Gorge World- FatFur TTRPG

WELL, finally got the logos finalized and colored, including getting the proper book cover done (There ‘might’ be a fun back cover that will be added depending on if the original artist is willing).

BUT, Twitter deems the normal cover ‘content sensitive’ meaning I really cant use it for advertising as the twitter bots will immediately ding it and force it to be blurred out, which is ‘bad’ for advertising. SO, I am going to be testing out a “TWITTER SAFE” Ad only cover for future posts with content abstracting symbols with words that hopefully distracts the twitter bots from seeing the actual background and dinging it for what I assume are the fat ladies in the background.

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It’s beautiful!
When the testing? And when’s the DOC coming out~?

I’ve done testing months ago, and there’s a ‘blind test’ thats been going on already for a bit.
The game should release in June hopefully depending on how fast I can get the physical proofs.

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We are on the penultimate draft for GorgeWorld, meaning that we might be able to send out for physical proofs sometime next week, meaning we might make a late June release date :smiley:

Mostly the corrections are minor, a misplaced artist credit, a couple typos, and changing up a singular item.

Though yeah, this should be the ‘final’ low quality inkjet prototype, properly testing out placing the artist credits in the gutter and how easy it would be to check for them when they are required, but also how out of the way they are when your just going through the book.

If I remember correctly, I should be able to make a new forum once I have a hard release date for the book to advertise the game.


This will be the final update for GorgeWorld, now that I’ve sent the files for certification and hopefully in a couple days, be able to pay to have proofs printed. Once that’s done, I’ll probably make a new forum topic/post announcing the release date of GorgeWorld.

But for now, here’s the current breakdown.
Due to print costs and the the cut that DriveThru RPG takes, the price breakdown is this.
Pure digital will be $15.00
Paperback will be $28.99
Hard Cover $32.99
Combos of physical and digital will be an additional $2 on top of the physical price.

The physical book will be 7x10, and is at 208 pages, with over 60 pieces of fatfur art.

Digital will also include a PDF character sheet that can be filled out in most PDF readers (and browsers), and will include files for printable fill out cards for custom items and monsters. On top of a sheet of “XP Loyalty Cards” that’s used to help keep track of leveling up.

I’ve been so happy to share this adventure with you after a year, and I hope to announce more modules and add ons to this amazing game.



The files have been approved and the physical proofs are ordered and are in the process of being printed! Now all I have to do is wait! This means that GorgeWorld IS coming out in July (as long as the proofs arrive and nothing weird is going on with the colors)


Seems like the expected July 10th release date was confirmed.

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The game is now available for sale on DriveThruRPG as a PDF premium download, a physical hardcover book, a softcover book, or a physical hardcover/softcover and PDF premium download combo, which is only slightly more expensive than the book itself.


Personally, I plan on getting the hardcover and PDF combo before the day is over. It’s likely around $40-$45 after all taxes and shipping costs are applied.

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GorgeWorld Release Day WITH color back

Looks like someone beat me to my own release here.
But it is true, GorgeWorld is officially out.


Will the badge appear on my physical copy of the book? I don’t want the copper selling badge on the book. I want the regular version of the book cover.

Congrats on the book release, picked up the pdf and while it’s taking some time for me to digest the rules as does learning any ttrpg I have to say it’s pretty well put together and I’m enjoying all the unique mechanics!

One inconsistency that I’d like to bring attention to though is the “Stretchy” Natural Item in the Sci-Fi list. In the first instance in the Sci-Fi section on page 161 it has two benefits. However, in the tables and references part of the pdf on page 193, it seems to be missing the “Can contain three times the maximum fullness” part of the item?

