Food fugitive! (Early alpha: Release 3)

Hey everyone, /d/ wanted an early test alpha and a place where they could come up with ideas so here it is.

Food Fugitive is a dungeon crawler style Java based text game. The goal is to survive as long as possible. The heavier you become, the harder it is to survive. Your attacks become more feeble and your chance to run from monsters decreases. The endings are different based on your weight at the end (there will also be extra event based bad ends eventually). Currently in the early alpha none of the endings have been written (creative writing isnā€™t really my forte) but the game is in a completely playable state right now. Almost everything in the playable early alpha is subject to change and Iā€™m all for community feedback and ideas.

Release 3: MEGA

Use the .exe or batch file to run the game.

Feel free to post and discuss ideas for events or possible changes below! :^)
FEB27 Update:
Player descriptions (More are in the pipeline, especially for higher weights)
Few more room change descriptions
Mirror event
Turn Counter
ā€˜Controlledā€™ event RNG (Events will show up depending on how many turns have passed)
General grammar/Spelling mistakes

FEB11 Update:

  • Weighing scales event
  • Pink fog now heals
  • Name!!!
  • Text for moving between rooms changes when above 400 pounds
  • Attacking an enemy when above 800 pounds wonā€™t crash the game (Yes, if you were too fat you would crash the game)
  • Burger event shouldnā€™t be as frequent
  • Grammar in certain places has been fixed

Ideas other people have come up with that have interested me are so far are:

  • Friendly NPC characters you can come across multiple times, every time you meet them theyā€™ve grown in size possibly with mental changes too (For example bitchy dom character who becomes more shy and loses confidence the fatter she gets.)

  • Chase related event, if you donā€™t have enough energy or are too fat you fail to escape from something that forces you to eat something.

  • RNG chest (Likely to be 40% food, 40% health restore, 20% something bad)

  • Some kind of debuff that forces you to eat all the food you have.

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Let me know if you need anything from me here on the forums, such as a board or other resources.

Thank you, Iā€™ll keep that in mind.

For mac users you can go two different ways:

  1. Make sure you have Oracleā€™s JDK (java development) package installed (I think it is version 8.#)
  2. Open a terminal window
  3. In the terminal window type cd ā€œto the directory Labyrinthā€
  4. type (or copy from bat file) in-between quotes ā€œjava -jar WGgame.jarā€ and hit carriage return

or if you want to use the batch file

  1. change the WGstartup.bat file from DOS to unix filetype (remove line-feeds) and change the first line to (in-between quotes) ā€œ#! /bin/bashā€
  2. Add the ā€œto the directory Labyrinthā€ in front of WGgame.jar (make sure to use forward slash in front of spaces in directory name if it has them).
  3. Save the new .bat file and make it executable from the terminal window by using ā€œchmod 775 new_bat_file_nameā€
  4. You can now execute that new_bat_file name from any directory (or remove all the ā€œto the directory Labyrinthā€ references and just cd ā€œto the directory Labyrinthā€ prior to executing the batch file.

I love this genre and will try it out when I get home! Sight unseen, I already have one bit of feedback: Labyrinth is a really generic title. Like, I would be amazed if there isnā€™t already a roguelike or 5 going by that name.

Let me pitch you a pun: LByrinth.

[quote=ā€œKostromama, post:6, topic:1193ā€]I love this genre and will try it out when I get home! Sight unseen, I already have one bit of feedback: Labyrinth is a really generic title. Like, I would be amazed if there isnā€™t already a roguelike or 5 going by that name.

Let me pitch you a pun: LByrinth.[/quote]

Yeah I couldnā€™t think of one and just put a generic one up there. I meant to ask for name ideas in the op, Iā€™ll fix that.

Yeah, for me the program isnā€™t running. I get a black window that resembles the screenshot (system32/cmd.exe) but it closes more or less instantaneously. (Running Windows 10.)

Thatā€™s what happens when you just try to open the Java file without using the startup batch file. Iā€™m guessing you are using the batch file though which makes it confusing. Iā€™m on Windows 8 so maybe batch files work differently between the two? I donā€™t see why they would though which is very strange. Iā€™ll look into it.

Yeah, Iā€™m running the .bat file. Iā€™ll try from my laptop later, itā€™s always possible itā€™s just my version of java or something.

Dang. Itā€™s instantly closing for me too. Even after updating java.

EDIT: Okay, after screwing with the PATH for a couple HOURS, I finally just said screw it and put both files IN the java folder and it started working. Neat.

Same issue on the laptop, but after fiddling with Java reinstallation for a while, Iā€™ve got it running. Itā€™s pretty simple currently, but functional and promising! Itā€™s different than the other games, thatā€™s for sure.

[quote=ā€œdietcherryvanilla, post:11, topic:1193ā€]Dang. Itā€™s instantly closing for me too. Even after updating java.

EDIT: Okay, after screwing with the PATH for a couple HOURS, I finally just said screw it and put both files IN the java folder and it started working. Neat.[/quote]

Iā€™m relieved itā€™s just a case of java being weird. Iā€™m glad you think itā€™s promising, itā€™s got a long way to go.

Iā€™m not very knowledgeable on the Windows side, but maybe this will help Set Java Path in Windows | Nodak Engineering

As for linux, mac users you can set the JAVA_PATH environment variable to the directory if you are having problems.

Okay Iā€™ve added an .exe that might fix the problem. I have no idea if it will though since itā€™s something I canā€™t really test for myself.

I really like what youā€™ve done! Itā€™s barebones as of now, but hey, itā€™s in alpha! Canā€™t wait for it to be expanded on. (Yes, that was a weight gain jokeā€¦ Laugh)


Idea: A command to actually EAT enemies?


I really like what youā€™ve done here. Weight gain being a punishment is great, and Iā€™m glad to see more of it. Looking forward to endings being added.

I think if you polished it with some flavor text when moving between rooms of the player character struggling more and more depending on weight would be amazing.

[quote=ā€œdietcherryvanilla, post:18, topic:1193ā€]I really like what youā€™ve done here. Weight gain being a punishment is great, and Iā€™m glad to see more of it. Looking forward to endings being added.

I think if you polished it with some flavor text when moving between rooms of the player character struggling more and more depending on weight would be amazing.[/quote]

You know what thatā€™s a really good idea, and something I can probably easily do.

Only a small update. OP has been updated with the link to the new version and the changes. Most of the work that needs doing is just the writing and as Iā€™m really not a writer Iā€™m finding that side of development really difficult. If any wannabee writers out there want to send me a pm offering any advice or help thatā€™d be really great.