swordsman Chubby weight 70 体重 Swordsman appetite value+1
    Swordsman Fat weight 100 剣 Swordsman appetite value + 4
    Swordsman Big fat weight 190 剣 Swordsman appetite value + 2
    Sorcerer Chubby Weight 65 魔術師 Sorcerer appetite value+1
    Sorcerer Fat weight 100 魔術師 Sorcerer appetite value + 4
    Magician Big fat weight 180 魔術師 Magician appetite value + 2

  • Appetite event
    Swordsman knob eating appetite value 1.2 剣 Swordsman appetite value + 0.5
    Sorcerer pinch eating appetite value 1.2 魔術師 Sorcerer appetite value + 0.5
    Swordsman gluttony appetite value 5 剣 Swordsman weight + 2kg
    Swordsman explosion eating appetite value 10 剣 Swordsman weight + 8kg
    Sorcerer gluttony appetite value 5 魔術師 Sorcerer weight + 2.5 kg
    Sorcerer explosion eating appetite value 10 魔術師 Sorcerer weight + 8kg

Sorcerer > swordsman sorcerer chubby and the weight of the sorcerer exceeds the weight of the swordsman
only the swordsman is a fat magician and the body type of the swordsman is fat
Eat more than five potato chips a day
Cake gluttony Eat three or more cakes a day
Beer drinking 10 or more beers a day
Arms dealer swordsman swordsman is heavier and his money is less than 0
Sorcerer sorcerer is heavier and his money is less than 0
Hungry weapon sales swordsman Swordsman Meet the conditions of weapon sales with a big fat or more or sleep in bed with a big fat or more and without weapons sales
Hungry weapon sales magician Magician Big fat or more, meet the conditions of weapon sales or big fat or more and sleep in bed in a state that does not sell weapons
When a swordsman swordsman is over a big fat man, choose a swordsman in the quest
When you are over a big fat sorcerer, choose a sorcerer in the quest

The Hungry Arms sale is a bit special, and if you activate it under the latter condition, you will be caught with an event of money minus + appetite value bonus.(Arms sales gluttony event)

■ Effect of the item
The number of items that can be eaten is determined by the sum of two people’s appetite values.
It is efficient to raise one to an appetite value of about 9, and then eat the other item.
Increase the weight of two people (bonus to swordsman) + Increase the appetite value of swordsman
Increase the weight of two people (bonus to the magician) + increase the appetite value of the magician

■ Effect of facilities
Luxury restaurant Swordsman Weight + 1kg Magician weight + 1kg
Ordinary restaurant swordsman weight+appetite value × 2kg Magician weight+ appetite value × 1.5 kg
Bar Swordsman weight + appetite value × 1.5 kg Magician weight + appetite value × 2 kg
The girl next to the restaurant"Without participating in the gluttony tournament, someone’s body type has reached fat"or"Both body types are more than big fat" When talking to quest weight gain appetite value×0.5 kg each.
sister by the tavern will tell you the current appetite value

The restaurant does not have the effect of directly increasing the appetite value.
However, since there is an appetite value bonus in the event at the time of body change, it is not useless to attend even at the time of gluttony tournament.

■ Strategy
First of all, “normal restaurant” and “food-based items” will raise the body shape of the swordsman to fat.
Since the quest of the little girl beside the restaurant is released, I will receive it every day.
After that, you should be able to reach ED5 if you grow magicians with"taverns"and"sake-based items".

Gluttony tournament
Because it is judged by the appetite value of the swordsman, I will feed it to the swordsman anyway.
Since eating at a restaurant only has the effect of weight gain, we will focus on buying and eating.
However, there is a rise in appetite when the body shape changes, so let’s go to the shop until the body shape becomes big fat
After the body type becomes a big fat, it does not affect the gluttony tournament even if you gain more weight.Let’s sleep in bed.
“Weapon selling gluttony event"that occurs by sleeping in bed with more than a huge fat and not selling weapons, a big correction will enter the appetite value.
Just"weapons selling event” will occur with the money held below 0, so be careful about money management.It is better to sell weapons in the"weapon selling gluttony event" as much as possible.

For reference, the appetite value required to win the gluttony Tournament Lv3 is 27 or higher.

■ Capture chart
It is a difficult end capture chart for when you can not capture by all means.

