Dusts off this account
Well well well, hasn’t it been a while? But I don’t want to bore you, you all read the title.
It is with a truly heavy heart and more than a little bit of repressed tears that I hereby announce that the reimagining of Hungry Elves, Eternalland - A Tale of Hungry Elves, is hereby cancelled due to a lack of interest from the team to keep working on the game at all.
I apologize to anyone and everyone who was looking forward to the game, I am sure this isn’t the news you were hoping for, but I assure you that I share in your sadness and disappointment.
Warning: Moping ahead! If you don’t want to read it, then feel free to skip to the next BOLD line!
You know, when I started this project I had two main reasons for it. The first was that I wanted to take the game that had originally brought me into the community and into writing and re-vitalize it to show people what I saw in it, to really bring out its potential so to say.
The second and far more selfish one was that I wanted to show that you can make something great as a team, that you don’t need to be some artist-writer-programmer savant to make a good game and that a group of talented people can make something truly great.
And here I am now, much like Pagliacci. Not that I am highly intelligent, but I sure am a sad clown. Teaches me to reach for the starts, I suppose.
I should mention that I’m not exactly mad at the others and I don’t want people to be mad at them either. Most of them found their own passions elsewhere, and that’s fine. I’m just sad that everyone else gets their turn except for me, but that’s just me whining.
Moping over, feel free to read on!
But anyway, as I have said I am sorry. I also don’t really know what will happen with the team. Maybe we’ll do somethig, maybe we won’t. I know for sure that I myself am not leaving anytime soon. As much as disappearing from the forum and taking my shame with me sounds appealing, that’s not the right thing to do.
Still, I think I’ll stick to helping out others from now on, since apparently I don’t make for a good project lead. Who knows, maybe you’ll be the next person who will catch my attention?
See you around, everyone… Though not in this project, unfortunately.