Forest & Fairy

Forest & Fairy ← The most up-to-date link will always go here.

Well, it’s finally happening. I’m finally making a spiritual successor to Forest & Shack after losing the original code to it.

The first demo will be finished tonight, with a fun cabin in the woods encounter to start us off. No combat or clothes just yet, but the ability to gain weight dynamically will be there, which is the most important part.


holy shit, I can’t wait. Forest & Shack was great despite how little there was of it.


Can’t wait to see what you’ve got here. The original was quite enjoyable.


My body is hype for this, loved the original~


Looking forward to seeing it in action!

I too am mad hyped. Loved the original


Alright, the very first version is up! I’m sure it’s chock full of bugs, but it’s a start, for sure.

This update contains:

  • Proof of concept character customization.
  • A Fairy with a shop (free food, to make up for the lack of fattening agents in the game rn.)
  • A fun cabin to explore, with a lot of branching paths, based on player choice and player weight.
  • A rudimentary weight system.

Planned for the next update:

  • More fairy interactions
  • Dynamic weight gain that can focus on different body areas.
  • A fullness and digestion system.
  • Better body descriptions for different weight scores.
  • Bugfixes (always)



I’m surprised it got a new version 5 years later or however long it’s been

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to be fair, losing the entire source code for the game would be a heavy blow to any sort of motivation on even trying to recreate the game. And good luck trying to reverse engineer the code from the current release. Quest is… messy, with how it’s code is handled.


i am reeeealy glad it is here, even bunch of bugs dont make me fell worse. Here they are buy the way, they are similar, but I am not sure how much i need to show (soiler alert???):


Russian text (I dunno why russian while other things are on English) translation: The object reference does not point to an instance of the object.

And I cant get cookie after I buy it

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Usually you can get the source code of a .quest game just by extracting it with say 7z…
(If you’re doing it by hand then it’s easiest to rename the .quest file such that it ends in .zip first.)
I did that and got a file “game.aslx” that looks like the source code.

I’m not good at that sort of thing, but if you’re able to get the source code for the original, I would love to have it.

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Thanks for the bug report!
I think I know what’s wrong here and a cleaner way to handle it.
My guess is, it’s checking player.witch when it hasn’t been set to true or false, cause I forgot to initialize it to false. But it’d be better just to spawn a witch object once it exists and have that track itself.

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I have a question for you guys, and now in the early phases is the best time to ask it.

Do you mind abstract “fatness” scores? Would you prefer hard numbers in pounds and kilos?

I’m looking at an abstract system right now, where your weight score is basically how much weight you’ve gained over the minimum, so it doesn’t account for things like height or calculate realistic volume etc. This way, I can assume a fixed height and just assign appropriate abstract clothing sizes based on that. But I could extrapolate the weight score into pounds/kilos and inches/cm without too much trouble… They just might not be totally accurate numbers compared to reality.

By the way, your total weight score (wait, I should totally call it the overweight score since it’s specifically mass gained above the minimum!) is going to be the sum total from the different body regions (planning on defining four regions: chest, stomach, hips/ass, and thighs).

When you eat food, it will fill your stomach capacity, and you’ll digest it over several turns. This makes for a hybrid stuffing/wg system and imposes a restriction on the player that sometimes they get full. (Capacity will be something you can increase later.)

I like that from a gameplay perspective. But since I prefer pure wg, I’m also going to include some way to toggle instant digestion, so capacity would only matter for how much you can stuff in your gut in one instance. I’ll probably put a settings item in your inventory that you can toggle stuff like that with.

Thoughts and suggestions? This is the ideal time for fundamental changes to this system.


Here hopefully this works

In the file is the source file itself for the original version. You can open it in the code view in quest or Notepad. You however won’t be able to edit it in quest (such that I can tell) using the Quest editor. So your code etc is there and can probably be copied over but that’s about it.

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I’m not able to upload the .aslx file, as a new user (although longtime lurker)
but this problem comes up relatively frequently – take a look at link.

Both options sound great! Although I treat stuffing and weight gain equally cordially, in the case of stuffing there is a description of details that, as far as I remember, are not in the Forest & Shack: gurgling, feeling fullness, lethargy, fatigue; moaning, shortness of breath, belching (well, farting, but I don’t hope for it), etc. I say this because I will accept both options, but I prefer the first one, provided that (first of all) it suits you, the author, and that it will be reflected in the text, and somehow better than just “you are full, your stomach is hard, rounded and heavy” (I’m not saying that’s with you, just in case).

Well, and the suggestions:

  1. Sizes are important! Fat is not only a mass, but also a volume. I love the moments of getting stuck, struggling in tight spaces and stuff. And yes, there is already such a moment in the game. In battle, this is reflected through limited mobility and increase the chance of stunning / overturning (by force you will not be able to reduce the distance between your hips or learn to balance with a broken center of gravity, piggy), and in some cramped places (bullfights, rooms) increase the agility of the enemy by blocking your carcass.

  2. Smell: I know that this is not a widespread additional fetish, but still I want to express it while it is in my head.
    2.1) Burp skill: can be used both in combat and in dialogue for coercion or something like that (if there is a wagering planned in the game at all). It has a cumulative property, with a certain level of jamming, it may have a chance of involuntary triggering, which this may lead to, the screenwriter will say.
    2.2) Body stink: you move a lot with that extra weight, you sweat and you stink, which complicates the already difficult stealth. And when talking, it’s hard to dismiss the fact that you’re busy (especially you, a hundred-kilogram bag of fat).

That’s all for now. I know that this is already a lot and difficult, but since you asked, here it is.


Forest and shack was a lot of fun, and I spent a long time playing it despite it’s incomplete state. Looking forward to this!

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I can’t wait to get home and take a look at this. This could save me so much time if it works out. Thank you so much.

And thanks to darthvoodoo1 for making the possibility known to me in the first place.

You’ve both been a huge help!


There’s definitely more to stuffing than I realized, so I’ll try to pay some attention to that. Good advice.

Fully agree on the volume elements of weight. I love things like getting stuck and outgrowing things, so there will be a lot of that. And it absolutely has to affect combat, for sure.

On the other hand, smell elements aren’t really for me. Aside from tantalizing food smells, there probably won’t be any of that. But I appreciate the feedback!