Fill Me Up (Formally "Untitled renpy feedee game") "January" update now available on Patreon.

Okay, so I’m finally getting around to playing 0.2.0 and I’m wondering does this expand on the “routes” that already exist or does it add any new routes? I made myself some notes on the routes for 0.1.0 so I wouldn’t miss any.

In 0.1.0 there was the option to help or not help rin, as well as the option to have erika rebound or not rebound, and the option to have akane diet or not diet. (No other choices in 0.1.0 required an alternate play through in order to see content.)

Is that exactly the same in 0.2.0 or is there another path/option?

edit: I decided to just check :stuck_out_tongue: So far I’ve found that in the mai and yuka variable realm the key choices are to helpmai and/or to helpyukahelpmai which results in 3 variations, and uh, iirc two series of events (it’s a little tough to tell from just the variable names hence why I’m saying 3 variations yield 2 series of cutscenes.)

edit2: replying to the post below this post: from what I can tell, yes akane/erika/rin’s spectrum has lots of new content, but it doesn’t require any additional playthroughs to see compared to how many it took in 0.1.0.

edit3: It will take 3 playthroughs to see all the yuka/mai content, won’t say more since I don’t want to spoil it.

edit4: I’m thinking 4 playthroughs to see everything but 3 playthroughs to see almost everything (because you can mix and match some of the choices at the same time.) This is because there is a check for nene yes/no and erika yes/no that interacts.


There is a continuation of the same pathways with added variations on the girls/new girls. There’s content for Yui depending on her weight and Akanes path. There’s content for Nene depending on Akanes path both in the stages/“ending”. Rin’s content has variations depending on her weight, Erika and Akanes. This is the largest amount of variation in content for any girl(s). Mai and Yukia have variations depending on their weight either together or solo and a variation related to fantasy elements. And any variations on paths that were in 1.0 are continued.


Stage five successful diet, results in the go to the gym option appearing twice in the menu.

        "Go to the gym" if timeofday <2 and erikareboundbool == False or decidetoloseweight == True:
                jump gym_01

        "Go to the gym" if akanelostweight == True:
                jump gym_01

there’s a lot of fixes but I’d add akanelostweight == false to the first if or I’d set decidetoloseweight = false during stage_five_c…


[spoiler]``` e “Chika told me she was curious about my ex and wanted me to show her.”
c “That’s not-”
e “Can you image her with a cute little belly? I bet it all goes straight to her ass though.”
c “Erika, this was supposed to be secret”

            if Akane.selfcontrol <50:
                    "Mind if I join?":
                        e "Grab a slice. We've got an ass to build!"

                    "I'm going back to bed":
                        jump stage_one_menu
                scene chikafeeding04
                with Dissolve(1.0)
                c "Erika! This is embarassing"
                e "You told me seeing Akane getting tubby made you curious. It's only fair she takes responsibility"
                c "..."
                c "Okay..."
                "You grab a slice of cake and hold it to Chika's mouth"
                "She grabs at it with more force that you expected."
                "She must be really into it."
                a "You almost bit my finger off!"

                scene black
                "With the cake finished and in what appears to be some kind food induced coma, Erika unties Chika and she stumbles back to her room."

                jump stage_one_menu```[/spoiler]

this code somehow ends the game. I think there needs to be an else on self control that also jumps to the main menu to prevent the game just ending for no reason (I’m too lazy to figure out where the code jumps with the missing else.)

edit: I deleted this because I assumed it was my fault, redownloaded the game, checked again, the identation and/or missing else is in the original copy of the file. I think copy/pasting it into the forum just messed up the identations here on the forum.

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I have been trying to get the akane feeding route for a while now on 0.2.0, but i am not getting the option to start loosing weight. Is it possible to get a small tutorial on how to get to that route, it would be greatly appreciated! :smiley:


You need to pick

"Maybe it's time to end this..."
        "I've had my fun. Time to lose weight.":

in stage four b event

Which you access by having erikarebound >= 10.

The simplest way to do this is to accept Yui’s cupcakes for erika. It could be done without the cupcakes, but it would require a bit of luck firing the rarer events like the one where you turn the tables on her in your bedroom to stuff her back while she stuffs you.


Depending on on how you code it you are or are not missing an else. Really just missing guiding jump to [where ever script needs to go next], or an indentation error.

