Gain Factory Reloaded, weight gain factory builder!

Thank you so much!!!

you can use multiple outlet funnels for crafts that yield multiple items
I’ve setup my fries like this

Setup Instructions
  1. get your furnace and fuel it

  2. place 2 output funnels preferrably right next to eachother (nakes the conveyor-ing easier)

  3. Hook the outputs something like this

  4. Add the logic gates to your Potato and Oil

You can stop here and it will work fine might want to slap on a trash can at the output that leads into storage so you don’t have an overflow problem

If you’re like me and like to overengineer the shit out of everything then you can add logic gates to handle Over- and Under-Flow

Over- / Under-Flow Protection logic
  1. Set the source point somewhere close the storage funnel and add the Logic Gates behind the gates that regulate regular input (closer to the crafting machiene)

  2. Invert the logic, so it only closes when there’s an item at the checkpoint

This logic ensures that if there is overflow, it will stop after it queues up the next craft, leading to it starting itself up again once the overflow is gone
When you’re not worried about underflow meaning you’re not worried about production of the base ingredients, you can stop here and it will work perfectly basically forever

If you do however have the logic gates to spare because you mass produce them anyway:

  1. Set the source point of the gate infront of the input regulation gate and place it at the end of the gate-line

  2. Do the same for any other ingredient line you have

  3. Bask in the glory of a production line that never clogs or breaks down no matter what

Works forever!
unless you fuel source runs dry because you forgot to add more drills after expanding your factory by a factor of 10 but that never happened to anyone here right?.. right?

This can be used for basically anything.
It’s even simpler for recipes that don’t need an oven since you can just omit the fuel line

Hope it helps
Happy factory building


Wow, overflow protection is definitely something im gonna have to try incorporate into my own builds. Thank you for such a detailed tutorial and curse me for building so cramped and making things hard for myself lol

is there anyway to add ur own sound fx to the game

There is currently no way to add new sounds to the game, but I should maybe look into making that happen. I’ll also need to add more sound effects to the base game because there currently aren’t that many things that make sound, so not many sounds to customize.

some burps for the goddesses and cows would be cool

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Alright, this is probably gonna be a bit long.

Firstly, the game is amazing. I love Satisfactory and always wanted a factory game that incorporated this type of stuff. Seeing someone not only make a factory game but make it good is outstanding. Usually games I find on here I download, enjoy it, and uninstall it. However, this is the second game I’ve played that made me want to continue playing. You did an amazing job at this and I hope to see more stuff from you.

I do have a few suggestions about the game that I wanted to bring up, and I apologize if you’ve already seen some of these or if they are already in the game that I’ve yet to see (I had to restart because my setup was atrocious because of the lag).

  1. Please add electric furnaces. I’ve seen this suggestion before and I would like to see it in the game. I would highly recommend making it a very expensive item resource-wise, as fuel is an important factor when considering the layout for your factory.
  2. Please figure out a way to reduce the lag in some way. I’m in no way a game developer and I know this is easier said than done. I have reduced the lag a considerable amount by using long conveyer belts and reducing the amount of items in the world at one time by using iron chests as you have mentioned in other posts.
  3. Please add a way to customize the Engineer further. The cowgirls have several features that the Engineer cannot change (mouth, eyes, hair).
  4. Give cowgirls more personality by giving them more dialogue and names to choose from. I think I have 4 cowgirls named Cactus in my world (lol). One suggestion that I think would be REALLY cool is adding essentially a rarity to cow girls. The rarity of a cowgirl determines how much milk they produce and how fast they produce it. A ‘common’ rarity would have bad stats but a ‘legendary’ rarity would produce a lot of milk very fast, hell I think you can even add different types of milk depending on other stats.
  5. Have a display for the amount of frames something would take to craft in a furnace/mixer/presser. It’s a bit awkward to get out my phone and start a stopwatch to guess the amount of seconds something would take to craft especially since some items take longer to craft than others.
  6. Have a separate “inventory” in machinery that uses fuel designated for fuel. I’ve had issues where the machinery is packed with only fuel or items and everything backs up. This would definitely be convenient and certainly just me having a skill issue with the game. The main issue is crafting dough for large biscuits since that uses chocolate so I can’t use my natural approach of using a screen to check if there’s fuel and using a logic gate to send fuel when there is none. Adding electric furnaces would solve this completely but it also removes some of the challenge.
  7. Being able to feed the Engineer even if you’ve already reached maximum “level”. There’s been times where I needed to dispose of items because things got disorganized so I wanted to use my character as basically a garbage disposal but I couldn’t because I’m at max level.
  8. (this is definitely a huge stretch) but I feel like having the ability to travel to the cowgirl resort dimension would be cool. It could have unique ores and crops which you could portal to the “factory world” by keeping a cowgirl constantly fed or something (?). Idk I’m just spitballing and the software you’re using to make the game probably has a bunch of limitations.

