Fatty Text Adventure Game

All right, I’ve come up with some alternate scenes for encountering the thief when you have high strength. (I’m assuming that high fat with low strength wouldn’t look similarly intimidating–probably because you’d be visibly struggling to move around.)

Encounter begins

A scream rings out from a nearby alley, piercing the nighttime silence. You round the corner just in time to [run belly-first (high fat)/crash (low fat)] into a pudgy, dark-clad [species], knocking him over. You instinctively reach down to help him up, but you stop as you notice the dagger in his hand. Nearby, a young [other species] gapes up at you in astonishment. As the [thief’s species] shakes his head and starts climbing to his feet, the young [other species] takes the opportunity to dart off, leaving you alone with the would-be thief. The [thief’s species]'s eyes widen in fear as you loom over him, [weapon] at the ready.


Against your better judgment, you reach into your pocket for a few coins and toss them at the thief. He’s so surprised that he almost fails to catch the gold. “Um… thanks?” The [species] quickly runs off before you can change your mind.

Spare (replacement for Run--not sure how easily the button could be changed)

You lower your [weapon] and make a shooing motion toward the thief. He takes the hint and sprints away as fast as his legs can carry him.

Thief escapes (modification of "Pocket Sand!")

The thief reaches into his pocket and shouts, “Pocket sand!” before throwing a handful of sand in your face. You stumble back in surprise as you cough and cover your eyes. When you uncover them, the thief is nowhere to be seen. The sound of panicked footsteps recedes into the distance as the thief makes good his escape.

Oh, and while I was checking the standard scenes for comparison, I noticed a handful of typos in them as well. I’ll just leave these cleaned-up texts here:

Encounter begins

As you walk down a city street, you get the feeling you’re being watched. You hear the quiet but unmistakable sound of footsteps behind you. You whirl around to see a pudgy [species] dressed in dark, ill-fitting clothing standing right behind you and wielding a dagger. “Your money or your life!” he says. You bring up your [weapon] and prepare for a fight.

Thief's in-battle description

Your opponent is a thief who’s clearly packed on a few pounds. His leather armor is bursting at the seams all over and appears to be comically held together with bits of rope. He’s wielding a vicious-looking dagger though.


The fat thief feints right. As you’re distracted, his hand darts into one of your pockets, stealing [number] gold, his weight clearly not hindering his thieving abilities.

Steal (failed)

The fat thief feints right. As you’re distracted, his hand darts into one of your pockets, but he comes up disappointed as he finds no gold in that pocket.


You quickly toss a handful of gold at the [species] in hopes that it’ll make him go away. He deftly snatches the gold out of the air. “Good choice, sucker.” And with that, he dashes off into the night.

Thief defeated

The fat thief stumbles and kneels to the ground. “I just needed money… for another… dozen doughnuts!” he sighs before collapsing unconscious.


Thank you very much! I should be able to add that in for the next update, hopefully! :smiley:

And yeah, I definitely agree that the eating contest could be expanded somewhat as it were X3


Thank you so much! I should be able to add these for the next update :smiley:


I may be a bit late to reply but there’s an item called the weird berry it has a chance to make a bloat poison effect on your character usually at very high fullness % rest once you get the effect at a inn and immediately use the cure spell this allows you to get your fullness % to go down much more slowly when you rest in an inn again which increases your max stomach capacity

So, about those new thresholds for city flavor text… It seems like the evening ones (having to do with brushing/bumping other people) weren’t changed.


I also found a two-for-one bug here:


The first problem, of course, is that it’s showing the text for a successful escape even though I failed to run.
The other problem is the fact that I “failed to run” in the first place. Due to my character’s high strength, the thief is the one who runs from me when I click the “Run” button. But it seems the game is still doing the standard agility-based roll to determine whether or not combat ends, as opposed to noticing my high strength and bypassing the roll. (Despite this, the game does display the high-strength variant of the scene if I do pass the agility roll.)


a legend has appeared…


I’ve noticed even if I disabled one of the 2 random encounter genders most of the events and hostiles will still have them, it only seems to work on some generic enemies and I was wondering if this would be expanded or if they are just going to be that way

Wait, you can explode out of your clothes?! Apparently I’ve been missing out on a lot this game has to offer!


How do I go from the forest back to town?

I’ve tried clicking randomly for quite a long while without escape… am I lost? is it random?

