Feeling the Weight of It All - Weight gain VN

I think you updated us enough. Your being to humble. You showed us a lot already. Also can’t wait for a the alpha version of the game.


You are by no means under any obligation to give updates often. Though I’m sure it’s appreciated by any fan of the project. Since it’s not allowed to ask for update from a dev on the site people should be used to waiting to hear from a dev until they actually have something to share. So feel free to update however often you want, your passion for the project is obvious :+1:.


@smugdotexe your updates atm are the fastest as i see from any other dev keep it up but like @Krodmandoon said your not obliged

But it is certainly appreciated :star_struck:


@FallenKing107 Thank you I’m just a bit nervous on this because its the first real passion project I have ever done and want to keep you guys as current as possible lol but thank you again for your kind words!

@Krodmandoon Thank you for the kind words. I know its against the sites rules but wanna keep you guys in loop with it all.

@vrehert Thank you lol I feel like a broken record at this point but I try and work fast because I wanted to make something the whole community will enjoy and always wanted to make something for everyone to experience

But atm I’m almost done with the first little part of the game but and should have it out soon its just the prolog at the moment introducing all the characters and stuff but I hope you all with enjoy it!

The discord server is made already but I’ll wait for a bit before posting it. I want to put it out when the first alpha of the game releases!


Holy crap it took so long but its done! Hope you guys like it. I had some issues with it for a bit but got it all to work! putting the files in itch so please enjoy. It is quite short and most of the backgrounds are just stock photos atm and the mc’s bedroom is like 25% drawn I hope you enjoy!!!


I’ll be posting the link to the discord tomorrow for anyone who wishes to join now I sleep it is 3:45 am and I work at 9am lolololol gn!

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Definitely an interesting set up for a WG VN. I’m diggin it. How will the romance paths work? I assume single girl paths. And since all the girls seem to be interconnected at least to the MC. Will the MC’s preferences cause girls outside said path to gain as well? It seems likely to me from the intro setup. This was a cool little demo to get a nice introduction to the girls and see a bit about the story. Looking forward to seeing more, keep up the good work.

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I tried the intro, great job, I liked the style of the art and the dialogues. I can’t wait to see more. I have a couple of questions if you don’t mind because I’m very curious about this project. What it will be the maximum size/weight of the girls( around 300,400,500 ecc… Lbs)? I love the visual nove with some game mechanic on it. Do you intend to insert some game mechanics like money to manage/earn, time of the day, food to buy, different places to visit, learn the weight of the girls ecc…?


Checking it out now, but just a suggestion, or maybe a request? An alternative font if at all possible would be great~ The current one is cute but I kind of have trouble reading non-standard type faces. x_x


Awesome! Really enjoyed what is available so far, and really excited to see where you go!

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The artwork in the demo is awesome. A couple of things about the dialogue though:

  • The font is almost impossible for me to read. I feel like I’m straining my eyes just trying. It would be great to have a different font (or at least the option for a different font)

  • The dialogue feels like the characters are being over-exaggerated. So many exclamation points and areas where the characters feel too much like caricatures. Some of that is good, but there is a little too much here for my taste

  • There were a number of typos in the writing. Not so many that it severely detracts from the work, but enough to be noticeable.

All in all this is a really good start though, and it will be exciting to see it continue.

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I agree this font is unacceptable for a VN. It might be okay for a menu or credits but not for reading a novel.


@Krodmandoon I’m glad you enjoyed the demo even with all its flaws! And to answer your question at the moment yes the story is going to revolves around which girl you pick and build a relationship with but the other girls get big so dont you worry about that :rofl:

@ragnocane Thank you for playing! Right now the girls get quite big I will say! Right now the application I have for some mechanics is a weighf system and a relationship system in which you have to build up a some rapport with them and unlock particular events with them. You can still get them even if you aren’t with them romantically but it helps achieves the goal to date them if you got towards a particular girl.

@Sixes first I wanna thank you for feedback, now that I been looking over the game I can see that the text is a bit hard to read and will be fixinv it some time tonight, so be on the look out for it.

@Lovesbellies Glad you enjoyed it I’m in the process of writing more of the story and want to try and get the first arch down by the end of September!

@jcc309 Thank for the feedback!

  1. The font is not the best I’ll probably just leave it for the main menu and tweek it a bit to make it more readable

  2. I can see what you are sayinv with the over exaggerating a bit I’ll read again through my script and see if I can make use of less exaggeration for the following revision.

  3. The grammar was mostly in fault of me rushing lol you could tell by reading the first day and the next day part being a bit sloppily placed together. Ill try and proofread it a few more times before I post the next version tonight.

But thank you again for playing and enjoying the game.

@namad Thank you for the feedback and it will be revised for the next release.

Thank you all for your feedback! I will be working hard to try and keep you guys posted and be on the look out for tonight for thw next patch!