Even if you don’t add a single one of these suggestions, this game is still my favorite sus game I’ve ever played. I thought that one RPG Maker game made by Vale City was good but this blew it out of the water. Really looking forward to new updates.

EDIT: I need to emphasize that I made an account just to say how much I like this game it’s that good.


Thank you, it’s really cool to see people enjoy the game this much!
Feedback is always useful. Even if I don’t implement all the suggestions, it is still nice to know what people think.

Electric furnaces aren’t gonna be added. I think that if I added electric furnaces, the regular ovens would never be used past the start of the game, and the later-game challenges with automating them would be bypassed. I also don’t want to have separate inventories for fuel.
The lag is a problem, but I don’t know if I can fix it. I think it’s a combination of inefficient code on my part, and the engine being slow, but I don’t know if I can make the code much better without rewriting a lot of it. Maybe an option to make a smaller world could help, or spawning fewer patches of ores, but I don’t know.
I think if I make a larger update to the game, the player is going to get more customization options. In that case, I have also thought about adding a resort dimension, and it may be possible, but I am not sure yet.
I do think the cowgirls need more names. There is already a kind of a rarity thing with cowgirls. If you are lucky you’ll get a cowgirl that has an easier favourite food, but maybe summoning a cowgirl with another cowgirl should give the summoned cowgirl a buff. (There is also cosmetic rarity, there are 3 rare and 1 extra rare hair colours).
I don’t think there is much point in giving players exact crafting times, because there are better solutions in most cases and the game isn’t built for very precise timing.
Feeding the engineer at max level is something that would be very useful. I will fix it in the next update.


anyone have an efficient build for making dough?

if you have automated fatty grain production and spores production then you put grain on a conveyor at speed 3(ctrl+click to change speed) and spores on conveyor with speed 1(basic).
Should work but didn’t test it

does anyone know how to automate bean steaks?

its over

I never thought I’d see factorio, but making people fat

How do you make a conveyor belt or funnel go into something else?

For the funnel to move items into a structure, you need to place it pointing into the structure and right next to it. You can hold space while placing a structure to place it right next to the structure that your mouse is over.

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Asking a silly question, but how do the logic gates function? On like a basic level. I swear I must have goofed off with it for a couple play throughs now, but I don’t actually understand what makes them trigger, and while I could just copy some of the stuff that’s very helpfully been posted, I’d like to actually understand how to use them. :sweat_smile:

The logic gates trigger if the coordinates you have set as the Soruce Point (by ctrl+left click before placing it) have an item
Wich means if operating in regular mode, The gate is closed until an Item is found at the set coordinates at which point the gate opens
The coordinates can only be set while placing the Gates
Gates can be inverted by ctrl+right click once they are placed, to make them work opposite: Staying open until an item is detected at which point they close

They have a special interaction with the Inspector Panel
You can set the inspector panel itself as the source point for logic gates.
that will make them work off of whatever the Panel is monitoring (fuel level in a furnace / milk ammount in a cowgirl / etc.)
Panels work the same way where you set a source point while you place them
the coordinates you chose determine what the panel “sees”

for a few setup examples look at my other replies here
Furnace Fueling Example
Automation Example

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How does this work for recipes that require uneven amounts of products? Like how dough requires two flour to one spores

You could have multiple conveyors per item. Either having two funnels coming out of the storage or one with a splitter. You’d need an additional logic gate either way.

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You can have a belt that is at a faster speed, so that 2 items will have time to go through the gate.