Every once in a while, you should get an event that turns one of the explore options into a path out. Can be fairly easy to miss.


All right, so… I’ve been working on writing fat/muscular variants for the remaining city encounters for a while now, and I think I’ve gotten everything covered well enough to post what I’ve got. At any rate, I hope so.

The drunk’s encounter was actually very easy to edit. They don’t try to eat you, and they have a perfect excuse for attacking someone who’s ten times their size, so there’s only this one line from the initial encounter text that needed any editing:

[He/She] stumbles into you and nearly knocks you to the ground.

Here are a couple variants to cover the cases where you’re big:

Fat variant

[He/She] stumbles into you, squishing heavily into your [___-sized] belly.

Muscle variant

[He/She] stumbles into you, bumping hard against your hardened muscles.

And now, the pièce de résistance: The Takeout Terror. He’s less like a monster and more like a mirror image of yourself if you’re very fat, so I thought it would be fun to lean into that aspect a bit here and there. Here’s what I’ve got:

Encounter, normal variant (fixes some typos and accounts for height)

You’re brought up short as a hugely fat [species] waddles towards you–practically so wide that there’s no space in the street to avoid him. The ground shakes beneath his thunderous footfalls. His shirt and denim pants are bursting at the seams, his belly so bloated it hangs past his knees. He resembles a hot-air balloon stuffed into a set of clothes. Obviously having been gorging for hours, the [species] is occupied greedily devouring something from a crumpled parchment bag, accompanied by a strong smell of fried food, but as you watch he balls the now-empty bag up and tosses it away, obviously STILL not satisfied. Catching sight of you, he pants, “Hey, y-you there! You’ve gotta lend me some GOLD!” His enormous middle emits a subterranean rumble, and he adds desperately, “You don’t understand, I just… gotta get some more CHOW!” A slightly crazed look enters his food-fuddled gaze, and he [looms over you like a wrecking ball (short)/begins to salivate noticeably as he looks you over (tall)]. “In fact… you’re looking mighty tasty there… if you’ve not got any gold maybe I’ll j-just eat YOU!”

Encounter, fat variant

You’re brought up short as a hugely fat [species] waddles towards you–practically so wide that there’s no space in the street to avoid him. The ground shakes beneath his thunderous footfalls. His shirt and denim pants are bursting at the seams, his belly so bloated it hangs past his knees. He resembles a hot-air balloon stuffed into a set of clothes. Obviously having been gorging for hours, the [species] is occupied greedily devouring something from a crumpled parchment bag, accompanied by a strong smell of fried food, but as you watch he balls the now-empty bag up and tosses it away, obviously STILL not satisfied. Catching sight of you, he pants, “Hey, y-you there! You’ve gotta lend me some GOLD!” His enormous middle emits a subterranean rumble, and he adds pleadingly, “You understand, don’t you? I just… gotta get some more CHOW!” He seems to notice something behind you, and a slightly crazed look enters his food-fuddled gaze. “Actually, m-maybe I could just…” You look over your shoulder to see an obviously inebriated [other species] staggering off up the alley. [He’s/She’s] singing a bar song off key at the top of [his/her] lungs, and [his/her] bloated stomach sloshes with each unsteady step. Turning back to the [takeout terror’s species], you notice he’s begun to salivate noticeably. He tries to squeeze past you, but the alley wasn’t designed with fatties like you two in mind. You squirm as his blubbery bulk squashes against yours, threatening to jam you in place between the walls. Thankfully, he gives up and steps back before you actually get stuck, his fat rolls heaving up and down as he pants from exertion. The [takeout terror’s species]'s expression shifts to one of rage, and he snarls, “[He’s/She’s] MINE, you hear? Get out of my way or I’ll run right over you!”