As its written it resolves correctly but since the label drinks_with_chika_one has no return statement or catch all “jump” at the end of the label to prevent it from returning. A label can be though of as a function it can return if you define a return other wise its a void function. Each time a label is called you can think of it like calling a function. The problem in renpy script is, when all labels have no return’s defined, they all just return which is why you end up all the way back up the stack at the main menu.

The problem occurs when checking the if Akane.selfcontrol <50: at line 90 of the chika.rpy since there is no jump stage_one_menu for if the if evaluates false causing the logic to skip to the end of the label where there is no return or jump to make the script keep going.

For me considering the intent of the label and the fact that all paths evenutally led back to stage_one_menu. I would have had one jump at the end to stage_one_menu. Writing the script my way would, have resulted in the script looking like this:

label drinks_with_chika_one:
    image Chika0303 = Movie((1920, 1080), channel = "movie", play = "images/Randomevents/Chika/Chika03/Chika0303.mpg", loop = True)
    image Chika0305 = Movie((1920, 1080), channel = "movie", play = "images/Randomevents/Chika/Chika03/Chika0305.mpg", loop = True)

    if Akane.getStage() == 0:
        "You hear the sound of class clanking from the kitchen"


                scene chikadrinksinvite 01
                with Dissolve(1.0)
                a "Drinking again at this hour, Chika?"
                c "It's the only time I have on a weeknight"
                c "Care to join me? For a late night sip?"
                    "Drink with Chika?"

                    "Just a sip...":
                        c "That's my girl!"
                        scene black
                        a "I said just a sip."
                        c "Keep going girl, you're doing great"

                        scene chikadrinkbloat01
                        with Dissolve(1.0)

                        a "Ah I can't drink any more"
                        c "I can see that. You look pregant"
                        a "I- I what?"
                        c "Look at your gut. You drank a bunch"

                        scene chikadrinkfinal01
                        with Dissolve(1.0)

                        c "So did I."
                        c "Hehe, we got a little beer baby going on"
                        c "Let me pat it for good luck"
                        "She pats your stomach"
                        "It felt... good"
                        a "I'm starting to feel the alcohol, Chika. I need to get to bed."
                        c "See you in the morning, preggo"
                        a "It's just liquid and you know it!"

                    "I have stuff to do in the morning and I think you do to":
                        c "Suit yourself"
                        "She smiles at you as you back into your room"

    elif Akane.getStage() == 1:
        "You hear the sound of cultlary and furniture moving in the living room"

                a "What's going on now?"
                scene black
                scene secretfeeding01
                with Dissolve(1.0)
                e "Hehe, is it everything you imagined?"
                c "Maybe... I think I could eat more."
                e "More? Oh, oh you're very greedy for such a little woman."
                e "I think I have a cake with your name on it somewhere here."
                c "It's not my birthday."

                scene chikafeeding03
                with Dissolve(1.0)
                a "Oh what the hell?"
                c "Oh my god."
                e "Oh hey, Akane."

                scene secretfeeding02
                with Dissolve(1.0)
                e "Chika told me she was curious about my ex and wanted me to show her."
                c "That's not-"
                e "Can you image her with a cute little belly? I bet it all goes straight to her ass though."
                c "Erika, this was supposed to be secret"

                if Akane.selfcontrol <50:
                        "Mind if I join?":
                            e "Grab a slice. We've got an ass to build!"
                            ## this block was moved into here becuse it more cleanly represents how the code is flowing and what is happending also it allows us to just pass on the other menu option
                            scene chikafeeding04
                            with Dissolve(1.0)  
                            c "Erika! This is embarassing"
                            e "You told me seeing Akane getting tubby made you curious. It's only fair she takes responsibility"
                            c "..."
                            c "Okay..."
                            "You grab a slice of cake and hold it to Chika's mouth"
                            "She grabs at it with more force that you expected."
                            "She must be really into it."
                            a "You almost bit my finger off!"
                            scene black
                            "With the cake finished and in what appears to be some kind food induced coma, Erika unties Chika and she stumbles back to her room."
                        "I'm going back to bed":
                            pass ##from here the next excuted line is the jump to the menu at the bottom
                        ## the script block here was moved ^^ to better show how the code flows. it executes the same way

            "I have an early start tomorrow":
                a "Not my problem!"

