Like I said though, the cpu and physical memory usage is not any worse when it’s slow. When I say slow, I mean that programs take longer to boot up, internet loads more slowly, saving and loading files takes much longer (example, a normal save time when making drawing in Krita takes about 10 seconds for me at the stage of my current drawing. When it’s slow, it takes about a minute.). When I actually get into a game when it’s slow it runs at normal speed, the only thing that takes longer is saving and loading. Disabling the shadow caching didn’t help either. I’m seeing some say that it could be a sign of my hard drive dying, but I doubt it since steam is the only thing that is causing the issue. Also, it’s not overheating when slow, and if that was the issue closing all of my tabs and loging out of steam wouldn’t immediately correct the speed.
My system specs:
OS: Windows 7 64 bit
RAM: 16 GB
Processor: Intel Core i5 - 4690K CPU @ 3.50 GHz 3.50 GHz
Graphics Card: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 970
Age: about 5 years
It’s not an amazing machine, but it’s not terrible either. I know Win7 is outdated and needs to be replaced. It’s not imperative (hopefully) that I get this resolved, as I intend to get a new machine in the next few months, but I would still like to have this machine around in case something happens to the new one.
Thanks I’m glad you enjoy it . As of now, I don’t have any plans to make a mod for CK3 after this one is done as I would like to work on other projects and I feel that at this point in time, CK2 is a more complete game overall that allows for more creative freedom due to lack of character models. If no one has made a CK3 mod there may be a time where I take up the task myself.
However if anyone wants to use what I’ve made so far for CK2 in the CK3 version, they are more than welcome to take whatever they want, with the exception of the work done by my volunteers, they’ll have to be asked first (That was never part of the terms I give people offering to volunteer, so it would be unfair of me to just allow their work be used elsewhere without their consent.).
@zohanner Thank you for playing and enjoying it . Actually, unless you are talking about the LF or Tentacled Dreams compatibility events, I only added 1 pregnancy event (if you try leading troops pregnant). Everything else is from a vanilla patch. I’m glad though, that they are being mistaken for my events, because that implies I’m doing a pretty good job writing and keeping in tone with the vanilla game.
Also, someone like us has to be on the CK dev team, there are too many coincidences for it not to be the case.
wow yeah that system while older should still be more than fine the only thing I can think of at the moment is maybe steam is trying to download something(would explain why it happens after closing a game as by default steam doesnt try downloading stuff with a game open) and if your internet connection is fast enough I have seen steam use up all of a hard drives speed to do so once and had a to limit that pcs steam download speed. If I come up with another idea I ll reply or pm ya what a bizzare issue lol…failing that if you never figure it out could make a .bat that just force closes steam and other stuff but thats not really ideal lol
Sounds like something is doing a lot of reads or writes to your hard drive(s)(or solid state drive(s)).
What are you using for drive(s)?
I’d open the Resource Monitor(not the the same as task manager), and watch the disk activity, looking for some ad-normal amount of activity. A lot of responsiveness of a system is based on how fast the system can get or send data to/from your drive('s). If you don’t have a ssd, windows 10 does do a better job of caching data to memory to relieve the wait time of accessing files on a conventional hard drive.
Edit: Also with both 7 and 10 a game using a bunch of memory can force the operating systems to reclaim a bunch of space in ram that he os is using to cache files you open frequently, to instead use for the game. This would result in the next time you open the file, it opening slower due to its no longer being cached in the RAM and the os has to wait for the drive.
It seems we achieved my “favorite” kind of troubleshooting solution, problem solves itself without me doing anything or even knowing what changed. I don’t have a clue what I did/what happened, but the slowness has stopped for now.
Thanks everyone for trying to help, I really appreciate it
Currently trying to add the feeder trait to my spouse but I’m not having luck, both during regular gameplay and by using the cheat menu. I’ve tried entering the following:
add_trait feeder_fetish_female 2609526
Is that not the correct trait name, or can the custom traits not be added in the cheat menu? Also sorry if this is a repeat question; I looked through this and the previous thread for a while but couldn’t find a solution.
That’s not the trait name, the trait you are looking for is either “fat_fetish_female” or “fat_fetish_male” which one is dependent on what sex they are attracted to (so if they are into men, give them “fat_fetish_male” or if they are into women give them “fat_fetish_female”). Let me know if that works
That one in particular is a little tricky because it can be hard to find people who already visibly have it, but in the future, just putting in charinfo lets you see what any trait/modifier is called for console command purposes when you hover your mouse over them.
You can also just go into the mod files if finding the trait command that way is too tedious, there’s a folder with the added traits under Fatocracy>common>traits and it can be viewed easily with just Notepad.
So while the base game is free, there’s like a ton of DLC that’s looking to get on the expensive side, could we have a list of which DLC is best to pick up for this mod?
Random thought: it may be Steam trying to download and patch one of your other Steam games that’s had an update. If you haven’t throttled Steam’s download speed (or set it for manual updates) it can really hammer your system.
@rimean To check the weight of your character, you need to right click on your character’s portrait and then find the option (it’s been a while, but I think it’s the go to bedroom option). Then a popup menu will appear, select the top option and you will weigh yourself.
@TDG The best dlc for the mod are “Way of Life”, “Holy Fury”, and “Conclave” are the most important currently. I also intend to make use of “Monks and Mystics”, “The Republic” and “Reapers Due” for some DLC exclusive features, but that won’t be until I get 1.0 finished, whenever that will be.
@Cicero_Africanus There is a bug in the current version that can make temporary obesity be activated more than once at a time. If that hasn’t happened, when presented with the option of how much to eat, you need to pick the lighter options to make it end. Be warned though, your health will take a hit each time you pick the lightest option. Only the gorging option will increase the timer, all of the others will cause it to end eventually. At this point in time, there is one more size after blob, the immobile state when you reach I believe 200 weight.
@dingotush Maybe that was causing it, but before I reinstalled steam I did throttle the download speed to only 1.5 MB, which normally didn’t cause it to slow down that much.
I’ve played a few rounds of this, and it’s pretty fun. the wg mechanics are clunky at some points, but at this point it just feels like it skips the events and some of the text for certain events drifts off of the page. other than that, based mod.
How is the weight gain mechanics clunky specifically? I’d like to make the mechanics as clean as possible, but I am limited a bit since I need to work in the confines of the vanilla game’s system to an extent.
in the 8.2 Demo, whenever you went to a certain weight level, an event would pop up, telling you that you were this weight, and then a few decisions would come with it. other than that the lack of localization hurts navigating but its been fun.