Forks: A Weight Gain Visual Novel (Cancelled, all assets posted for everyone)

Just finished the demo and im going through like every interaction possible right now in the demo. I can say that i am positively addicted lol, im just wondering if there is an estimated time of when the full game is gonna be released? love the game a bunch and dont overwork yourself, thank you!

Thanks, everyone, it means a lot :blush:

@Aleece Was this with a new, post-bugfix game? Not loading a save made in an older version?

@FallenKing107 Thanks, it feels like it’s been one thing after another these past few months :confounded:

@burntmagic New stuff is definitely coming! I’m still trying to get at least an hour of writing in each day, here’s a piece from another scene:

Oh, Rea. You’re so crass :heart:. I’m glad she’s more than that.

@Onigashima Thanks! It makes my day whenever I’ve made someone laugh, smile, or at least think their time spent was worth it :laughing:

@Markava123JD I’m glad you liked it! Morgan has her own story, but it’s not tied directly to Alex like Grace’s, Hannah’s, and Rea’s are. Morgan’s self-reliant, and gains in her own way. Whether or not she met Alex, her thin self wasn’t long for the world.

@olives_2_1 With my record, I should probably keep my mouth shut on release dates :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:
I’m glad you enjoyed it though, and I’ll definitely keep this thread updated whenever new content’s added! If you see the date change in the thread title, it’s worth checking out.


I can check again but it was in a new run through the post-bugfix version pretty sure.

love or hate her she’s spitting straight facts


Why unfatten it when we could make it fatter.


Nice ! Morgan is my second favorite character of the game and I am looking forward how she will gain in future


I just finished playing your game and I have to say it’s great!!! I loved the artwork (then again I’ve always been a fan of Toro) and the story was written pretty well too and being a writer myself I’m not ashamed to admit you’re leagues above me! This is better than anything I could ever come up with. Although, like many others, my only problem was with Ryan. While surprisingly to me he became a character that I kinda grew attached to and became my favorite after getting the dreamcrusher achievement. Because while it’s PAINFULLY obvious that Ryan doesn’t really care about caketime and Alex’s weight gaining shenanigans he really wants to just see her be happy at the end of the day. This becomes super apparent when you get that achievement because he says it out right that it stresses him out when she stresses out about trying to do caketime due to her flip-floppy nature on the matter. Also another note that I saw scrolling through here was it was also very apparent that Ryan is really a part if Alex’s old life and can be kind of a kill joy a little bit when reading his dialouge as he doesn’t beat around the bush with her and can be very brunt. Now I don’t know if he going to stay in the game very long as it’s also obvious that they’re growing apart in their friendship due to Alex making new friends and becoming more social (at least a little bit). Now if he does plan to stay in the game I can see this going two ways: Either Alex winds up leaving Ryan behind or she tries to still keep him in the loop and stay true to her old friend. Whether or not that’s is a good or bad thing is up to you IF you decide to keep him in the game later on or he just fades out. So I guess it wasn’t as much a problem as it was I just noticed something that might’ve had the potential for more or whatever. In the end it’s completely what you decide to do with it.

Another thing I liked was the vague options with the eating choices. I enjoy the idea of having to choose the right option instead of just go with natural instinct. Just because it seems like the right and/or best option doesn’t always mean it is. But in all honesty I’ve might’ve been the only one who like that :sweat_smile:

As for the girls themselves? They were amazing! I really couldn’t choose a favorite but I suppose if I had to it’s probably be between Rea and Grace. While Hannah is still really good her character in the beginning makes it hard to get attached because you can tell she’s going to be a fighter down the line. But that’s what makes me like her :joy: I’m always up for a good challenge. I won’t think too hard about how everyone is gonna be because I still want it to be a surprise for me in the end! Other than that It was an absolutely fantastic game and I can’t wait to see more! I hope this wasn’t too long or anything as I have a tendency to ramble on a bit :sweat_smile:

On one final side note I just couldn’t seem to get Outsider. Can we get this achievement yet or am I just missing something obvious??? Again great work on this game! You guys have done some amazing work!!

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I’m pretty sure you can’t get outsider yet in this demo. Or was it dreamcrusher. I haven’t really played the demo in a while cause there might be a new update coming down the line.

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Finished a run of the demo and I have to say I am very impressed! I especailly love how different the girls are from each other.

If I had to say one thing, it would be that the girls talk a little strangely (the exception is Grace who talks specifically in a strange manner). I found that the dialogue was perhaps… a little too formal, I am aware that they are all meant to be intelligent collage girls but there is perhaps something slightly off with just how well spoken and verbose they are. Don’t get me wrong, I love their personalities a lot! I just think that perhaps they could be just a little more casual with each other. (Though in reference to the club, perhaps then their quiz skills would be too surprising lol, no idea).

Anyways, fantastic start to what looks like it wil be a great game. I will definitely drop some money on the project later on :slight_smile:

It was Outsider because I got dream crusher

Okay I’m pretty sure you can’t get it yet.

Wish you guys would stop saying how good this is! I really want to play it, but don’t have the time :stuck_out_tongue:


As someone who has been following this thread for awhile, and has been an active patron since day one. When can we expect to see some kind of content update? I am not trying to be pushy, but I followed and offered my support for forks, and before the game has gotten a second update to the demo we are seeing work on a new title that we have seen only still images of art for. When can we expect to see some form of release or update schedule? It doesn’t have to be anything rapid, but just something that can give us a point of reference as to when we can expect to see new content? I understand that some things have happened IRL to members on the team, and I wish them all the best. All the more reason to for me to point out that working on a second title before releasing any real additional content on the first seems silly. @Tron.

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Not Tron but I say you could expect something to be added to Forks in the next 1-4 weeks. Could be wrong.

@RipVanHinkle please remember that asking for updates is against forum rules. Since the project has a patron and you are contributing to it, I would suggest asking directly there. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.


Sorry I was unaware, I will address my concerns to the patreon directly.

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Patron has nothing to do with project Forks, it’s entirely dedicated to Magical Aria, hence why it says so both in this thread and on the patreon countless times

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I’m honestly so desperate to see Grace’s ass like she alluded to it’s sheer size at the end of the demo and if we dont see it next update imma cry


Same, I miss the size teasers.
Really looking forward to how big Morgan gets (and the others too)


Same. It was nice to see some visual progress and admittedly got me a bit more hype for the project with each new update. But hey even without that any new update on this still got me hype.