Granular WG For Big Fatties Release!

Looks like a great addition, and definitely one I’ve been hoping for, too. Good luck!

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Kleuxspeed to ya, friend!

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Is that an inbetween fatty and blob size? Because god damn that would be great!

i think it is it looks smaller

sooo, are there more sizes planned, or are you gonna focus on clothes after it?

So i dunno why but when I try to run starbound with this and the clothing expansion addon it crashes and the problem From what i can tell is that it cant find big fatties mod, though i have it installed

did you install the latest version of big fatties? because granular needs to be updated to the current changes.

I don’t know if I’m doing something wrong but I just downloaded the BF base and a bunch of the add on stuff, including Granular. but when I play the game, the Granular weights don’t show up. any ideas?

Big Fatties recently got an update so you may have to wait for it to be updated in order to work

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it will be updated once all the hotfixes are done, until then you just gotta hold tight

Tobias1595’s Expanding Clothes addon is now a part of Big Fatties, so are clothes still connected to “GranularClothesExpansion” or does it not work as a whole?

Is this compatible with busty?

I don’t know if i’m a complete idiot, but I can not get this working.
I put all the stuff in the mods folder, but it doesn’t work.

As far as I know (and from my own observations of course) this version of the mod isn’t compatible with the newest Big Fatties update.

I’ve updated the link with a version of the mod that should work with the newest BF update. You can thank Tobias1595 for the fix! I haven’t forgotten about the new sprites but with this virus going around, I’m busy with a lot of stuff.


You are an absolute badass, thank you for this!

Firstly, thank you and Tobias1595 very much for the work you are doing. I apologies for nitpicking, but I must ask the following:

  1. I have noticed that the busty sprites do not seem to follow the same name order as used in Big Fatties (for example, instead of the expected “pudgybusty”, you get “bustypudgy” and so on). Is this because those sprites might need to be reworked? Or are they good to use as templates?

  2. Would the Granular WG mod work with Big Fatties’ Thick Thighs setting?

I am asking these because I would like to try to work on adding sprites to work with the Granular WG mod in my work. Once more, thank you for your dedication :slight_smile:

I checked out the fix… it didn’t seem to work :T

So the granular clothes mod doesn’t work anymore?

It’s not working for me…