    elif Akane.getStage() == 2:
        "You hear the now familar sound of Chika banging around in the Kitchen."
            "Okay, let's check it out":
                scene image"images/Randomevents/Chika/Chika03/Chika0301.png"
                "You see Chika in nothing but her underwear, taking swigs from her wine bottle"
                a "You okay there, Chika?"
                "Chika stops and turns towards you."
                scene image "images/Randomevents/Chika/Chika03/Chika0302.png"
                c "No, everything is not okay"
                "She's slurring again."
                c "Look at these things. They're supposed to be mellons and I've got barely apples."
                scene Chika0303
                "Chika begins swaying her chest back and forth."
                "Trying to get some motion out of her now moderate chest."
                "What is she talking about?"
                c "It's all going to my belly, Akane. I'm getting fat and have nothing to show for it."
                "What the?"
                a "You're not fat, Chika. You're just a little chubby."
                c "Hey, show me yours."
                a "What?"
                c "Your tits. whip them out."
                scene image "images/Randomevents/Chika/Chika03/Chika0304.png"
                    "Whip them out."
                    "It's not like she'll even remember in the morning":
                        a "Okay, but only this time."
                        c "My girl!"
                        c "Here have this"
                        "Chika hands you a bottle of her wine."
                        c "Drink."
                        "You take a drink"
                        scene black
                        "I'm getting a bit drunk here..."

                        scene Chika0305
                        c "Look at these things."
                        c "They're massive."
                        "Your head is spinning now, you're thorougly drunk and your filter off"
                        a "You like that you tubby bitch?"
                        c "Ah!"
                        "Chika runs her hand up and down your flabby, sweaty belly."
                        c "Your body feels great Akane."
                        a "Damn right it does."
                        scene black
                        "Chika leans in close and pushes you to the floor."
                        scene image "images/Randomevents/Chika/Chika03/Chika0306.jpg"
                        "You feel her lips press against yours."
                        "She's not being gentle."
                        "She begins pressing her tongue into your mouth and you return the favor."
                        "You black out"
                        scene black

                    "Yeah nah, I'm not dealing with this again":
                        a "Sort your drinking out Chika, I'm going to be. Your tits are great by the way."

            "Nope, not again":
                a "Oh god not again."

    elif Akane.getStage() == 3:
        if akanelostweight == Fales:  ##if true go back to menu less lines of code this way
            "You hear the now familar sound of Chika banging around in the living room."
                "Okay, let's check it out.":
                    scene image "images/Randomevents/Chika/Chika04/chika0401.png"
                    "You see Chika wearing her work Jacket while eying herself in the mirror"
                    c "Look at you."
                    c "You're the office fatty."
                    "What is she doing?"
                    "She trikes multiple poses as if to push out her belly more."
                    scene image "images/Randomevents/Chika/Chika04/chika0402.png"
                    a "Chika. What are you doing at this hour?"
                    c "Akane? Some privacy, please!"
                    a "This is the living room, Chika... are you drunk again?"
                    c "Maybe?"
                    scene image "images/Randomevents/Chika/Chika04/chika0403.png"
                    c "Look at these Akane. They're getting bigger."
                    c "I'm getting bigger."
                    c "I'm getting fatter."
                    c "I love it."
                    a "You like it?"
                    c "I love it."
                    a "You know what I really like?"
                    c "What?"
                    scene image "images/Randomevents/Chika/Chika04/chika0404.png"
                    a "I like this"
                    "You grab Chika's belly and begin to rub it."
                    c "Akane..."
                    a "It feels so nice..."
                    a "I think you're even bigger than me now."
                    a "You really let yourself go."
                    c "...Yeah"
                    a "You even have work clothes that fit?"
                    c "No..."
                    a "As expected of such a fat drunk."
                    scene black

                "Nope, I'm too tired for this.":
                    a "I'm not dealing with this at this hour."

    elif Akane.getStage() == 4:
        $neneselfcontrol -=1
        scene black
        "Everyone should be asleep. You sneak out to mee Chika in the living room."
        a "Open wide, Chika."
        c "Hehe. Ahhhn"
        scene chika0501b
        n "Hey, what's all the noise out here?"
        n "..."
        scene chika0502b
        n "What the?"
        if akanelostweight == True:
            $akanefeederpoint += 1
            scene chika0503b
            a "Another?"
            c "Yes please."
            a "Open up."
            c "Ahhhhn"
            n "Akane, what the hell are you doing?"
            scene chika0504b
            a "Oh, Nene. What are you doing up?"
            n "Nothing. I just heard some noise and came out to check."
            n "And I find you doing... this?"
            a "What's the problem?"
            n "But what even is this?"
            if neneselfcontrol <= 0:
                    "What will you do?"
                    "You look quite hungry yourself.":
                        $nenefeedeepoint += 1
                        a "You look quite hungry yourself."
                        n "What?"
                        a "Why don't you take a seat and I'll share some of this with you?"
                        n "I don't know..."
                        a "Come on, I know you want to."
                        scene chika0506b
                        a "Open wide, Nene."
                        a "O- okay..."
                        "Nene closes her eyes and opens her mouth."
                        "You press the donut against her lips and she takes a tiny bite."
                        c "Hey, save some for me, Akane."
                        a "There's plenty for everyone."