Encounter, muscle variant

You’re brought up short as a hugely fat [species] waddles towards you–practically so wide that there’s no space in the street to avoid him. The ground shakes beneath his thunderous footfalls. His shirt and denim pants are bursting at the seams, his belly so bloated it hangs past his knees. He resembles a hot-air balloon stuffed into a set of clothes. Obviously having been gorging for hours, the [species] is occupied greedily devouring something from a crumpled parchment bag, accompanied by a strong smell of fried food, but as you watch he balls the now-empty bag up and tosses it away, obviously STILL not satisfied. Catching sight of you, he pants, “Hey, y-you there! You’ve gotta lend me some GOLD!” His enormous middle emits a subterranean rumble, and he adds desperately, “You don’t understand, I just… gotta get some more CHOW!” He catches sight of something behind you, and a slightly crazed look enters his food-fuddled gaze. “Actually, m-maybe I could just…” You look over your shoulder to see an obviously inebriated [other species] staggering off up the alley. [He’s/She’s] singing a bar song off key at the top of [his/her] lungs, and [his/her] bloated stomach sloshes with each unsteady step. Turning back to the [takeout terror’s species], you notice he’s begun to salivate noticeably. He tries to squeeze past you, but you plant your muscular bulk firmly in his way, blocking his path. The [takeout terror’s species]'s expression shifts to one of rage, and he snarls, “Get out of my way or I’ll run right over you!”

In-battle description (He actually didn't have one before)

Your opponent is a massively obese [species] who reeks of fried food. Even though he’s obviously been gorging for hours, his massive midsection is still rumbling with hunger, and he’s not about to let you get between him and his next meal.

Grab, fat variant

Your hugely obese opponent makes a sudden lunge at you, taking you by surprise. His blubbery bulk SER-MACKS against yours, sending ripples through both of you as he goes for a headlock. However, he struggles to reach your neck, as your own oversized belly squishes back against his and keeps him at arm’s length. Try as he might, he can’t get his arm around any part of your blubber-bloated body, and he eventually has to pull away, panting and heaving as he tries to catch his breath.

Grab, muscle variant

Your hugely obese opponent makes a sudden lunge at you, taking you by surprise. His blubbery bulk SER-MACKS against you and he manages to get one fat arm wrapped around you in a headlock. However, while his arms may be big, yours have a lot more muscle. Having recovered from your initial surprise, you manage to pull his arm off and give him a hefty shove, sending the very hefty [species] staggering backward. His oversized backside hits a nearby wall with a heavy THUMP–it’s a wonder that the collision doesn’t knock the wall down.

(Note: These also preclude the possibility of you getting devoured at large sizes, since he can’t do that without grabbing you first.)

Victory (minor edit to account for height)

The massively obese [species] staggers one last time and teeters precipitously on his [feet], until the weight of his backside pulls him down with a THUMP that makes the surrounding buildings shake, accompanied by a RRIP as his clothes finally burst apart. He moans and topples onto his back, belly rising up [above the top of your head/level with the top of your head/level with your chin/level with your chest/level with your waist/almost to your waist], heaving in time with his panting breath. Looks like this guy won’t be hassling anyone anytime soon–not until he can get up.

Run failed!, fat variant

You turn around and start waddling down the alley as fast as your mountainous flab will allow. The supersized [species] waddles after you, his vast middle still rumbling with a supersized hunger. The din of your booming, earth-shaking footsteps echoes all through the alley, and a few half-awake residents peek out their windows to gawk at the two titanic fatties stomping through town. Eventually, the [species] starts to fall behind, panting heavily as he tires. You try to look back over your shoulder at him, but while you’re not watching where you’re going, you trip. You pitch forward and slam down onto your gargantuan gut with a THUD that can be heard for miles around. By the time you manage to climb to your feet, the [species] has caught up and caught his breath again.

Escaped!, fat variant

You turn around and start waddling down the alley as fast as your mountainous flab will allow. The supersized [species] waddles after you, his vast middle still rumbling with a supersized hunger. The din of your booming, earth-shaking footsteps echoes all through the alley, and a few half-awake residents peek out their windows to gawk at the two titanic fatties stomping through town. Eventually, the [species] starts to fall behind, gasping for breath as he tires. You look back over your shoulder to see him stop and lean against a wall, gasping and wheezing. He’s still standing there as you turn a corner, leaving the [species] out of breath and out of luck.

(Note: I could revisit this to add Escape variants for muscle, but for now, my main focus was writing an alternative for when you’re too fat to squeeze past each other.)

Submit (gold), fat or muscle variant

A look of gluttonous glee spreads over the super-fattened [species]’s face as you hand over 8 gold. “Oof, thanks, I- BURRP!-just got time to make it for DESSERT!” He turns around and waddles off down the alley, leaving you poorer but unharmed.

(Note: I think the Submit text where you give him food is acceptable as-is. You could indeed be disgusted with yourself for letting yourself get bullied at larger sizes.)

