I think your problem may be, in order to have enough time to have feed Erika 10 times you need to have met Yui at the restaurant sooner. If your avoiding going to the restaurant trying to keep Akane skinny then one of the ways to feed Erika which is cupcakes can start pretty late in stage 3 or not at all. Which makes it way harder. The soonest the Yui restaurant can appear is 12% of the way through stage 3. The key to getting on skinny feeder Akane route is all about feeding Erika 10 times, your self control is not a deciding factor in this getting the option for this route, only weather you feed Erika 10 times. Again you can be a complete hog all the way up to the decision to loose weight, at the trigger point for stage 4, and the only thing that matters is the fact that you feed Erika 10 times! Loosing control to unlock the restaurant in stage 2 can be a boon to unlocking the feeder route, because it get you the restaurant and in turn Yui and her cupcakes as soon as possible in stage 3. Remember that the restaurant unlocks based on your self control stat going under a threshold. I guess last is that the feeding Erika a cupcakes scene triggers during going to the gym, so visiting the gym during stage 3 would be necessary.
In summary:
unlock restaurant by stage 3
unlock Yui cupcakes by going to restaurant during stage 3
try to gain weight as slowly as possible to give max time to trigger gym erika cupcake feeding scene 10 times
at end of stage 3 beginning of stage 4 during choice “Maybe it’s time to end this…” pick “I’ve had my fun. Time to lose weight.” (You only get this if you feed Erika 10 times cupcakes and/or carbload)
During stage 4 to continue this route yes you do, but to get the decision no. Nor does actions before the decision to loose weight affect after. This is because the choice sets your self contorl to 60 regardless of how much of a pig you made of yourself earlier, wiping your slate 2/3 clean.
this is easily the best renpy fetish game I’ve played so far, but one game play thing i don’t understand is what happens if you keep failing your tests? is there a game over? because i try to do university whenever i can. and i feel like the game is glitched because you would need to classes every moment of everyday to have a good grade, it’s probably nothing but I’m jw if it’s game ending if you abandon it completely
Made sense to me when the line about weight also being factored into the grade was stated. But some dialogue or maybe random events that show that Akane is skipping doing homework or time to be working on assignments to go eat or do other things (depending on the route) might help drive the point home. It could even be added to the University event that shows Akane in class. Forgetting homework, skipping class, leaving early, etc.
I really like those scenes from an enjoyment and theme standpoint. I will also say they feel disconnected to the actual game given that they seem random in context (I know they are connect to weight but I mean time wise) and there is no follow up at the moment from Akane even though she is here on scholarship.
More scenes to connect it would be cool or maybe scenes where Akane is exploring other options. You could have her find another scholarship or get lucky some other way and them use that as an excuse to not worry about it and spiral harder. Or have the opposite happen and have her stress eat as she franticly tries to pull up her grade, leading to burn out.
Point being I do like the grade scenes being in the game and would love to see them expanded someday.
Great work. 10/10 love the game.
if Akane.getStage() == 5:
"This is currently the end of the content. From this point on scenes may break or not play propery. Thank you for playing! If you would like access to the latest version of the game. Please check me out at patreon.com/bobothesecondtwo"
should be
if stagesix == True:
"This is currently the end of the content. From this point on scenes may break or not play propery. Thank you for playing! If you would like access to the latest version of the game. Please check me out at patreon.com/bobothesecondtwo"
edit: this fix originally had a horrible typo that was hopefully obvious.
Seeing all the content in 0.2.0 actually technically requires 6 runs.
thin akane with fat rin fat nene
thin akane with thin rin thin nene
fat akane thin erika with fat rin fat nene
fat akane thin erika with thin rin thin nene
fat akane fat erika with fat rin fat nene
fat akane fat erika with thin rin thin nene
university volleyball girls requires 3 runs, and so fits inside the above. The whole 40 and 59 not being the same number is why I originally thought it was four runs, I forgot both erika and akane could be fat on the same run (failed diet, rather than an akane diet that never begins.)
2 or 3 runs though will see most of the content, and be something I’d recommend, I’m doing all 6 to help me find all the bugs that exist. {writing critque like the dozens of typos I’ve found are too minor for me to report, a single letter typed wrong can still easily be read.}
edit: I think going to the restaurant at night somehow causes the restaurant weight gain to be skipped? Doesn’t gate content, too lazy to research {Maybe I’m misunderstanding an intended feature as a bug, I play in a debug mode of my own making that displays hidden variables over and over though, which is why I can even tell.}
The error doesn’t gate any content whatsoever, but will cause the message stating that there is no content left, sometimes, in some cases, when there is one final scene left.
If you simply play 1 additional day after seeing the game over message (incorrectly so) you will see the finale for your route normally. (If and only if it didn’t already display in the past for you.)
The original code checks at the start of the day to see if you qualify for the final scene, then displays the end of game message warning. My correction instead simply checks if the final scene has been shown.
How does a day ever start with you qualifying for the final scene of this build (without having seen it?) If you only just barely qualify during one of the middle of the night interruption scenes.
TL;DR this is a very very minor bug, but the fix was very easy (although I copy pasted it incorrectly like 3 times from my file.)
Mediafire and Mega links aren’t working, does this mean update coming to the free release, or just that they got taken down erroneously/because someone falsely reported them/something?
I’m a patron over on patreon as well, but I just wanted to say on this forum that this game is exquisite. Such a well constructed game with so much variety. So so impressive. Kudos!