                    "Why don't you give me a hand and I'll show you?":
                        $nenefeederpoint +=1
                        scene chika0507b
                        a "Give me a hand here, Nene."
                        n "What?"
                        a "I can't be expected to do this alone."
                        n "..."
                        a "Come on, I know you want to."
                        "Nene gently takes the donut and holds it up to Chika."
                        c "Mmm, thank you."
                        n "..."
                        a "See? It's not so bad."
                        n "..."
                scene chika0505b
                n "S-Sorry, I didn't mean to interrupt."
                a "It's fine, Nene. I'll just finish up here."
                c "See you again soon, Nene."
                n "..."
            $neneselfcontrol =-1
            scene chika0501a
            a "Chika, you're so soft."
            c "Stop it, Akane."
            c "It's embarrassing."
            a "Whaat, you're so cute."
            a "Pretty soon, we won't be able to fit in the same couch."
            c "Be careful what you wish for."
            c "Where's that donut?"
            a "Here."
            scene chika0502a
            n "W-what are you doing?"
            a "We're just having a snack."
            n "..."
            a "Why don't you join us?"
            if neneselfcontrol <= 0:
                    "Care to join us?"
                    "You look quite hungry yourself.":
                        $nenefeedeepoint += 1
                        $Akane.weight +=1
                        a "You look quite hungry yourself."
                        n "What?"
                        a "Why don't you take a seat and I'll share some of this with you?"
                        n "I don't know..."
                        a "Come on, I know you want to."
                        scene chika0504a
                        n "..."
                        a "Well?"
                        n "These are pretty good."
                        n "But why do we have to do this Naked?"
                        a "Huh? Nobody told you to take your clothes off."
                        n "..."
                        n "But you're not wearing any either."
                        a "Why bother? Do you know how much of a pain it is to get dressed?"
                        c "She has a point, Nene."
                        c "Besides, this is OUR home."
                        n "I- I guess."
                        "Nene bites into the donut and closes her eyes."
                        n "So good."
                    "Can you bring us some more, Nene?":
                        scene chika0503a
                        n "...You two are still hungry?"
                        a "Yes."
                        c "We're starving here!"
                        "Nene brings you both a donut and holds them up to you and Chika."
                        n "O-open wide?"
                        c "Aahn!"
                        a "Aahn!"
                        a "Thank you, Nene."
                        n "..."
                        n "n- next time, I'll bring you some more."
                        c "See you again soon, Nene."
                scene chika0505b
                n "S-Sorry, I didn't mean to interrupt."
                a "It's fine, Nene. I'll just finish up here."
                c "See you again soon, Nene."
                n "..."

    jump stage_one_menu

notice how now no matter what you choose since all paths lead back to the menu they all follow the logic to the end of the label where no matter what we jump to the menu and don’t return.

Lastly i would also add that there is no wrong answer as long as your code does what you expect it to do(many ways to slice a pie). It depends on preferences and how you want to section your code and how you want it to read. this also could have been fixed by adding “jump stage_one_menu” at line 113 jump stage_one_menu one indention level back from the line above in your original code.


I just got the patreon version and i have to say that this game is one of, if not the best games of its type. It is definitely making my money spent worth it. Keep it up!


I personally prefer an else jump to main menu because it’s closer to the issue, so it’s closer in my mind. You’re right though, my solution is like 20 else’s and yours is one catch all jump at the bottom. I think your solution is better. But my copy of the game used the extra else because I was lazy and tired of the issue and just wanted it fixed.


Alright I really need help. I have the patreon version and I just cannot figure out how to get different “pathways”. Like with the main story, I’m struggling so hard to get any sort of Akane feeder but Chika is fat route. I know like what scenes lead to it, I talked to someone who’s played more of it. But I can’t seem to get myself on that pathway. No matter what I do if I gain weight eventually I get on the lazy path even if I never lost self control outside of Rin’s story which is kind of mandatory. Yui’s events don’t even trigger for me until it’s too late and she’s fat herself. I don’t know if a walkthrough or even just some advice would help.


