Hey you! I’m here to pass a message for my creator Exas4000. I present my person has magrinor. I will be hosting a great feast in my lovely pocket dimension and it seems like you search for more weighty ways to enjoy yourself. Of course dont worry about you gaining weight, this mimic king will provide you with a temporary avatar!
(website warn’s magrinor) What do you mean we can only have ONE image per post… (snarks)
Mara, quite the ravenous little character. Has you collect the bubbled meal around my property, she will gain in size, having 13 different state currently, more then likely more in the future.!
But what out all that weight is going to drag you down, and if you dont pay attention you are going to end up immobile or worst, dead. Dont worry though! You can gain back some vigor by improving your stats by giving me back some coins i « lost » allong the way to the feast. Or simply hire an helper from the many littering my citadel.
In term of stats, you got three things to worry about: strenght( to make sure you can walk and jump properly), Stealth (or how well you go around the castle without been openly attacked by my loyal servants) and insight(to help you dimunish the cost of hiring the helpers at your disposition and maybe additionnal effect in the future).
How long the whole thing is? well my citadel is seperated in 9 parts with the ninth being the feast. But its not enough to reach the end, you need to go back from whence you came. Maybe it is easy to go far, but its not worth it if you can’t come back and enjoy your rewards. I will gladly offer you alternate attire once my citadel is up and running.
For now i must tell fare well, and may you have a pleasant stay somewhere this next october when a demo of the game i’m in goes live. any additionnal question shall be answered by my creator.
Farewell, Magrinor the Mimic King.