■ ED5 reach chart
Week 1
Quest Red Dragon
Food Dried meat × 3
Restaurant Normal restaurant

Week 2
Quest Red Dragon
Food Dried meat × 4
Restaurant Normal restaurant

Week 3
Quest Red Dragon
Food Dried meat × 4
Restaurant Normal restaurant
No competition

Week 4
Quest Goblin Hunt
Food potato snack×3

Week 5
Quest Goblin Hunt
Food potato snack×4
Restaurant Normal restaurant
No competition

Week 6
Quest Goblin Hunt
Food potato snack×4
Restaurant Tavern

(swordsman fat)

Week 7
Quest The Little Girl next to the Giant Bee restaurant
Food Beer×12
Restaurant Tavern
No competition

(pocha magician)

Week 8
Quest The Little Girl next to the Giant Bee restaurant
Food wine × 9
Restaurant Tavern

(sorcerer fat)

Week 9
Quest Rabbit Extermination The little girl by the restaurant
Food yogurt×5
Restaurant Tavern
No competition

(swordsman big fat)

Week 10
Quest Patrol The little girl next to the restaurant
Food Yogurt×7
Restaurant Tavern

(magician big fat)

Week 11
Sleeping in bed

Week 12
Sleeping in bed

ED5 reach

■ Gluttony tournament capture chart

Week 1
Quest Red Dragon
Food Dried meat * 3
Restaurant Normal restaurant

Week 2
Quest Red Dragon
Food Dried meat * 4
Restaurant Normal restaurant

Week 3
Quest Red Dragon
Food Dried meat * 4
Restaurant Normal restaurant
Participation in the gluttony tournament

Pocha Swordsman
Lv1 Winner of Gluttony Tournament

Week 4
Quest Goblins
Food Potato chips * 3
Restaurant Normal restaurant
Buy a Ring * 2

Week 5
Quest Goblins
Food Potato chips * 4
Restaurant Normal restaurant
No competition

Swordsman Gluttony
Swordsman Fat
swordsman only fat

Week 6
Quest Giant Bee
Food Cake * 3
Restaurant Normal restaurant

Sorcerer Chubby
Bakushoku Swordsman
Mage Tsumamigui
Cake gluttony

Week 7
Quest Giant Bee
Food Cake * 4
Restaurant Normal restaurant
Participation in the gluttony tournament

Lv2 Champion of Gluttony Tournament

Week 8
Quest Giant Bee
Food Cake*5
Restaurant Normal restaurant

Big Fat Swordsman

Week 9
Quest Patrol
Food Grilled whole pork * 4
Restaurant Bed
i don’t participate in the gluttony tournament.

Hungry Weapon Seller (Swordsman)

Week 10
Quest Patrol
Food Grilled whole pork*3
Restaurant Bed

Week 11 Sale of the ring
No Quests
no food.
Restaurant Bed
Participation in the gluttony tournament

Lv3 Champion of Gluttony Tournament

Week 12
Restaurant Bed



Reading through that guide, it is insane how much went into this deceptively simple looking game. A little dense and hard to understand (thank you, Google Translate), but wow.

Edit: Blurring this, as it’s part of the guide to get Ending 5:

There’s a minor fault in the guide as written. If you follow it exactly, you won’t have enough money to do any of the week 10 stuff, even with the Patrol Quest or the Restaurant Daughter’s funds. What I did was sleep Week 10, which caused the “Hungry and Broke Warrior” event to fire. Week 11, did the Patrol and Daughter stuff again, which was enough for the 7 yogurts and Tavern meal. This gets the mage to max weight. You can do whatever you want Week 12, though both our heroines are too fat for even the laziest standard quest. I acted as taste-tester once more, spent my 500 gil on a slice of cake, ate it, and went to bed. The “Hungry and Broke Mage” event then fired, and then came the glorious cut-scene.

Obviously a very minor adjustment, but hopefully helpful to someone.


While I typically try to avoid double posting, I’m left a little curious. I’ve unlocked the bulk of the “Other” events as they’re listed there, and while the wording is a little clunky, I’ve been able to figure out what is what. These two, however, I have no idea.

And I can’t figure out how to blur a quote, but these two are so vague, I’m not terribly worried about this being much of a spoiler.