Also I will eventually be adding music in and working more on the bgs with woomy. But until then have this sktech of naomi at her 3rd size.


So, is Ash gonna be our manic pixie feeder’s little helper girl?
Because getting her to get Olivia into cosplaying, and up to doorway demolishing hips would be awesome.


This was really cute, and is a fantastic base for the rest of the game! However I do have a fair few things to bring up. (summarised to not clog up the thread)


It’s already been echoed here, but I think visual novels should have a more standard typeface for the dialogue - the font is good and brings personality but it is clearly not meant to be used for full sentences.

In terms of tone, I don’t mind the main character being a bit of a horndog, but with how all the girls talk and the art style; it really took me out of it when the MC started jerking off lol, is there going to be more sexual content? Because this really seemed more like a wholesome affair.

I also feel that the main character emotes way too much for someone we name ourselves, having the choice to customise them seems redundant when they already seem like a fleshed out character in your script. I think you should either keep them the same and name them yourselves, or keep the customisation and have them be a bit more of a blank slate - which could probably open up for more dialogue choices too.

I think from what we’ve seen of each girl so far is really great, they all seem likeable in their own ways making me eager to see what’s in store for each of them already. It’s a strong cast so far and I think this is going to encourage a LOT of replayability! My favorites are still the same as before (Olivia and Naomi), but I definitely like Lilith more now - makes me wonder if she’ll also have a route despite their current role in the story.

The art is fantastic, with each character looking appealing whilst still keeping unique from each other. Lovely color schemes and their posing really sells what each character is about. Really cute stuff! I hadn’t heard of Woomy before but I’ll definitely be following based on their work on this alone.

I think the premise is solid for the most part, however, I do feel Ash and Lilith’s involvement is a little too sudden and perhaps tacked on? I don’t have an issue with their role in the story, but Ash susses you out so absurdly quick when I think their introduction could be stronger if they were a background character for a while: A slower prologue where Naomi introduces you to everyone at different locations, with MC noticing Ash there each time, and THEN you have your first encounter.

Apologies if that was mostly rambling, I have a lot of thoughts on the game and I’m really excited to see where you take it going forwards! I hope I didn’t come across as too negative or anything

Can’t wait for the next update!


I personally hope there will be there are so few games with actual sexual content within the fetish. I would guess that it’s only going to ever me implied though as most games that actually do have some form of sexual content. Never describe or show anything. I wonder if it’s early enough (and would work with the script and not disrupt too much) to just put in an option to disable sexual content if a player wants that.

Also would just having a default name for the MC based on pronouns and gender work for you? Because I like to be able to name any character I will play as in a VN if I’m able to chose gender and such. (Like if you don’t name the protagonist and just hit enter based on pronouns selected it would pump out one of a few names) that way it might not feel so off to you.

Not trying to tear any points you had down as it’s good feedback, just my two cents and opinion. The feedback is always welcome I’m sure.


That’s fair, I’ve noticed that too. Personally for me it was just jarring because from the way the game it presents itself (so far) I didn’t expect it to mention more sexual things, personally I’d rather it didn’t but that’s not a dealbreaker for me by any means. But I agree, a toggle would be a good compromise!

Yeah I don’t mind that either! I might have come across as nitpicky in that point, but if I’m choosing a character’s name and pronouns in a game I usually like it if they’re more of a blank slate where you get to deicde their personality through the choices, but ultimately it’s really not that big of a deal.

Regardless of my opinion, I look forward to more from Woomy and Smug, and for more discussions in the future lol


@onipuck OOOO you might have caught a plot line that is later down the road so ssssssssssssss don’t spoil it for the rest of ya guys!

@cuppycake glad you liked it and the feedback is great thanks for it! as for a few points of your summary,
I fixed the text to make it less of a eye sore and will be posting the next update in a few hours or so.
Im rewording some of the dialog to be more in tone of a blank slate in but not bland if you catch my drift. On the topic of sexual content there will be some but more in a wholesome way in the regards of the story. But certain characters will more or less against it and just favor the wholesome aspect of the fetish. Also Ash originally introduction was going to be a bit more off in the story and having more of aloof personality but me and woomy came to the conclusion to try and make her be a bit more approachable for story progression, and don’t ever apologise I love feedback! Criticism is what makes it better! Also please follow woomy she is amazing!!!

@Krodmandoon There will be some sexual content but it is skippable if that isn’t what a player wants but its going to mostly be belly related stuff because of uhhhhhhhh reasons lol.

But that being said here is a example of the new text I hope doesn’t make your eyes cry anymore lol and I’ll post the discord link here in a bit


Here’s the discord link feel free to join for faster replies to than here


Thanks for the response and reading my rambling! I like how much variety there seems to be planned based on each character’s interests! Oh I definitely like Ash’s personality as it is now, they’re really fun.

Also, the text is looking much nicer, legible whilst still keeping some charm!

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