Feed the Crown (Roops' Submission)

So, I just completed the game and I gotta say, this is easily my favorite addition this year!

Favorite is definitely the Bird Queen. Mouse and Cat are great, and I like the mouse’s levels the most, but there’s just something about a reluctant fatty that I find so delightful. Plus her post stuffing expressions and dialogue is just delightful.

Not much else to say that hasn’t been said already. I noticed dialogue during feeding seems sparse at times, but I’m not sure if it’s a glitch or a result of clicking too fast for the dialogue boxes. I think I saw someone suggesting an option to remove the box, but maybe instead simply have an option to auto trigger the queen’s dialogue? Like, press space during the feeding scenes to have them the queen say something. Or, on that note, maybe having adding another way to interact with the queens during the feeding scenes, something like Daysdays old Feeding Sasha game.

Again, awesome game, and great job! Hope you do well in the judging!


Yeah for sure, I feel like making sims 4 mods takes a lot out of me, I can’t eve imagine working a game this good this quicky.

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So, I haven’t read the rest of the thread but I’m sure what I’m going to say has been said by countless other people before. It is what it is, I suppose, and I hope it won’t render my comments less valid.

To start off, this is easily a game I’d put in the top 3, or at the very least in the honorable mentions. It’s short, sweet, but still has a lot of replayability with the inclusion of three characters. All of which control frankly better than I thought they would. At least at the low and mid weight level. The movement is springy, even if the animations are relatively simple. The idea of giving each of the knights different mobility options is one I really, really dig. And you found a real clever way to reuse level layouts too, by taking the “metroidvania” approach. Y’know, “you need to have this ability to get here” kinda thing. I can say much the same for the three queens.
The main point here being: You approach this game in a way that’s very friendly for a game jam. Instead of trying to make this big and amazing thing, you began with a simple idea and worked with the limitations you had, you used them to your advantage. That’s actually commendable.

Now, there are a handful of issues. The main one being how unwieldy the bird and cat knight become at their third weight level. They rise very little and fall really quickly. In my opinion, far more than they should. To give a specific example, the tower for the cat knight. There’s a point where two sets of spikes stick out at each side. At the lower weights, that part is perfectly doable, as they drop a manageable amount on the jump and on the grab. At the third weight, I had to chose whether I wanted to hit the spikes above me or below me. I checked several times running the game at 25% speed and the window, if it’s there, is way too small. There’s a similar situation in the bird’s last level, but I didn’t test it that extensively, so maybe that was just me being trash. On another note, checkpoints, or some type of leniency mechanic, I’d say it’s very necessary. Whether it’s, as I mentioned, checkpoints or, like, regaining 1 heart after collecting X boxes, doesn’t matter. I really do believe there has to be some sort of safety net. Moreso since failing forces an end to the level, and, honestly, can lead you to start the game from the beginning. And I feel like I wouldn’t be making such a big deal out of this if you could get back to where you failed quickly. Now, if you’re going for a perfect run, failing in the third level, well… doesn’t make for the fastest return, yanno?

As a final note, I was going to bring up a little bug I had, where I’d accidentally skipped a feeding session and jumped directly to the third level. Thought it was a feature, but after perfecting the level and not getting the special ending, I realized it was certainly not. That said, I’ve seen the patchnotes, and it’s been fixed, so this has now become a moot point. So, instead, let me gush over how cute the queens are. Absolutely, unbelievably lovely. Cat and Mouse were my personal favorites, both in how they gain and in how they react to their respective gain. S2G I can see the horny in the cat queen’s eyes and I love it. I really cannot stress how great of a job you did with the characters.

TL;DR: Really simple game. Really good game. Absolutely had the right idea for executing a game jam game. There was some mildly infuriating stuff, but I suppose that’ll get eventually sorted out. The characters are really fucking lovely. I’ll be severely surprised if this game doesn’t get a spot in the top 3 or even a mention.

@Unk0wn1 Oh man, congrats! That’s so awesome that you perfected all three! Thanks for your suggestion–I’ve officially added textbox hiding to my features list, so I’ll try to get that implemented with Version 1.0. And of course they’ll be more content for you to try and conquer!

@DrPepper Thanks so much for your feedback! Based on your comments and some of the earlier ones in the thread, I’m definitely planning on making the regularity/scripting of the feeding dialogue more consistent. And might explore additional interaction if time allows!