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Three things:

  1. Congrats on hitting the bestseller list!
  2. I regret to inform you this has broken containment: https://www.reddit.com/r/rpg/comments/1e0m1vv/how_did_gorgeworld_get_so_big_as_of_the_time_of/
  3. “How did GorgeWorld get so big?” The jokes write themselves

On the ‘Stretchy’ natural item, I’ll make note of that along with the various other ‘tiny’ revisions we will be making to the 2nd ‘minor revision’ of Gorge World (It’s supposed to have two benefits)

Second, yeah, I saw it has broken containment. “Unfortunately” its rise to fame has meant it now has the ‘adult’ label (despite being very SFW content wise under Drive Thru’s own conditions and technically more SFW than some other games like “Thirsty Sword Lesbians” and so on) Which mean it cant show up on the front page anymore which…

To be honest I’m not annoyed by via less traffic, but I just want to challenge cause I did a ‘lot of work’ complying to the SFW ratings.

UPDATE: I have asked for the decency of a manual review, cause while ‘I’ think I followed all the SFW rules, doesn’t mean that they agree, but I do want their official opinion on it. And after their manual review, they have removed the ‘Adult’ tag from the book’s listing.


It’s on number one now.

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Oh its even better, here’s the highlights of what I was able to find on the Reddit.


I will like to inform everyone that I’ll be making a GeorgeWorld supplement on April Fools ;D


Clarification regarding Girth? There seems to be room for debate regarding the intent of the book.

The Images that highlight the ranges for Girth generally suggest the idea of the range of 0-4 pips/girth being treated as rolling 2 dice for 1, having 0 Symptoms, and 4 Fullness, and the next range being 5-8 pips/girth. The highlighted area for it is the 4, and the 4 pips after it, with the 6 being highlighted alongside the other 4 pips.

However, when reading the “So You Know” regarding starting off with girth, it mentions choosing a symptom. Because the girth info given states gaining symptoms, increased fullness, and dice are intertwined, it suggests that the range for ‘4 fullness, roll 2 for 1, and having 0 symptoms’ is actually 0-3, with the next range being 4-7.

So, which one is it meant to be?

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Basically, once you’ve gained 4 points in girth, max fullness changes to 6 (meaning you need 6 fullness to increase in 1 point of girth at the end of the session instead of 4), you gain a symptom, and now instead of rolling 2 dice and needing to succeed both (same as having a 0 in a trait), you now have 1 trait in Girth, so you roll 1 dice and treat it normally.

The numbers are there to remind you how much fullness is required.

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So it’s like how I thought. I will say, if there’s ever a reprint or the like planned, it might be a good idea to give a more concise wording in that section regarding it, or make the visual clearer. Once again, the highlighted section for the “rolling 2 + for 1 success” range includes the fourth pip in the highlight. To be precise, by having the number be in between pips instead of above/below, or maybe inside of (which would be tricky to have given how filling them in works), it makes the chart a bit unclear regarding whether or not those numbers are inclusive with the pip to the left or right of them.

…Hmm, this’ll sound silly, and I’m just rambling at this stage, but having all the pips have numbers in them could actually be the right call. The first four would have 4s, the next four would have 6s, and so forth. Then it could be specified in notes that the lowest unfilled pip number is your current fullness. Not only that, but the highlighting on the reference chart would be clearer as well, specifying ‘if empty,’ and such and such. Forgive me for finding a way to ramble, even through random comments.

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I’ll certainly keep that in mind, in the blind reading playtests such an issue wasn’t brought up but I can see how that might be confusing. I’ll add that to the notes of fixes if the game ever warranted a 2nd edition or a kind of mid life re-print.

Or even as a future refresh of the character sheet attached to a GorgeWorld campaign setting. ((Or as an alternative sheet for the “Freebies”))

Thank you for your viewpoint though :smiley:

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I’ve been reading this book. It’s really good! As silly as it sounds, it’s a kind of semi-universal system I’ve been looking for a long time. I may be a basic bitch and play human(s), but I like what I am seeing. I finished the player section, and I am going through the GM section. I intend to read the whole book.

On an overlapping kink, I’ve thought of homebrewing hyperpregnancy as a Burden, although it seems it’d share quite a bit with Waterlogged, and with birth allowing the PC to continue on.