Submit (no food or gold), fat or muscle variant

With a sigh you rummage in your inventory, but find yourself embarrassingly short of cash. You frantically look for some food as a substitute, but as you’re doing so, the enraged [species] suddenly charges at you. He catches you off guard and slams his mammoth midriff into you, knocking you off balance. You…
(leads into corresponding “Defeated” text, starting at “stagger backwards”)

Defeated, fat variant

Too weak to continue fighting, you stagger backwards and fall over onto your back with an earth-shaking BOOM. You feel the ground continue to tremble as the super-fattened [species] draws near, his gargantuan gut squishing against yours as he leans in. Undeterred by the slope of your tremendous, bulging belly, he begins climbing right over you! You gasp as he adds his own colossal weight to your own, crushing the breath out of you. The pain and lack of air prove too much for you, and your vision swims as you lose consciousness.

Defeated, muscle variant

Too weak to continue fighting, you stagger backwards and fall over onto your back with a heavy THUD. You feel the ground trembling as the super-fattened [species] draws near, his gargantuan gut looming over you and filling your field of vision. The underside of his massive, hanging belly is the last thing you see before he puts his full colossal weight on you. You quickly lose consciousness as he crushes you into the pavement.

And finally, as a bonus, here’s one more “Defeated” variant for when you’re REALLY fat. I’m not even sure this is really necessary, but while I was writing the standard fat variant, I thought to myself, “What if you’re so fat that he’s SMALL compared to you? Would it be believable that you’d pass out from having him climb over you? Could he even climb over you in the first place?” And so I ended up writing this variant too. I don’t know how he’d even see the drunk behind you if you’re this big, but if you want to use it anyway, here it is:

Defeated, REALLY fat variant

Too weak to continue fighting, you stagger backwards and fall over onto your back with an earth-shattering BOOM. The ground continues to tremble as the super-fattened [species] draws near, but a moment later, you hear him curse in frustration. Your belly is so mind-blowingly massive that it rises up higher than the top of his head and almost blocks the entire alley from wall to wall. Shifting your unimaginable weight is out of the question, and his grease-slicked [hands] are unable to grip your countless layers of flab well enough for him to climb over you. He’s forced to turn around and waddle back the way he came, grumbling at his bad luck. You’re far too exhausted to even think about getting up, but as you drift off into unconsciousness, you can at least take some satisfaction in knowing that your sheer bulk has impeded his rampage a bit.


Whoops. I forgot there wasn’t a “bottom” threshold for that text condition, so anybody from 0-500 fat would trigger it.

And yeah, the system for running is coded somewhere else, so unless I customized the function for one specific enemy under one particular circumstance, it’d have to use the same system. Although that said I just had the wrong text in there for failing to run away and that might’ve been true the whole time. The way it’s supposed to work is that even if you “fail” to run away high strength, you still succeed. I just didn’t put that in right. It should be fixed in the next patch.


Yeah. I probably could expand them, and I started doing that in some places. Although it might be a while until it’s implemented everywhere. Also the ultimate result would be that every character in the game was the same gender, which wasn’t how they were written. So inevitably there’s probably going to be some characters it doesn’t affect.

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Basically what kamaitachifuutaro said. There should also be a text prompt that says you found a pathway out of the forest when the option to leave pops up.

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Thank you very much for the submission! There’s a patch I want to release first that fixes some other things, but I should be able to get those added in for the one after that. Apparently dodging has been broken the whole time!

Thank you so very much for all the help once again :smiley:


I can still upgrade stomach when leveling up?

yeah, that’s normal!

the return of the king


It’s definitely an idea at best, but one of the things I always lamented when this wasn’t going any further, was that you had no option to follow the wilding’s back and devour their sacrificial dragon in the ultimate display of gluttony, or to just to do quests for their casters in order to learn wilding spells. Imagine being able to fatten an enemy so much that they lose instead of the other way around.


Looking at the previous response… got me thinking.

Since I played the older game you made (The mountain of food) , it gave me an idea: Wouldn’t it be fun to have an option when you go against the gluttony cultists/wilderlings that you are provided an option to join them and start a different route of play?

This is a thought at best, though, I understand the technical difficulty and amount of writing that ensues with these functions. (And I honestly think that it would probably stay one for the sake of everyone’s sanity)

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