@DisasterStarter Thank you for the thorough review! Forgive me if I misunderstood the “kisekae model” comment (I’m assuming it’s referring to that online program that lets you build characters from pre-made assets?)-- but all of my art is original and made in a vector animation program called Moho! I draw all the Queens and Knights digitally using vector shapes, then build character rigs which allow me to pose and animate them. It’s a fun process!


Does footage of a perfect run exist? I really like the art, but I’m really really really bad at platformers.

Never heard about Moho before. Interesting.
I suppose I’ll be keeping an eye on it, then. Should prove in handy, perhaps, at some point, in some circumstance. Appreciate the clarification.

Lol, I was able to get perfect runs on the cat and the mouse queen. I still can’t get control of the bird well enough yet.


I found Cat easiest. Mouse was harder for me because if I missed a jump I couldn’t grab a ledge and climb or flutter up, and in spite of avoiding hazards more easily I traded that for one less health. I STILL can’t finish a run for Bird queen without dying. Weight just hurts the bird knight’s flying too much, and harmful obstacles for them seem placed much more precariously.

I dunno if this helps, but don’t try to compensate for the bird’s weight by flapping fast, it’s better to just treat it like a double (or quadruple) jump and keep a steady beat when going across pits or spikes.


Mouse was easiest for me. Not breaking platforms is #1, and it felt like gaining weight barely affected mobility. There wasn’t enough uses for the cat climbing, and bird flight was a pain in the butt after gaining some weight.

I am new here, how can I donate to the creator as appreciation to his effort to make this fantastic project?

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This game is just amazing! I finished both the cat and the mouse knight 100%, still having trouble with the bird knight, it gets way too heavy on lvl 3.
Some aspects of the game can be better though, for example I noticed that there is no difference betweend the end speech of every queen if you complete the game 100% or if you miss some crates, also the size is a little bit different but not much, you barely notice.
I think having the option of making them bigger would be great (maybe with few extra crates around the castle aswell).
Also during the banquet I would like to hear some burp/hiccup sound and having some extra different lines.
I support the idea of putting some extra reward levels for the ones who comples the game 100% for example I really would like to see the cat queen royal chambers.

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I really love hearing everyone’s different reactions to the Knights, because they’re just so different! Like @EarthboyJAK mentioned, I find the Cat’s climbing to be incredibly useful as a handicap for some of the tougher jumps. Though my personal favorite is the Bird, because I like the control the all the extra jumps get you.

@M40P Welcome to the site! It means a TON that people continue to offer to support the project! At this point in time I am actively working on an updated and e x p a n d e d version of the game, but am not asking for money right now. If you want to support me, feel free to follow me on twitter and my itchio for updates on development!

@Calcifer Thanks so much for playing and commenting! For the record, the ending is slightly different if you get all 27 crates in a run, but I’m definitely working on some more fun rewards for the next update! Stay tuned!


Just completed the game (best scores), it’s awesome. Should totally win this jam! This game is complete and only glitched out 2 times (in the like 50 times I’ve played already). The personalities of the queens are super fitting and cute (though I felt kinda bad feeding bird lady). Well done! IMO the game doesn’t even need an update, bc it’s already super, but really looking forward to that as well!
PS: cat lady=best girl


I hope you didn’t take my last comment as criticism! Since then I have beaten the game with all the knights and the challenges were very rewarding.

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Ok, now I finished also the bird 100% and yes I noticed that the bird queen dialogues are different.
The difficulty was like that for me: mouse easy, cat medium, bird hard. But probably I just needed to learn how properly use the “fly skill”, anyway a chekpoint after you feed the queen or two different options when you die like “go back to the queen caste with what you have found” and “try the level again” would be great.


Yeah, an option to retry a level would be amazing, especially if you’re going for a flawless run, and you don’t want to start the whole game over.

Just played Feed the Crown and then The Breakfast Chub, and can easily say that Roops has a running theme of putting Queens in their games, whether they’re literal queens or not.


Hey everyone! Just a quick update on the game–my job has been VERY busy lately, but I wanted to take the time to provide a Devlog Update for those who might be interested. I plan to continue sharing these updates via itchio and twitter (and here until the topic gets closed after judging), so be sure to follow me on those platforms if you want to stay in the loop!


Oh man, poor bird knight TwT

I find it hilarious how these poor sods are risking life and limb just for a few extra slices of cake to be stuffed down some greedy gullet.

Devlog sounds solid. While it was neat to see the additional dialogue branches for more or less successful heists, it makes sense for people to shoot for the top. I do like the idea of being rewarded for going the extra mile - finding the Pig Queen’s personal secret stash!

For Queen and Country! (I guess?)

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