I am gonna assume you mean Erika and not Chika. As Chika will always be fat in the current version.

This right here would tell me you either didn’t feed Erika the ten cupcakes required to break her diet, or the other option such as feeding her back (since the other options outside of cupcakes are rng the best way will be going to the gym and getting cupcakes from Yui ten times to break Erika’s diet).

I’ll try I am going to use my terms and not something official from the dev. And I don’t know the code nor delve into it so I won’t have specific numbers for amount of times needed to do certain actions that progress the routes beyond what has been mentioned by the dev or in the thread.

walkthrough with images and spoilers below for version 0.2.0b "feedee harem" route
  • “Weight stage one” is the stage you start at during the intro. There is no skinny Akane path that leads to the “feedee harem” path. Option choice for Rin events don’t effect the outcome of the feedee harem path. Akane will gain weight for three stages past this starting stage. I refer to this “fourth” stage as “Weight stage four” (aka weightup3 by the game’s pictures data). During weight stage one I do all content. You need to be doing enough things that involve food or indulging to pass each stage until you start losing weight.

  • How I have generally always played is doing all content while not over indulging as much as possible as you need a certain amount of control to get the option to lose weight at stage four. This generally has meant for me that I just do all content but rarely indulge in the hot dogs (as this is probably the most common repeat activity to lose self control on). Choosing to lose self control on options with it available will eventually open up the restaurant. Which I tend to go to every time it’s available. In my experience as long as you aren’t choosing every single gluttonous option every time you should have enough self control between each stage to get the option to lose weight in stage four.

  • A normal day might look something like investigating the noise when available. Choosing the option that has you eat or consume something. On the weekend with money available going to do whatever option you would like to see content but can prioritize onsen and then hanging out with Chika. Substituting the restaurant, gym, or run in the park (in that order of priority when available/low on cash/wanting to see scenes). During the week day work when low on cash help out at the office. You can toss in a run or University visit (I would recommend on not indulging here as the hot dogs make you lose self control quickly and the volleyball girls take along time to do their content so probably better off feeding them than yourself. Noted though University can make you gain fast but I never fed anything to Akane during my playthrough here). When not in need of cash you have two extra events to be done so restaurant, gym, run/university in that order of priority. I normally go to the restaurant when available, if not go to the gym twice then a run/university/wait then hangout with Chika at night. rinse and repeat until stage four. Should be safe to chose to eat and consume in all events that come up outside of running and Uni. Loosing some self control during an event is the one that really only matters and in my experience as long as you aren’t speed running hot dogs this should be fine.

  • “Weight stage one” example.

  • “Weight stage two” example referred to as weightup1 by game.

  • “Weight stage three” example referred to as weightup2 by game.

  • During weight stage three you will get the option to feed Erika back choosing, “If I’m gonna be a fatty, I’m taking you down with me”. This event is random but pick this or choosing to give Erika Yui’s cupcakes 10 times will progress Erika failing her diet. This is important and going to the gym often during this stage is what you want to do. I would try to do the cupcakes as they are rng dependent like the feeding scene is at night.

  • Going to the restaurant at stage three should trigger Yui to show up and offer a deal to Akane to feed Erika cupcakes. Choosing “I think Yui and I have mutual goals” will let you feed Erika cupcakes and doing this ten times will be necessary for the “feedee harem” path.

  • Going to the gym after this event you can choose to “get a cupcake from Yui?” and of course you choose “yep”.

  • “Weight stage four” example referred to as weightup3 by game.

  • Weight stage four (for feedee harem) will have Erika fat and struggling with her clothes during the event. (If you have a fat Yui and Skinny Erika you are not on the right path).

  • Around this event (right after for me) you should see an event that plays with Akane and Chika in which Chika mentions that Akane’s face is getting kind of fat. You should have an option, “I’ve had my fun. Time to lose the weight.” You need to pick this and go to the gym. Working out enough times progresses to the next stage here. Picking any gluttonous options can/will ruin your diet.

  • Going to the restaurant will allow you to eat healthy and Erika will pig out here same rules apply work out a few times a day and do all the normal stuff but avoid things that make you lose self control. You can do events as normal even going to onsen and out with Chika as long as you aren’t speed running hotdogs. Workout enough to progress to the next stage and you are done.

