Fill Me Up (Formally "Untitled renpy feedee game") "January" update now available on Patreon.

Yes that is still the latest version.

If development follows past patterns it’ll likely be a number of months before we hear anything about the next version.

That said, idk how much more story there is to even tell here beyond fleshing out the weight loss portion. So the next update could just be the last one.

yeah… but fortunately every upload has a lot of content

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thanks mate. I was sat in game for like 30 minutes seeing if something would happen lol

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Is there a guid that visualy shows you what the impact is of the choices, like in chunky cheerleader?

Only files, you can check them yourself

So far I’ve been having fun with this game and it’s story. I’m just waiting till 4.0 is publicly release, but right now, it feels like everything flows right.

yeah same, but who knows when the release will happen. Hopefully soon but we’ll have to wait and see


Indeed. At least we can play the game over to find new routes at least.

I hope we get some news on the future of the game soon. It’s definitely one of the best weight gain games I’ve played so it would be disappointing to see it remain unfinished


He said he was starting a new job in April, so that takes time, he also had some family issues

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Their newborn was born prematurely during all this as well so I wouldn’t be surprised if that is what is requiring all of their time.


I didn’t want just to air it on the forum, but yes that is most likely the case.


Ok that makes sense. I had heard about the job stuff I think higher up on the forum but not the kid.

I can’t wait for the next update. I’ve played every branch in the timeline in the game. The character I most look forward to the next update is yui(line feedee yui), I imagine she’ll be the fattest one and larger than akane.

Because yui’s last scene on the update showed that she really wanted to get fat, how much more she had the pills that lowered netabolism and fattening food. We can see how many consequences the pills will have on akane on stage 7.

So I assume the next update on yui’s story is that she is so eager to get fat that she overdose the pill and eat a lot of fattening cupcakes.


Ngl I’m in love with the route where everyone gets fat except for Erika. Dommy Erika and her fat harem.

Seeing Nene become so indifferent and lazy as she gets fat is peak to me, especially with how opposed to everything she is when she’s first introduced.

I know Bobo’s probably busy as hell with everything in the real but it would be great if there were more transitional stages and scenes at Erika’s house before waking up a blob. Seems like there were supposed to be some of those?

And more fat GAMER content! Hot damn is it good


Feedee yui story will be fun. Id love if we could even get a feedee yui on the Akane feeder route. Turn the tables on both Erika and Yui. Other than that I’m excited to see fat Nene and Saya


At least we’re in the loop of what’s going on. So at least we can understand why things have stopped.

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We kind of know what’s happening but they’ve been radio silent since after the release. It’s effectively finished, they have a bit more they can do as like an epilogue and then they’d need to finish the Feeder MC arc which could take a bit longer.

Judging by how long it took them last time it’s unlikely we’ll see something until the new year.


I also kinda doubt Bobo reads thread anymore so please avoid necroing it.

Not directed at any one person but this thread tends to come back up randomly with people asking the same question.


Hate to add to the post bumps but got to agree with @moonslashx, from the way I interpreted the creators last post, along with the state the game is currently in and how rushed the additional content felt, it feels they are finished with it or trying to be anyway.

I’ve been wanting to elaborate more on this but have also been hopeful I am wrong, but from my view the new stuff, while awesome, felt rushed and just an attemt by the creator to get it finished so people would get off thier back about it.

Long story short, don’t hold your breath for any new updates, but I’m not the creator nor have I spoke to them so take that as you will.