Greedy Gigs DX

Hello! This is an enhanced version of my game Greedy Gigs, made for this year’s Lo-Cal Game Jam. Thanks to everyone who provided feedback, a lot of it made it in there-- particularly the thing about the Y-axis inversion.

Includes a new H-scene featuring group stuffing, with kind of a shared male/female focus, which is a new thing for me!


That’s good of you, not many people go back to fix up their Game Jam games.


Im so sorry but I can’t help looking at the main character and seeing dog hitler.

MC is just a yeen, they don’t even have his hairstyle

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The game was really fun until I unlocked the grapple hook. With a game all about moving fast and being percise, the grapple hook slowed me down way too much and when my game crashed on the billboard level, I just gave up. To make that level less frustrating, I would say remove some of the crowding of grapple targets near billboards.

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Awesome! My day off just got that little bit better!


YOOOOOOOO LET’S GO! I waiting for the updated version for ages!


Hey I wanted to ask does completing all missions with 5 stars give something?

It became clear as I was making the original game that the grapple physics are better for slingshotting yourself into big jumps than Spider-Man-style point-to-point swinging, I tried to allude to that in the new tutorial but it probably needed more emphasis. I considered having a dedicated auto-launch control alongside a grapple-and-hold control, maybe that would’ve been a better option (if a little more complicated).

Yeah, this is a fair point! Some wacky billboard physics happened in testing, I left them in because they weren’t game-breaking in the editor but the standalone player is a bit less robust. I can totally see that crashing the game now. Also, not a great choice to leave in a cluster of grapple targets right at the start of that mission. Those would be a great place to put like a stop sign or something instead of a traffic light, add a bit more variety.

It gives you something, yes. It’s a shirt. There are no secret scenes or anything. There’s a small self-indulgent extra for clearing every mission (regardless of score) & unlocking both H-scenes.

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Got a few levels done with 5 stars to get some nice shirts and was enjoying it but had to close down the game and when i returned to it there was no continue to load my progress.
I went to check the new scene since you kindly allowed it to be unlocked from the menu and i thank you for including a male character even if its not your usual thing. Hope you bring more to the future. Best of luck.


Dang it! I 5-starred every single level on the original version just a while ago and now I guess I have to do that accursed apple collection level again… : (

Jokes aside, it could be interesting to give this a revisit, assuming that the game’s got some tweaks that made gameplay a bit less clunky. I still had a great deal of fun even when grinding my soul out on the aforementioned and the billboard missions, and added to the extra rewards there’s definitely a good amount of content to come back to.

Also, I’ll seize the opportunity to share this screenshot I got a while ago of a billboard somehow getting launched across the map.

Don’t ask me how it got there, unfortunately I didn’t see it happen.

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That sucks! I’m not sure what could’ve caused that. I’m glad you were able to get something out of it, still.

That really warms some cockles, honestly, thanks for playing the shit out of the half-done version of my gay little game! This version is guaranteed to be less janky. Jank readings still on the scale, of course.

Also Re: this screenshot-- this can happen when the billboards land on the grapple-point light fixtures, because they’re technically separate physics objects attached together and the billboard part is way heavier than the lights, so the whole thing can just flip out. I left it in because it’s kinda funny, although it might have some performance consequences.

Also also holy shit you made $100! I don’t think that was supposed to happen, you can afford way more than 5 burgers with that.

I think I got that much money from retrying the pizza delivery mission. Every time I completed a run and got less pizzas delivered than my high score/skipped the mission, then did it again but got a higher score I would get the money even if I had previously delivered that many pizzas on another attempt. Rinse and repeat over the course of how long it took me to 5-star that mission and I ended up with a bit more money than I was supposed to. Or at least I think that’s how it went.

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Great little game. Good characters and I wasn’t great at the parkour but it was just fun to run around in.

Just one quick question: Friendly Lady mentions a secret button that doesn’t do anything, but I don’t know if I found it?

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Thanks! This is a dumb little reference to the fact that I copy/pasted the settings menu from my other game FOOD, and so it still has a Free Look toggle even though that’s not a thing in this game. It’s literally a button that doesn’t do anything.

Hey, I did it again. Sick!

Honestly, I enjoyed going through this game 5-starring everything again. Even the apple picking mission didn’t take me nearly as much work as it did last time, and the billboards seem to be easier to take down, which is great.
The shirts were funny (although that sink dog was kind of unsettling), and the world is just a lot more lively now. I think one thing that could help that, plus navigating that’s hopefully not a lot of work would be giving buildings an assortment of different colors. Maybe it’d look a bit too much like Clownopolis or something but I still think it would be a good idea.

I’d recommend anyone here with enough free time to maybe try your hand at 5-starring everything as well, it’s a lot easier than before and the ability to restart missions also speeds up the process quite a bit.

Here are my final times for every mission:


They aren’t super optimized, so you can probably beat them without too much difficulty.


This is awesome, thank you! These times are pretty close to my own PBs, I think.

Sink Dog is a moving & transgressive work of art by daleport996 on DeviantArt that I have wanted to pay homage to since working on the original version, I did it a disservice by not crediting them & linking to the source! I just reuploaded a version with image credits albeit extremely very late.

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Think i’ll throw my hook into the ring with my own times. Also a video of the times in question, if a visual would help others contest them!

The only one i’m not really comfortable with is the Delivery Blitz, which seems to have a variable path to it, and i’m not in a mood to figure out how to get a better set of nodes to appear. I also avoided using the grapple for the missions that appear before it gets unlocked.

Speaking of the grapple, hoo boy. When it gets going it REALLY gets going in a very fun way. But theres a few things that seem to be really holding it back…

  • Snappiness, or lack thereof. The actual toss of the hook isn’t especially fast, and neither is the retraction. If you have a good ground-launch from something you almost move faster than it, so you can’t easily go from object to object without already almost touching or being already past them. On top of this, there’s an ~0.25s delay between clicking to throw the hook, and it actually throwing the hook. This wouldn’t be a problem except that it checks what you’re targeting when it gets released, not when it gets started… which aren’t always the same object given the speeds you can reach and the quantity of targets in clusters. Further compounded by the next issue.

  • Targeting. Something about how the game chooses what hook target you’re aiming at feels… EXTREMELY aggressive, and in every direction except forwards. Frequently i’ll end up sailing around and having it hook something offscreen behind me, or below me, or sideways between the small crack of two buildings i’m passing by, instead of whatever object my camera is facing that I want to actually hook onto. Some of this can be explained by being character-facing dependent, but not all of it.

Outside of these and the training area hoops maybe being a bit too sticky if you dive into them slightly wrong, the game still feels amazing to just do stuff in.


This is cool as hell!!! Some of these times are definitely better than I’ve been able to do, and according to your video evidence you’re taking some innovative routes! You fucking kicked Darby’s ass, I’ve never gotten below 20 seconds on Not A Poser without using the grapple.

If I revisit this gameplay style in the future I’ll probably just have throwing the hook be instant and speed up travel times. The targeting is something that I kinda sorta forgot to improve upon at all from the original release, too. Suffice to say, it’s doing an unnecessary amount of stuff under the hood instead of just checking the camera direction. This is an artifact from the slower-paced project I originally made it for (see also: the terrible chain physics that were in the original Greedy Gigs).

Anyway I’m very glad the movement clicked with a nonzero number of people, during development I wasted so much time did a lot of thinking while idly flippin’ around.

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