  • Example of “weight stage down one” or stage 5/feedee harem path (referred to as weightdown1 by game) this should be the event that happens once working out enough. If Akane is fatter than this you are not on the “feedee harem” path.

  • From here keep working out to progress the stage and you can go do any events and stuff the other girls and have them over indulge. You can have Nene indulge here by having her lose self control which will change her appearance in the next stage. The “wait” option has a choice to allow Erika to feed her. This unlocks a couple of events to feed Nene with other girls present. The park and restaurant will have options to encourage her to overindulge. Do this as often as possible and she will change in the next stage.

  • Example of “weight stage down two” or stage 6. Akane will be thinner and not fat. Event 6 is the end of content.

If edits or further pictures for specific events mentioned are needed I will try to update accordingly and worst case I can/will provide a save file for the stage three weight loss choice or the start of any weight stage for the feedee harem path if requested assuming @bobothesecondtwo is okay with that.


I think your problem may be, in order to have enough time to have feed Erika 10 times you need to have met Yui at the restaurant sooner. If your avoiding going to the restaurant trying to keep Akane skinny then one of the ways to feed Erika which is cupcakes can start pretty late in stage 3 or not at all. Which makes it way harder. The soonest the Yui restaurant can appear is 12% of the way through stage 3. The key to getting on skinny feeder Akane route is all about feeding Erika 10 times, your self control is not a deciding factor in this getting the option for this route, only weather you feed Erika 10 times. Again you can be a complete hog all the way up to the decision to loose weight, at the trigger point for stage 4, and the only thing that matters is the fact that you feed Erika 10 times! Loosing control to unlock the restaurant in stage 2 can be a boon to unlocking the feeder route, because it get you the restaurant and in turn Yui and her cupcakes as soon as possible in stage 3. Remember that the restaurant unlocks based on your self control stat going under a threshold. I guess last is that the feeding Erika a cupcakes scene triggers during going to the gym, so visiting the gym during stage 3 would be necessary.

In summary:

  1. unlock restaurant by stage 3
  2. unlock Yui cupcakes by going to restaurant during stage 3
  3. try to gain weight as slowly as possible to give max time to trigger gym erika cupcake feeding scene 10 times
  4. at end of stage 3 beginning of stage 4 during choice “Maybe it’s time to end this…” pick “I’ve had my fun. Time to lose weight.” (You only get this if you feed Erika 10 times cupcakes and/or carbload)

Oooh I was under the impression I had to be more careful with my control loss so I hadn’t unlocked the restaurant.


This answer is 100% perfect and correct. I read the code. Fill Me Up (Formally "Untitled renpy feedee game") Latest version now on patreon! - #442 by namad

TL;DR erika has to be fat for akane to be thin. (and the only variable checked is erika related)


During stage 4 to continue this route yes you do, but to get the decision no. Nor does actions before the decision to loose weight affect after. This is because the choice sets your self contorl to 60 regardless of how much of a pig you made of yourself earlier, wiping your slate 2/3 clean.


this is easily the best renpy fetish game I’ve played so far, but one game play thing i don’t understand is what happens if you keep failing your tests? is there a game over? because i try to do university whenever i can. and i feel like the game is glitched because you would need to classes every moment of everyday to have a good grade, it’s probably nothing but I’m jw if it’s game ending if you abandon it completely


At the current time, you’re doomed to fail. It’s more of a reflection of Akanes descent than a meaningful game mechanic. I might update this later.


Made sense to me when the line about weight also being factored into the grade was stated. But some dialogue or maybe random events that show that Akane is skipping doing homework or time to be working on assignments to go eat or do other things (depending on the route) might help drive the point home. It could even be added to the University event that shows Akane in class. Forgetting homework, skipping class, leaving early, etc.


i had a feeling that was the case, good to know


I really like those scenes from an enjoyment and theme standpoint. I will also say they feel disconnected to the actual game given that they seem random in context (I know they are connect to weight but I mean time wise) and there is no follow up at the moment from Akane even though she is here on scholarship.

More scenes to connect it would be cool or maybe scenes where Akane is exploring other options. You could have her find another scholarship or get lucky some other way and them use that as an excuse to not worry about it and spiral harder. Or have the opposite happen and have her stress eat as she franticly tries to pull up her grade, leading to burn out.

Point being I do like the grade scenes being in the game and would love to see them expanded someday.
Great work. 10/10 love the game.

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